Sneak in. 😶

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quick a/n:

y/n and matt are secretly dating and nobody knows yet besides you two. (you guys were enemies and nick and chris still think you guys hate each other)

warnings: make out (NO SMUT THOUGH), getting caught.

this gonna be short since i don't like writing these I'm not that comfortable with writing these lol.

I hope you guys like this one, this was really fun to write 😜


I've never been so secretive in my life besides for the times I've snuck matt into my room at night. Ive been living with the triplets for about a year now. Me and matt used to hate each other and we didn't really know why, now, we are dating and NOBODY knows. Not even my parents, or his parents.

I'm sitting on my bed, in my room on tiktok at 1am knowing this is the usual time matt sneaks into my room for when he does, wondering if he's coming in tonight.

"I'm leaving now." I hear Matt say outside my room at the front door.

"Alright, have fun matt." Nick says as matt leaves.

I hear sudden footsteps creeping their way up closer to my window coming from outside. I knew it was matt, so I opened my curtains and saw Matt standing there, about to knock on my window.

I open the window and let him inside.

"Hey y/n/n." Matt says smiling as he kicks his shoes off in my room.

"Hey matt." I grin at him as he places his bag down.

Matt comes over to me getting on top of me and kissing me passionately.

Matt loved to leave hickeys on me. On my neck, stomach, chest. But only sometimes.

Matt starts taking off my sweatshirt revealing my chest and stomach.

"You're so pretty y/n." Matt says looking at my face and my chest, back and forth.

I just smile and kiss him softly in his lips..well at first. It slowly turned into a make out session.

Matt moved his hands up and down on my sides making me move slightly.

"You okay y/n/n?" He smiles at me breaking the kiss.

I nod and continue it.

Matt slowly starts moving down my to my neck, kissing it and biting it. This is about our 3rd time doing this where he sneaks in. So he knows where my sweet spot is already. He then makes his way to my sweet spot leaving a small but noticeable hickey.

"Y/n!" Nick yells for me as I hear sudden footsteps coming closer to my door and knocks.

"Ye-" I try responding but he opens my door cutting my words off.

I freeze as matt tries hiding himself in my blankets.

"Y/N!" Nick yells in shock.

"What the fuck? First of all put that sweatshirt on so I can talk to you." He says looking away waiting for me to put on my sweatshirt.

I put on my sweatshirt. "Sorry nick. You're good." I say getting flustered.

"You....and matt?" He says with his jaw dropped.

I try and hold back a slight grin but I fail.

"I thought you two hated each other.." Nick said in disbelief.

"Wellll.." I say biting my nail with a little smile.

Matt gets out of my blankets and laughs a bit. I do the same.

"My bad.." Matt says laughing a little harder.

"What happened?" Chris yells getting up making his way to my room. As he gets closer, he gasps.

"What did you need?" I say smiling.

"Never mind....." he says laughing and walking away from my door.

"Alright you do your thing." Chris says walking away shutting my door as well.

I sigh. "So..we're done with sneaking in now?" I laugh.

"Mhm." He nods.

I laugh and he does as well. As we both fall asleep for the night.



erm I hate this. hope you guys like it thoooo. expect some more imagines coming up i have a lot of motivation rn 👹❤️

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