"i love you"

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Hello I'm Y/N I'm living in Hawkins Indiana and my friends are Mike, El, max, Dustin, Lucas, and will. I kinda like Mike but he's dating El so that hurts me but its fine the only person that know is will he's my brother but he likes Mike so we're the same which is funny I'm in 11th grade so high school which can be fun,  I've only had one boyfriend which was Jason yeah I dated him before high school but he's dating someone else "Y/N!!" Yelled Dustin "What!" I yelled back "just tell him" Dustin said annoyed "tell who?" I said so confused "Mike dude" he said still annoyed "wait what. What do you mean" I ask so confused on what he said why would he say that did will tell "I can tell by the way you look at him you so like him" he said so annoyed by me not telling him "I dont like him and he's dating El I'm not doing that to them and I don't want are friendship to end so no" I say trying not to be sooo dramatic but I was anyways "dude just tell not that hard" he said looking at me like I was lying "then you tell the person you like that you like them and tell me if its hard or not then I will or I will not" i said very annoyed with him and looking away crossing my arms "ok, ok I will tell her later but this is about you and Mike right now. Just tell him ill be with you" he said looking calm at me and smiling with his adorable smile "fine I will... later not now tho I heard hell fire is starting soon so you should go" i say to him because he always plays hell fire with Mike,Lucas, and his nerd friend and I watch him panic as he starts running away "okay talk to you later Y/N have funnnn" he said yelling at me as he runs in the hell fire club room

*Dustin pov*

Y/N tells me that hell fire starts soon so I starts panicking because if I was late again Eddie would kill me "okay talk to you later Y/N have funnnn," I yelled at her as I ran into the hell fire room and as I walked in I see Lucas talking to Eddie looking nervous "hey Dustin" said Mike as he was trying to get Eddie to stop yelling at Lucas "oh hey Dustin, your little friend here can't play the final tomorrow because of his basketball game" Eddie said glaring at Lucas "well tomorrow is my basketball final and everyone will be there and the last time I played i made it and the team wants me to be there" said Lucas trying to defend himself "you understand right Dustin, we can move it to Saturday or Sunday just not tomorrow" Lucas said coming close to me and grabs my shoulders "no I don't understand were nerd and if your not then just dont come" I say a little mad that he would ask that "the bad thing is we need another person is little show off isn't here" said Eddie looking at Lucas like he was about to punch him "I know someone that can play for him" I said trying to make Eddie feel better that we can play tomorrow finals "yeah and who is that" Eddie said sarcastically "my friend Y/N she really good at DND, she very pretty, she can sing and she single" i said winking that him and pretty much asking if she can substitute for Lucas "sure why not I mean if she's pretty and can play then ill be damn can I met her now?" He asked and being playful "yeah, she's still at school right now she's a cheerleader so she's practicing with them right now"i tell him smiling "ok then go get her and ask if she wants to" he said as I walk out the door "I'm sure she willing wink at him before I walk out the door completely  I walk to where Y/N is i walk into the cheerleaders are practicing "Y/N!" I yelled to her smiling

*Y/N pov*

Dustin yells to me when I was doing cheer i look at him and see he's smiling "what I'm busy Dustin" I yell back continue doing my cheer "please I need to ask you something" he yells back "fine 1 second" I yell back, I get done with what I was doing and walked to him, "what did you want to ask" i ask him "I was wondering if you wanted to play DND with me and my friends since Lucas isn't here today" he said smiling his cute little smile "fine I guess I will" i said sounding annoyed but really happy that he asked me. We walked to the DND club room and Dustin opened the door and let me go first. As I walked in I see a guy with long and a little bit over shoulder brown hair and I see Mike sitting there and I blushes out of embarrassment "this is Y/N" Dustin said looking at the guy "so she's the pretty girl you where talking about, you where right though she is pretty, so she's the one substituting for Lucas I assume" the guy said and I look at Dustin because he called me the pretty girl, "yes that's me the "pretty girl" Dustin was talking about"i smile at him and he walks up to me and says "yeah you are very pretty doll" he said and touched my hair playing with it slightly, I blushed when he called me pretty and doll Mike speaks up and says "ok, whatever she's pretty or something but can we play the game" he sounds mad and angry and a bit annoyed but I ignore him and we play the game, 2 hours later and I won the game i was so happy that I won and I saw that the guy was smiling at me and I blushes, he came up and said "my name is Eddie doll" oh so the guys name is Eddie Dustin talked about him but I never paid attention "nice to meet you Eddie" I said smiling "I've seen you around sometimes at school but like I was always nervous to talk to you because like I don't know but your so cool now talking to you, I'm not trying to sound rude" I was saying fast and I was really nervous to talk to him but I loved talking to him "yeah I understand but I've seen you in school to, you do cheer for the basketball team, I've watched you do that cheer thing and I think your amazing at it," he said slightly smirking and with a little blush
Later when I was walking back with Dustin and Mike came up to as and stared talking to Dustin and since I'm the only one that can drive I was suppose to drive Dustin home and Dustin Is one of the only people that like me except will my brother and Jonathan he doesn't talk to me as much but I am the second oldest and my mom she cares about me a lot since will gone missing that one year she's been worried about me and will since I was the closest with will she thought I might be next but nothing happened yet but on my cheer team this girl Chrissy she's been acting weird lately but she says she's fine so whatever, "Y/N!!" Dustin yells and I stop and look at him "what" I ask as Dustin and Mike look at me "I've been trying to get your attention" he said annoyed "oh sorry well what do you want" I asked fake smiling "tell Mike what you told me" he said looking at Mike then you "what did I tell you." I asked confused about what he said "about you know" he looks at you and whispers "that you like him" he said i was so shocked but then I got the chance to say it "ok... so Mike. I... i love you."...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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