~Chapter Eleven~

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The next morning when I woke up, Kacchan was awake sitting at my desk and Dr.Haru was still sat in the corner on his chair sifting through pages of a notebook.

"So, how's this gonna work? I'm supposed to have therapy today, is that still happening?" I looked over to Dr.Haru, still half asleep.

"No, We'll be doing that on Monday after classes." He said, a small smile on his face. I just nodded, getting up and getting changed into my uniform.

Dr.Haru walked all the way down to the common room with Kacchan and I, stopping in the stairwell to wait for a while so no one else knew I was placed with, what was essentially, a babysitter.

"I assume you hate that fucker more than I do?" Kacchan spoke quietly to me, talking about Dr.Haru.

"Mmhm. I hate this. So fucking much." I growled. I was aggravated by the situation.

"Bakubro! Midobro!" Kirishima ran over to us, cutting our conversation a bit short.

"Hey, Kiri!" I said, a fake smile planted on my face.

"How did things turn out?" He asked quietly.

"I've practically got a babysitter all hours unless I'm at class. My therapist during the week, Mic weekend days and Mr.Aizawa weekend nights." I rolled my eyes.

"Yikes, As long as it'll help, I guess. How you feeling?"

"Meh. Today isn't too bad, so far." I shrugged. Which wasn't a lie, but the day is also just getting started so who knows how it'll end.

"I'm glad you're doing better today." He smiled, ruffling my hair a bit. It got a giggle out of me, which is something that doesn't happen too often.

The three of us walked to class together, getting there before most of the others. I sat at my desk, with Kacchan beside me helping me work through some of the work I needed to catch up on. The amount of work I had was overwhelming, and Mr.Aizawa said I didn't need to do it but I wanted to. I didn't Feel like it was right for me to miss out on all that work when everyone else was doing it, regardless of the situation.


After classes, and being emotionally exhausted from it, Kacchan and I sat in Present Mic's classroom, waiting for him to finish up the last few things he needed to before he was able to head back to the dorms with me.

When we got back to the dorms, all I wanted to do was sit in my room and chill, but I had homework. I got changed into sweatpants and a hoodie before sitting down at my desk and pulling out schoolwork. Kacchan got changed in his room and then came back, sitting at the end of my bed against the wall and started playing on his phone.

Mic just sat in the chair, the same one Dr.Haru had been in that morning.

"Well, since you're here...mind helping with some English work?" I asked Mic.

"Yeah, of course. What are you having issues with?" He asked, standing up from his chair and coming to hover around my desk, looking at the paper I had sitting in front of me. We worked on that for a while, with Mic answering all the questions I had and also helping me catch up on some of the other work I had missed. We were still working on it when Mr.Aizawa came walking in to trade places with him.

At that point, I decided it was time to pack my school stuff up, I'd been working on it long enough. I took my meds, and Mr.Aizawa checked that I'd actually taken them just Like Dr.Haru had.

Around ten, Kacchan got a text from Kiri, wanting to hang out with him and the rest of the 'BakuSquad'.

"You good without me?" He asked.

"I'll be fine. You go have fun with your friends, it's been a while since you've spent time with them." I encouraged him, putting on a fake smile. As much as I'd rather him stay here, he deserved to be with his friends too without needing to worry about me.

"Alright. I'll text you when we're done, if you're asleep I'll just head to my own room." He said.

"Alright. Tell them I said hi!" I said.

"Mmhm." He said as he walked out, leaving me alone with Mr.Aizawa. The room was quiet after that. I laid in my bed, scrolling through my phone, and Mr.Aizawa sat in the chair, doing the same.

A few hours later, probably around two in the morning, it felt like I was beginning to go into a spiral. the little voice was quiet at first, I almost was able to ignore it. But I paid attention to a single thought, and it gripped hard.

Kacchan only went to hang with Kiri and them because he's tired of you.

He's tired of catering to your mental breakdowns.

I got out of my bed and started pacing the room, feeling like I had to keep moving or I was going to break.

"You alright?" Mr.Aizawa asked as I got out of my bed and started walking from wall to wall in my dorm.

"Mmhm." I nodded. He kept a close eye on me, not stepping in just yet. I ran to the bathroom, trying to catch Mr.Aizawa off guard and slammed the door shut, locking it.

"Midoriya, open the door." He said, jiggling the handle around.

"N-no..." Tears started to fall as I tore my bathroom apart, looking for anything even remotely sharp enough to leave a scratch, something. Anything to get the pain to leave.

I eventually found an empty hard plastic container that once held little flossing sticks. I crushed it, sending pieces of it shattering on the floor in front of me. I picked up pieces one by one, looking for the sharpest one.

Before I could even find a piece that'd work, Mr.Aizawa managed to somehow get the door open, walking in to see me on the floor crying with broken plastic surrounding me.

He gently pulled me up off the ground and led me back into the main part of my dorm, sitting me on my bed as my meltdown continued.

"Breathe with me, you don't wanna hyperventilate." Mr.Aizawa spoke gently, slowing his breathing down and expecting me to match it. I got my breathing under control, only to continue crying as Mr.Aizawa pulled me into a hug to try and comfort me. I did eventually calm down, but it was a long night.

"Would you like to talk about what's going on?" He asked, sitting at the edge of my bed.

"I'm scared I'll just spiral again."

"I won't let you. I'll be right here. Talk to me. What's going on?"

I went on to explain it. How one moment I was fine, and the next I was spiraling all over a single thought I paid attention to.

I went into detail of the thoughts and how they spiraled, tears slipping from my eyes as I did so.

"I can pretty much promise you, Bakugo is not getting tired of you." He said, pulling out his phone. He pulled up a text conversation between him and Kacchan, and Kacchan has been texting him since he left my room pretty much, asking if I was alright and if he was needed. Almost every half an hour he was texting.

"That's...reassuring." I nodded. I wiped some of my tears away, a few falling here and there yet but I was mostly calmed down. Mr.Aizawa sat with me and talked with me until I fell asleep.

~Word Count~

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