your child gets seriously sick when Ryujin is on tour (requested)

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You watched Olivia's heavy eyes slip shut as she drifted off to sleep in the hospital bed.

You pulled her blanket up to her shoulders and made sure that her favorite stuffed bear was tightly clutched against her chest.

You gave her a soft kiss on her warm forehead before stepping out of the hospital room.

Leaning back against the wall, you let out a heavy breath and tried to keep the tears in your eyes from falling.

It's been a long and overwhelming day so far.

When you woke up at four o'clock this morning, it was to the sound of Olivia vomiting.

You tried not to think too much of it, telling yourself that it was some sort of stomach bug and she'd be okay in no time.

But then, a few hours after, she began to complain about her neck feeling sore and stuff.

Her fever was high, she was tired and confused, and she was feeling quite sensitive to the light.

You brought her to the hospital, just to be safe.

And you were met with a horrific diagnosis.


It was terrifying for anyone to have, let alone your poor six-year-old.

You didn't know what to do.

You made the mistake of looking it up online, where you saw the worst outcomes, and they have left you feeling more frightened than ever.

Seizures, hearing loss, even the loss of limbs, or worse.

It was overwhelmingly traumatic to hear that your young child may experience such horrific symptoms that no one should ever have to endure.

And with Ryujin on tour, it was only you by her beside as you listen to every painful and scary thing the doctor tells you.

That reminded you, thinking about Ryujin.

You had to call her and give her the terrible news.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and sank down to the floor as you tapped on her contact.

You listened to it ring and waited for her to answer for a moment before you finally heard her voice.

"Y/N, baby! Hey, how are you?"

You couldn't answer that question.

Honestly, you had no idea how you were feeling because you felt so overwhelmed by the situation.

"Y/N? Are you there, babe?"

"Yeah." You said. "Ryujin, I have some bad news."

"What is it?"

"Are you sitting down?"


"You need to sit down." You said and she took a seat on the hotel bed before speaking again.

"What is it? Are you okay? Is Olivia okay?"

"No." You said as your eyes filled with tears. "Olivia's sick; really sick."

"What's the matter? Will she be okay?"

"I don't know, Ryujin. It's meningitis."

"Oh, my god." She said to herself.

She was glad she was sitting down or else she probably would've passed out as her knees felt weak and everything was spinning.

"They had to do so many tests. I was there the whole time, I held her hand, but they were so unpleasant. And she's so sick, I've never seen her this way. I don't know what to do. I can't handle this alone."

"That's okay, baby, you won't have to. I'm coming home."

"What about the tour?"

"Screw the tour! My daughter's sick and my wife needs me. Nothing is more important than that."

She booked a flight and ended the call, swearing she'd be by your side in no time.

Several hours went by.

The sun was down, and it was the middle of the night, but you were wide awake with Olivia, trying to comfort her as the disease ravaging her body got worse.

The door of the hospital room flung open and you looked to find Ryujin standing there.

"Ryujin," You breathed out in relief.

"Mommy?" Olivia spoke.

"Hi, my baby!" Ryujin said as she made her way to Olivia's side. "Look what I got you."

It was a Minnie Mouse plushie from the hospital gift shop and your daughter's eyes lit up for the first time all day.

"How are you?" Ryujin asked as she pulled you into her arms.

"Not good."

"How's she doing?"

"She's hanging in there, from what they said. They've got her on some strong medication to help fight it. But I don't know. I still fear the worst."

"I know, baby. That's natural." Ryujin spoke as she caressed your cheek.

"You don't know what I read. She could lose her hearing or if the rash she's developed spreads, her limbs. She could-"

"Stop. That's not going to happen. She's a tough cookie, she'll be able to fight this."

You took a deep breath and tried to relax as Ryujin pulled you in for a hug.

"I don't want to think about the worst. She's going to be just fine, I promise." Ryujin said.

And you tried to think the same way, hoping for the best while also fearing the absolute worst.

A few days went by, dragging on and on.

Her rash eventually began to go away, she stopped being so sick, and she began to heal up little by little, day by day.

She wasn't one hundred percent yet, not even close.

But the good news came for the three of you.

"She's going to be okay."

You and Ryujin breathed out sighs of relief from your seats, clutching each other's hands so tightly that you could barely feel yours, just as Ryujin could barely feel hers.

Neither of you cared though.

Your little girl was going to be okay.

She was going to recover and make it through this without any lifelong suffering or challenges and that's what mattered most.

You and Ryujin looked at each other before looking at Olivia with bright eyes.

"Hear that, baby? You're going to be feeling much better soon." Ryujin smiled.

You laid your head on her shoulder, the lack of sleep over the last few days beginning to catch up to you.

"It's still going to be a few days until she's out of the woods completely but I can tell you right now, no worst-case scenarios are going to happen to her." The doctor said.

That was a huge relief, especially for you.

"Try to rest, all three of you." He said before leaving the room.

Olivia was falling back asleep so Ryujin pulled you closer and laid her head on yours.

"We can breathe now." She said.

"I've never been more grateful."

"Me too. But he's right, we both need some rest, even if it's just a couple of hours. So try to sleep."

You couldn't argue with her, too exhausted to do so.

So you drifted off to sleep, one hand in hers and the other in Olivia's as you rested.

And Ryujin just smiled as tears filled her eyes, beyond grateful that her girls were both going to be okay.

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