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【July 3oth, 2018】

"BYEEEEE" I scream to my mom on my way out of the door.

She's in the kitchen cooking while my brother plays his game on the couch.

"be back by 10 pm, Ella." I hear her call out while sliding my shoes on at the front entrance. I slip a little bit but catch myself on the wall with my hand, tilting a picture of taehyun and me when we graduated from primary school.

"no promises!" I yell back after fixing the picture frame.

It's the last day of summer for Taehyun and me before we start our senior year of school. I'll be graduating, leaving my little brother to complete two more years of high school after me.

I shut the front door and ran down the steps. I laugh as I see taehyun roll down the window of his car parked outside my house.

"Hey pretty lady, need a ride." He raises an eyebrow with an exaggerated smirk across his face.

"Unlock the door, loser." The door unlocks and I hop in. Taehyun takes off before I close my door fully and he turns the music back up.

This is a tradition we do every year, on the last day of summer. We go downtown and we visit this park that has our initials carved into the poles of the swing. Little 4- and 5-year-old Ella and Taehyun carved the initials on the park after we just met each other, and both received a lecture from our mothers about it.

We get ice cream from an old shop across the street and swing while we figure out the plans for the school year. What we plan to join for club and sports activities and how we want to get to and from school every day. What classes we are in and how far our classes are from each other?

Every single year we do this.

"We have arrived," Taehyun said while parking the car. He hops out first and comes around to my side. I open my door slightly before he slams it closed. He dramatically waits a few seconds and then opens it for me.

"mah' lady..."

"Knight and shining armor," I said with a flat tone as I got out.

We walk across the street to get ice cream from our favorite shop and he orders for us. He always gets the same thing every time. Vanilla with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, and gummy bears. Occasionally, he will put a cherry on top. As for me, I stick to my strawberry ice cream.

"what're you thinkin'" he asks me as we walk back over to the park and sit on the swings. Every year the rust builds up on chains and the squeak gets louder.

"I may try to go to the photography club this year. All of the juniors got to do it last year but I was already in a book club." I spooned some ice cream into my mouth, letting the familiar taste sink in.

"I think that'd be good for you. I'm thinking basketball this year." Taehyun has played basketball every year.

"you think or you know?" I glance over at him.

He laughs and continues to eat his ice cream.

"also! I want to save gas cause I won't be able to get a job this year with the season going on and practice. So I think we should take the train to school. I can get us the day passes if you get us lunch."

"mmm," I finish the ice cream in my mouth before I answer "Deal. Are we meeting at my house or yours?"

"Probably yours, your mom cooks me breakfast if I'm early." I roll my eyes.

He holds his hand out as I finish my ice cream in my cup and he gets up to throw it away for me.

we've always been like this. together, intertwined, best friends till the end of time. he comes over almost every day and eats dinner with my mom and brother, and I go over every once in a while when his parents are home from work to play games, or to help him with some music he is working on. 

there is never a dull moment with him around, and there is never a worry in the world when I'm with him. 

if sunlight was a person, it would be him. I've never seen him cry, and he has only been angry at me once in our entire friendship. 

if there was darkness, taehyun would appear and everything would be okay. that being said, he is very popular at school. he is sweet to everyone no matter what, and I don't think there is a single soul that doesn't like him at the school. 

how could anyone hate him?

"Are you excited to graduate this year?" he asks me after some silence.

the warm breeze blows through my hair as I take a second to think about my answer. 

"mmm... yes and no. you?"

"yes and no," he says mockingly, I kick him and roll my eyes at the childish habits he has sometimes. 

" but no, I'm not," he answers honestly. he lays on the ground in front of my swing and rests his hands behind his head. 

"it will be nice to experience new things after high school, you know?"

"I guess." I don't like new things. I don't like much of anything if I'm honest. There are very few people who I can manage to be around for a long time, and taehyun is one of them. 

"want to go for a drive?" he asks looking up at me. I nod my head and he stands up and pulls the keys out of his pocket. he runs up to the car opens the door for me and gestures for me to get in.

"Why thank you, sir." I roll my eyes. 

"madam." he shuts the door and walks around to his side. i reach over the seats and i open the door for him from the inside. 

"thank you, sir." he mocks. 

"madam." I mock back. 

---【authors note】---------------------

hey guys! the chapters without lyrics in the beginning (like this one) are flashbacks and memories. some may be shorter than others because the longer the memory is, the more value it holds to Ella or the more she thinks about it. you'll see in future chapters. 

The song I'm using is called 'Missing You' by NIGHT TRAVELERS. I recommend their songs! I will be writing a book for each member based on one of my personal favorites. I hope you enjoy it!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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