Chapter 2 "Like An Alien Eating Chinese Food (Beijing, China)" - Dennis

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Mel&Kristina Who Were The First Team To Arrive Will Depart On 4:30 A.M. So They Opened Their Clue, And Found Out That They Are Going To Beijing, China. So They Went To The Airport. Amber&Amanda Departed Next, Then Derek&Fredrick, And Ken&Joseph, And They Were All Headed To The Airport. Mel&Kristina, And Derek&Fredrick Checked In At The 9:30 A.M. Flight While Amber&Amanda, And Ken&Joseph Checked In At The 10:30 A.M. Flight. 30 Minutes Later, Allie&Dennis Departed, Then Coco&Sam , Kate&Joana, And Simon&Jennifer, And Made Their Way To The Airport. Allie&Dennis Made It To The 9:30 A.M. Flight As Well As Simon&Jennifer While Kate&Joana Made It To The 10:30 A.M. Flight, And Coco&Sam Made It To The 12:00 Noon Flight. 45 Minutes Later, Lany&Brent, And Jared&Mincy Departed. Lany&Brent Made It To The 10:30 A.M. Flight While Jared&Mincy Made It To The 12:00 Noon Flight. To Sum It Up, Flight 1 Includes Mel&Kristina, Derek&Fredrick, Allie&Dennis, And Simon&Jennifer Which Will Depart On 9:30 A.M. Flight 2 Includes Amber&Amanda, Ken&Joseph, Kate&Joana, And Lany&Brent Which Will Depart On 10:30 AM. Lastly, Flight 3 Includes Coco&Sam, And Jared&Mincy Which Will Depart On 12:00 Noon. It Will Take About 12 Hours To Arrive In Beijing. Flight 1 Arrived, And Made Their Way By Taxi To A Temple. When Teams Arrived In There, They Noticed That They Have To Wait Until 8:00 A.M., Because That’s The Time The Temple Opens. Flight 3 Arrived First Than Flight 2 , So The Teams In That Flight Made Their Way To The Temple. Flight 3 Got A 30 Min Flight Delay Due To The Plane’s Engine. The Flight Touchdown, And The Teams In That Flight Made Their Way To The Temple, And Told The Teams That Their Flight Got Delayed.  When It Was Time, The Monk Came, And Hand Them Their Next Clue. It Was A Roadblock.

Roadblock: Who’s Too Exotic?

-One team member must eat local delicacies like fried scorpion, cockroaches, termites, and starfish. Once the team member finished eating, a customer will hand them their next clue.

So Teams Made Their Way To Donghuamen Night Market, And Coco, Lany Fredrick, Dennis, Mincy, Joana, Kristina, Simon, Ken, And Amber Decided To Do The Roadblock. Dennis, Simon, Ken, And Fredrick Went Through Their Guts, And Was Able To Finish The Task Fast, And They Are Off To An Archway Together With Their Partner. Amanda, Lany, And Coco Were Having A Slow Start, But Mincy, Joana  And Kristina Didn’t Eat A Delicacy Yet.  Simon&Jennifer Arrived First On The Archway Followed By Allie&Dennis, Then Ken&Joseph While Derek&Fredrick Got Lost. They Opened The Clue, And It Was A Detour.

Detour: Dragon or Panda

Dragon: Require teams to join a Dragon boat race. Teams must beat the other Dragon boat race team. Once they beat the other team, a Dragon boat racer will hand them their next clue.

Panda: Require teams to earn much money to fill a cup as a panda mascot. Once they fill the cup with enough money, a mascot will hand them their next clue.

Simon&Jennifer, Allie&Dennis, And Ken&Joseph All Picked The Dragon Detour. In The Roadblock, Amber Was Able To Finish The Roadblock, So She, And Amanda Were Off To The Archway. Simon&Jennifer, Allie&Dennis, And Ken&Joseph Were On The Boat, And Began Racing. Amber&Amanda Arrived At The Archway As Well As Derek&Fredrick. Both Of Them Chose Dragon. Coco&Lany Finished The Roadblock, And They Were Off With Their Partner To The Archway While Kristina, Joana, And Mincy Are Still Struggling. Simon&Jennifer, And Allie&Dennis Were Able To Defeat The Opposing Team, And They’re Making Their Way To The Pit Stop, However Ken&Joseph Failed, And They Decided To Do Panda. Amber&Amanda, And Derek&Fredrick Were In Their Boats, And Began Racing. Coco&Sam, And Lany&Brent Arrived At The Archway, And Both Of Them Decided To Do The Dragon Task. Ken&Joseph Arrived At A Street, Dressed As Panda’s, And Started To Earn Money. Finally, Kristina Finished The Roadblock, Then Mincy, And Lastly, Joana, And They Are All Headed To The Archway With Their Partner. Simon&Jennifer Arrived At The Pit Stop First, However They Didn’t Know That Allie&Dennis Were Rushing Their Way To The Mat. Allie&Dennis Were Team  #1, And Won US$5,000 Each. Simon&Jennifer Were Team #2. Amber&Amanda, And Derek&Fredrick Failed The Detour As Well As Coco&Sam, And Lany&Brent, And They Did It Again. Mel&Kristina, Jared&Mincy, And Kate&Joana Arrived At The Archway, And All Of Them Except For Kate&Joana Picked Dragon While Kate&Joana Picked Panda. Luckily, Ken&Joseph Earned Enough Money Quickly To Fill Their Cup. They Got Their Clue, And Were Headed To The Pit Stop. They Placed 3rd. Amber&Amanda, And Derek&Fredrick Finally Finished The Detour, And They Were Making Their Way To The Pit Stop, However Coco&Sam, And Lany&Brent Failed Again, And Decided To Do The Panda Task. Mel&Kristina, And Jared&Mincy Were On Their Boats, And Started Racing. Later On, Both Of Them Finished, And Were Making Their Way To The Pit Stop. Amber&Amanda Arrived At The Pit Stop, And They Were Team #4. Derek& Fredrick Then Arrived, And Were Team #5. At The Panda Task, Kate&Joana Are Having A Hard Time Getting Some Money, And They See Coco&Sam, And Lany&Brent. Mel&Kristina, And Jared&Mincy Defeated The Opposing Team, And Were Making Their Way To The Pit Stop. Mel&Kristina Made It First, And Were Team #6. Jared&Mincy Were Behind Them, And Were Team #7. Finally, Kate&Joana Finished The Detour, And Were Headed To The Pit Stop. Coco&Sam, And Lany&Brent Were Struggling So Much In The Detour, And Lany&Brent Decided To Go Back To The Dragon Task While Coco&Sam Remained In The Panda Task. Kate&Joana Arrived At The Pit Stop, And Were Team #8. Jared&Mincy Went Back To Their Boats, And Began Racing Again. Later On, They Defeated The Opposing Team, And Were Making Their Way To The Pit Stop While Coco&Sam Were Halfway Through. Jared&Mincy Arrived At The Pit Stop, And Were Team #9. Finally, Coco&Sam Finished The Detour, Made Their  Way To The Pit Stop, And Stepped On The Mat. KC Said, “Coco&Sam, You Are The Last Team To Arrive, But I Am So Pleased To Tell You That This Is A Non-elimination  Leg, And You Are Still In The Race, However If You Did Not Make It To The Top 3 Teams In The Next, You Will Receive A 3 Hour Penalty.” – (No Speed Bumps Yet This Season). Coco: We Are Gonna Kick Butt Next Leg!

In The Next Leg Of The Race:

Teams Arrived In India. Allie: India Is Forever India. Teams Transport Cattles. Joana: Can We Just Transport These Things Individually? I’m Freaking Out! While Coco&Sam Tries Catch Up. Sam: It’s Now, Or Never Coco. Amber&Amanda Gets Dirty. Amanda: Ugh! It’s Cow Manure!

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