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Your figure was visibly sprawled out on the couch. When annoyingly, you hear the familiar ringing of your phone. Its your mom. You let out an annoyed sigh and groan, "ugh what does she want now?"

You reluctantly pick up the device. "Hey mom," you say with a fake enthusiastic voice. She asks you to get some groceries. She sends you money, as well as the list of groceries that she practically begs you to get.

You lazily get up, sighing, "Okay ill get them love you." hanging up the phone, you grab your purse. You slip your shoes on and walk out the house, locking the door behind you.

"Thank god that the grocery store isn't that far away.." you say to yourself as you start walking. When you arrive to the grocery store, your phone buzzes but its not a call.. its a warning. You squint your eyebrows, "what the fuck? A murderer.. oh please that must be an error.. right..?"

You enter the store, and the bright lights hung up on the ceiling practically binds you. You grab a cart, gazing at the long list of items you need to get. "okay just gotta get these real quick.." you go around the store getting the items that were requested. You speed to the checkout and pay for your groceries.

"Long night huh?" You tap your fingers nervously on the counter impatiently watching the cashier check out the items. The cashier nods nonchalantly and finishes, handing you your groceries devastatingly slowly.

You speed walk home as its late at night and you do not wish to become the victim of another murder. You get goosebumps, having a chilling feeling of being watched from the shadows. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to warm yourself in the dark, chilly, night.

As soon as you arrived to your humble abode, you unlock the door and put the groceries on the table with a sigh. "Finally im home!" You then procede to put away the groceries. "okay, now that I'm finally done with that.. I can finally read my book!" You say happily, squealing in excitement.

You make your way upstairs and plop onto your bed, groaning. You grab your book and headphones off the side table. You lay on your stomach, kicking your feet as you listen to music and read.

You still can't shake off the feeling of someone watching you. You look over to the corner of your room, noticing that your door is wide open. "weird, I swear it was closed.. eh whatever." Suddenly, you feel someone's hands latch onto you, making you gasp in shock.

"Hey! what the hell-" is all that managed to leave your lips, before the person grabbed you. Putting their hand over your mouth, restricting you from yelling. They pulled you against them, and you can immediately tell that it's a male due to the masculinity of their body. You let out a gasp and wiggle, trying to escape their grasp.

They very briefly take their hand off your face, as you gasp for air. "B/N don't mess with me like that, let me go!" You thought this was your brother but you were oh so wrong.. you were able to move your head a little up, you saw a white mask. You then realize that this person matches the description of what the serial killer looks like.

They keep their hand firm on your mouth, "shh.. be quiet" they say. They have a deep voice and it makes your face heat up slightly. They look out the window and see a car pull up, "shit. Don't tell anyone this fucking happened or you'll regret it.. got it?" They growled in your ear, gripping your waist harder pulling you even closer to them. You nodded your head and let a hot tear run down your cheek.

They let you go, throwing you on your bed. They leave your room and a minute later you hear a door open and close. You presume it was that mystery person leaving. "What the fuck just happend.." you said huffing out trying to breathe properly.

Secret Lover - Micheal Myers × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now