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I never knew I would end up here, with this family, this home.

To think that, I started with nothing and ended with everything.
It's crazy to me.
More than's...almost impossible.
But it's the truth.

I started without parents and a real home.
I started out with no family or real friends, or even one person that I could trust.
I started with fear and anxiety and depression.
I started with my mind being so deep in the darkness places that I couldn't see the light.
I started with zero hope and real feelings.
I started with nothing.

I have everything that I never had.
I have a family and I have friends.
I have Clint Barton, who is like a brother to me and my bestest friend.
I have Wanda Maximoff who is not only the only other female avenger, but is also like a sister to me.
I have Steve Roger's who I have grown feeling for over the years, and who I have even been romantically involved with.
I have Tony Stark, who, despite being an arrogant ass all the time, he's always been the number one person I trust and will go to for everything and anything.
I have Bruce Banner, who is my best friend now, but we used to be lovers.
I have Bucky Barnes as a good friend, and past lover.
I have James Rhodes, a good friend.
I have Thor Oldison and The Vision, who are both friends of mine, and teammates.
I even have Peter Parker as my student, teammate, and friend.
And even though I hate to have to admit it, but yes, I have Loki Oldison too, as a now friend, though that relationship is a little more complex than you'd think.
I have the Avengers, my family.

But I do have my other family as well.
Yelana Beldova, my younger sister by five years.
Alexei shosta, my father.
Melina Vostok, my mother.
They may not be my family by birth,
but neither are the Avengers,
and yet I still call them family.

I have a very troubled past,
but my life after was much better.
Once I turned eighteen I graduated from the red room,
but was still working for them.
It wasn't until I was 20 that Nick Fury found me.
I met Tony Stark when I was 25 and I was 27 when I was put on the Avengers team.
I met Clint when I was 19,
but me and him didn't start becoming friends until a few months after I was brought onto S.H.I.L.D.

My life started very poorly.
But it's ending with a life I could never be prouder of.

as I stare over the cliff,
I know what I need to do.
I must sacrifice myself to get the stone to save the world.
To save my friends.
My family.

Clint will try to stop me I know,
But I won't let him sacrifice himself.

This is where my journey must end.

But you should know of my life before I die.
Of the events that hit me to where I am today.

So read on,
and know about my journey to where I am now,
To who I am now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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