Chapter 1

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There's something special about the sound of hundreds of teenage girls screaming simultaneously. The noise should be loud but it's soft to Holden's ears, like the waves crashing against the rocks on shore back home in New Orleans.

If he closes his eyes he can pretend he's playing his guitar on the docks. He could smell the salty air with a whiff of fresh crawfish. His fingertips have hardened over the years, but they're sore today as he strums harder and does a wild spin. The girls go nuts over him dancing to the melody, the drumbeat controlling the rhythm of every person's hearts. Even after the song ends, the crowd remains uproarious.

Sweat slides down his blotchy skin as he gasps for air, his smile shining brighter than the hot lights burning on the stage. He lifts his hand and strums his guitar, teasing the crowd with a mischievous smirk. He makes eye contact with a redheaded girl in the front row and winks, causing her and the girls around her to nearly faint as they scream louder.

"Do y'all want a taste of a little more?" Holden drawled with a lifted brow. He keeps his hand high in the air as the crowd responds, begging for him to do it.

Holden considers himself a giver, so he strums again, igniting the band to start another snappy tune. The audience floods the theatre with their lively applause as they receive the encore they asked so nicely for.


After another successful show, the band trudges into the green room, everyone collapsing on the sofas with moans and groans. Phillium Benedict enters the room behind them, his brows furrowed and his lips downturned in a scowl.

"What in the Hell was that, Holden?" Benedict growled as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with the handkerchief he kept in his breast pocket.

"An encore?" Holden replied sheepishly. "Ah, c'mon Benny. They asked for it so I just had'ta give it to 'em."

"Well because of that little stunt you pulled, we're gonna lose time on the road to get to your next show," Benedict said with a frown.

The bandmates all share a look and Jasper, the drummer, pipes up. "Look Benedict, we really appreciate all you're doing for us, but these back-to-back shows are kinda killin' us.

"My brother's right. We need a break," Holden added with a nod. He cracks open a cola and chugs it down, enjoying the fizz on his throat.

"If you wanna make it in this industry then you have to swim, otherwise you'll drown," Benedict explained. "I don't want you to fail Holden, you know I only want what's best for ya."

"I know, I know. You're the best manager anyone can ask for. All I ask is just to float once in a while," Holden said, placing the glass bottle on the table of the green room.

"Just be careful not to float for long," Benedict replied. "Otherwise, you'll lose what you've gained."


Holden loiters by the backstage doors, signing people's records and posters idly until he sees the same redhead from the front row. She holds his record close to her chest and he offers her one of his winning smiles. She hands over the record and his hand lingers on hers briefly as he accepts it to sign. He tries to be discreet as he checks her out, enjoying how her dress hugs her curves and how shiny her auburn hair is under the streetlights. He hands her back the vinyl and leans close to her ear.

"Glad you enjoyed the show," he whispered hotly into her ear before backing up. He waves at his fans as he casually walks away, brimming at the sight of that girl. The state he left her in has her nearly toppling over as she staggers to her friends who squeal with joy.

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