You Wouldn't Know

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So hey guys. Let me remind you that I am not gonna continue the sequel to sparrow. Because I have long forgotten the essence to write properly. And it's been 3 or 4 years since I last wrote a story. There may be typos or wrong grammars because I never intended to edit it. Tell me what you think yeah? and all the love x 

p.s. do listen to the song because it fits the theme. 



Another boring day it is.


"Hey, dude, why're you day dreaming again?"

"Oh, Hi Jjong-hyung. What are you doin?"

"I'm texting my jagiya. You see he just came back from Greece--well actually paris--anyway he's going to study here and he enroled here last week and I think he's already here, but he just wants to suprise me. So we--Oh! look he texted back and we'll see him at break!"

"Wait. What do you mean by "we" we, as in me and you?"

"Yes, I want to introduce him to you"

"MR.CHOI and MR.KIM would you please shut up?!?! I'm trying to teach here!"


I wonder who's his boyfriend.. hmm..

"Minho! let's go now, but we'll go to our lockers first or you want to fetch kibum first before you meet up with us?"

"Nah. He's probably already at our lockers."

*at the lockers*

"Okay hyung, you're like a girl. Stop being so giddy, its as if its your first time talking to him -____- geez"

"Minho you don't what you're saying I swear when you see him I might just be in your "top 1 enemy list"---"

"HYUUUNNGGG! Jjong-hyung?!"

That voice is familiar...

"Hyuunnggg~ Yah Oppa~!"

Then me and Jonghyun turned to the voice and what I saw was a very delicate girl and small too. She has honey locks that fell just after her shoulders and her voice sounds so familiar, but I just can't name who it is. So familiar that everytime she talks as if there were daggers stabbing my heart as if she's tae- NO!Forget him. So me and jonghyun (plus all the guys) stared at her with our mouths wide opened. Then jonghyun spoke...

"Minnie!! *tackles minnie*"

"Hahh-- Jonghyun-hyung cant.breath."

"YAH! stupid dino! Stop strangling my baby!"

"Whatever kibum and he's MY baby!"

"Taeminnie~ I missed you and DAMN you're so pretty"

"only for you hyung~"

So there I was.. heartbroken by the scene

"Oh! I forgot to introduce my bestfriend here*looks at minho* and he's kibum's boyfriend... Yah! minho! come here!"

When taemin heard my name and saw me he was shocked

"So... he's key-umma's boyfriend right?"

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