Story Idea #6

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Giants: Fantasy AU

(Kinda like Jack and the bean stalk, or Jack the Giant Slayer movie)

Plot 1: Humans and Giants have been friends for centuries, but after the King of Giants die and the the new Giant King takes over he wants to declare war on humans. Can Midoriya and the others tell the Kingdom in time to prepare for the Giants? Or are they Doomed?....

Plot one could have many outcomes

For example:

Ending 1: They are able to fend off the Giants, and the Giants are never to be seen again.


Ending 2: The Giants won the war, everything is destroyed and almost everyone died. But a few people are still alive. Can they form a new plan to gather supplies to survive and take down the Giants?

Plot 2: Midoriya is a Giant and the humans are planning attacking the Giants. (So basically plot 1 but Giants instead humans.)

Plot 3: a little girl is kidnapped by Giants (Eri) and Midoriya and a few other chosen people are to rescue her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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