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  The Trauma of Transcendence.

I stand in the ever-shifting halls of my father's palace, a constant reminder that I am the unwanted daughter of the Trickster God. My existence is a mere afterthought, a trick gone wrong. The walls seem to whisper secrets, taunting me with the knowledge that I'll never be privy to the divine mischief that flows through my father's veins.

Every step I take feels like a trespass, as if I'm intruding on a world that doesn't want me. The mirrors reflect a face that's not quite right, a face that's more mortal than divine. I've learned to navigate the treacherous halls, but even I can't avoid the traps and illusions that seem designed to keep me in my place.

My father's pranks are cruel, always pushing me to the edge, testing my worth. But I know I'll never be worthy in his eyes. I'm a reminder of a mistake, a flaw in his divine plan. The Tricker God Palace is a prison, a constant reminder of my inadequacy.

Yet, I remain, a ghost in the shadows, observing the tricks and illusions that flow through the palace like lifeblood. I'm a testament to the Trickster God's greatest trick: making a daughter disappear.
I stand at a long hallway with three doors at the end, but I have lived with my father for thousands of years, I know all his tricks, so I turn just before the doors and walk straight through a wall nearby;

I stand before my father, the Trickster God, my heart racing with a mix of emotions. "Father... I've been searching for you everywhere."

He looks at me with a distracted gaze, his eyes already wandering away. "Ah, yes... you. My... daughter." His pause is like a slap in the face, a reminder that I'm an afterthought.

"What is it that you want?" he asks, his tone dripping with disinterest.

I swallow hard, trying to find my voice. "I just wanted to talk to you... to get to know you better." My words sound pathetic, even to my own ears.

He chuckles, a cold, mirthless sound. "Know me? Ha! You think you can handle the truth about me?" His hand waves dismissively, as if swatting away a pesky fly. "I have more important things to attend to. Tricks to weave, illusions to spin..."

The hurt burns within me, but I try to push past it. "But... but I'm your daughter. Don't you care about me at all?"

His eyes narrow, his gaze piercing. "Care? Care is a weakness, a trick to ensnare the gullible. I have no use for it." He turns away, his back a cold, unyielding wall.

I feel the tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "But... father..."

He spins around, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "Do not call me that! I am the Tricker God, not some sentimental fool to be swayed by familial ties. Now, begone!" His fingers snap, and a blinding light envelops me, banishing me from his presence.
I seethe with anger and frustration, the Tricker God's dismissal burning within me like a fire. I refuse to be ignored, to be treated like a mere mortal. I am a goddess, too, and I'll show him my power.

I storm out of the palace, my feet carrying me towards the mortal realm. I need a distraction, something to take my mind off the hurt and anger. Earth, with its vibrant energies and mortal passions, is the perfect place to find it.

I materialize in the midst of a bustling city, the sounds and smells of humanity enveloping me like a warm embrace. I revel in the chaos, letting it wash away the bitter taste of my father's rejection.

I spot a group of mortals, laughing and chatting, and I'm drawn to their joy. I weave a subtle illusion, making myself appear as one of them, and join their circle.

For a while, I forget about my divine heritage, about the Tricker God's disdain. I lose myself in the simple pleasures of mortal life, laughing and joking with my new friends.

But deep down, the fire of rebellion still burns. I know I'll never forget the Tricker God's slight, and I vow to make him notice me, to make him proud. Or, perhaps, to make him regret ever underestimating his unwanted daughter.
As I navigate this new world, my trickster instincts still simmer just below the surface. I can't resist the urge to play pranks and cause a bit of chaos.

I sneak into a street performer's act and swap his juggling balls with identical duplicates that I conjure out of thin air. The performer's confusion is priceless as he tries to figure out why his balls are multiplying and disappearing  before his eyes
As I continue to explore the city, I use my powers to play harmless pranks on the mortals. I make a fountain shoot water high into the air, soaking a group of unsuspecting pedestrians. I turn a street performer's instrument into a silly rubber chicken, causing him to stumble and laugh in surprise.

The mortals around me are both amazed and intimidated by my antics. Some try to approach me, but I simply wink and disappear, reappearing on the other side of the street.

I am a goddess, after all, and I will not be bound by the rules of this mortal realm. I am free to do as I please, and I please to have fun!

as I look around at the mortals, I realize that they are not as weak as I thought. They are resilient, resourceful, and determined.

And perhaps, just perhaps, they are the key to unlocking my true potential.
But even as i laugh and joke, I know that my trickster nature is still a part of me, a reminder of my divine heritage. And I can't help but wonder when my father will next try to reach out and test me... or try to rein me in.

For now, though, I'll keep causing a little chaos and mayhem, just to keep things interesting. After all, someone's got to keep the mortals on their toes!.

Here's a Wattpad-style post-credit section:




I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Lila's adventure! Make sure to:

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*NEXT CHAPTER:* Here's a possible next chapter:


*Chapter 2: The Fox and the Mark*

Finn Vega, known only by his handle "The Fox," was a master thief with a reputation for pulling off the impossible. His eyes scanned the crowded Casino, searching for the perfect mark.

That's when he saw her - Lila, the silver-haired beauty with a confident stride and a spark in her eye. Finn's instincts told him she was hiding something valuable.

With a charming smile, Finn wove through the crowd, his eyes locked on Lila. He sidled up beside her, his voice low and smooth. "Buy you a drink, lovely?"

Lila's guard was up, but Finn's charm was irresistible. As they sipped their drinks, Finn expertly extracted information from her, his fingers dancing across her phone to clone her device.

The game was afoot. Finn had no idea that Lila was more than just a pretty face - she was a powerful Goddess, and she wouldn't take kindly to being played.




Let me know if you'd like me to change anything!


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