1. The Princes

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Kunti was the mother of the six demigods.

She had given birth to Karna before marriage and her father got to know. Instead of bashing her from the kingdom, he declared Karn as the blessings of Sun God.

And many proposals came to have a princess who could give demigods as heirs to the kingdom out of which only Pandu could win her heart.

When Kunti married Pandu, the king Dritrashtra and Queen Gandhari immediately declared Karn as crown prince.

Pandu got married to Madri as the victory over a war in which Hastinapur helped Madra. Madra gave their princess Madri as the gift of gratefulness.

Madri and Kunti lived as sisters. But the fate was cruel and Pandu got a curse for an accidental death, to die if he touched any of his wives.

On the other hand, Gandhari got pregnant as the result of the boon she got from Shiva.

Kunti used her boon and she got Yudhiser, Bheem and Arjun with Pandu. While Madri got Nakul and Sahdev with Pandu.

And Gandhari gave birth to one hundred Kauravas while the maid gave birth to Yuyutsu.

Not to forget the darling princess Dushala who was a warrior princess too.

Immediately the establishment of dharma started. When the princes returned, they created a havoc in Aryavrat with their battles.

They won kingdoms and made sure all rules regarding gender equality and abolishment of caste system are followed there.

Many marriages happened as case of political alliances and the way to make sure the Kuruvansh doesn't attack the kingdoms again, on the note that the girls aren't forced to get married.

However, unknown to this, the princesses who didn't want it agreed for the welfare of their families unknown to these six princes.

The noble cause for which they were working made people fear them so much and the Kurus couldn't realise this fact.


The empire of Kuruvansh was massive.

And with so many victories, it was difficult to rule and make sure the kingdoms are following the rules.

So the kingdom got divided.

Yudhister became king of Indraprastha, Duryodhan became king of Hastinapur and Karna became king of Anga, the three kingdoms which made Kuruvansh an empire.

And it was spread to vast lengths. Many kingdoms were under this empire now.

Except Dwarka. It was the city of Lord Krishna but he was in support of Kuruvansh as well.

The brown area covers the entire area conquered by Kuruvansh and all other kingdoms are subordinates

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The brown area covers the entire area conquered by Kuruvansh and all other kingdoms are subordinates.

Panchal is included in them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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