Story of Raja Raghu

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Raghu was the Emperor of Ayodhya. By performing Vishvajeet Yagya, he hoisted his flag all over the world. His treasury had become empty due to Vishwajit Yagya.

At the same time, there used to be a sage Vartantu in his kingdom. He had a disciple named Kautsa. After taking education from his Guru, Kautsa wanted to give him Guru Dakshina and go back to his home.

Kautsa says, "Guru, I will be grateful by giving Guru Dakshina in return for the education given by you."

Listening to him, Rishi Vartantu said, "There is no need for Guru Dakshina, I am very happy with you."

But Kautsa did not agree with his Guru's words, then Kautsa repeatedly requested to give Guru Dakshina to Rishi Vartantu. Rishi Vartantu became angry due his stubbornness.

Then Rishi Vartantu said in anger "I have taught you 14 different subjects. Then give 1 crore gold coins for each subject. Altogether give me 14 crore gold coins for all the 14 subjects."

Kautsa was a poor individual, so he thought why not ask for help from The Emperor Of Ayodhya Raja Raghu.

He then went to meet Raja Raghu in his court. Raghu welcomed him with smile and took great care of him.

After welcoming him he asked Kautsa "May I know what is the reason for your auspicious arrival here?"

Kautsa replies "I did came to relieve my problem by asking for help, but seeing that your royal treasury is empty due to Vishwajit Yagya I am kind of hesitating to keep my concerns in front of you."

Raghu still urged Kautsa to open his heart and tell him his concerns.

Kautsa then said "Dear king I need 14 crore gold coins to give Guru Dakshina to my Guru, Rishi Vartantu."

Raghu assured him that he will bring back 14 crore gold coins for him. Till then he should rest here.

After that Raghu mulled over how is he going to collect 14 crore gold coins. It's not like he can ask the people of his empire to give him the coins, as he had already collected the taxes.

After meditating for long he found a way. He told Kuber, The god of wealth to give him 14 crore gold coins.

Kuber said "King, I can't give you that much money."

Listening to his unwillingness to give him money Raghu was frenzied. Then he attacked Kuber.

Kuber was frightened by the sudden attack on him. Under the control of his fear he showered gold coins near Ayodhya.

Raghu called Kautsa and told him to take as much wealth as he wants from this pile of gold.

Kautsa said honestly with all his heart that he wanted only 14 crore gold coins for Guru Dakshina, and he would take the same amount back with him.

Raghu said that you should take all the money but Kautsa took only 14 crore gold coins and gave it as Dakshina to his Guru Vartantu.

After giving Guru Dakshina, Kautsa went to his home. Raghu gained a lot of fame through this work.

[This story has been written by the Great Poet Kalidasa in his work Raghuvansh Epic. The Great Poet Kalidasa has acquired this story through the Puranas.]

✧*.🌺🙏 नमस्ते 🙏🌺✧*.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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