Shaena&Karla Who Were The First Team To Arrive Will Depart On 8:34 A.M. They Opened Their Clue, And They Found Out That They’re Flying To Havana, Cuba, So They Made Their Way To The Airport. 20 Minutes Later, Luke&Lucas, And Baron&Jane Departed. 45 Minutes Later, Angel&Stephanie Departed, And Made Their Way To The Airport. All Teams Are In The Same Flight Which Will Depart On 11:12 A.M., And Will Be Arriving In Havana On 8:11 P.M. It Will Take 8 Hours, And 59 Minutes To Fly To Havana From Asunción. While Waiting For Their Flight To Depart, Shaena&Karla Made A Plan With Baron&Jane, And Angel&Stephanie That If They Will Work Together, They Will Make It To The Top 3, Because Luke&Lucas Is Their Biggest Competition. Teams Arrived In Havana, And Made Their Way To A Library. Teams Arrived At The Library; However They Need To Wait Until 6:00 A.M. For The Library To Open. It Was 6:00, The Library Opens, Teams Got Their Clue, And Made Their Way To A Beach. Teams Arrived In The Beach, And It Was A Roadblock.
Roadblock: Who Don’t Want Tricks?
-One team member must transport 10 kayaks to a shore 3 km away, but team members must identify that he/she must bring 2 kayaks along the way that’s why there are 11 kayaks, so that they still have the kayak to ride going back. Once all kayaks are delivered, they will receive their next clue.
Baron, Lucas, Stephanie, And Shaena Decided To Do The Roadblock. Baron, Stephanie, And Shaena Team Up, And Got A Kayak Each, And Started Paddling, While Lucas Got 2 Kayaks, And Started Paddling. After Some Time, Baron, Stephanie, And Shaena Arrived To The Shore, However They How To Go Back. They Then Saw Lucas With 2 Kayaks, And They Made Mistake, So They Went Back To The Beach, While Lucas Delivered A Kayak Already. Baron, Stephanie, And Shaena Finally Got 2 Kayaks, And Started Paddling, While Lucas Will Be Delivering His Second Kayak. After About 2 Hours, Lucas Finished The Roadblock First, And Made His Way With His Teammate To A Market. Luke&Lucas Arrived At The Market, And It Was A Second Roadblock.
Roadblock: Who Smells The Odor Of The Sea?
Note: If You Did The Other Roadblock, Your Partner Must Do This One!
-One team member must count the number of fish in a barrel. Once they got the answer of 762, they will receive their next clue.
Luke Was Required To Do It, So He Started Counting Fishes. Baron Finished His Roadblock, So He Made His Way With Jane To A Market. Stephanie, And Shaena Then Finished Their Roadblock, So They Made Their Way To A Market With Their Partners. Baron&Jane Arrived At The Market, And Jane Was Required To Do The Roadblock, So She Started Counting, Slowly, Because She Was Disgusted. Angel&Stephanie, And Shaena&Karla Arrived At The Market, And Angel, And Karla Were Required To Do The Roadblock, So They Started Counting, Slowly Too. After Numerous Tries, Luke Finally Got The Right Answer, And Made His Way To The Pit Stop. They Then Arrive, And Were Team #1, And Got US$10, 000 Each. After Several Hours, Karla, And Angel Finished Their Roadblock, And Made Their Way To The Pit Stop. Later On, Jane Finished, And Made Her Way To The Pit Stop Too. Shaena&Karla Arrived, And Were Team #2. Angel&Stephanie Then Arrive, And Stepped On The Mat, And Were Declared Team #3. Later On, Baron&Jane Arrived, And Stepped On The Mat. KC: Baron&Jane, You Are The Last Team To Arrive. Jane: Damn It! KC: And Guys, I’m Sorry To Tell You That You’ve Both Been Eliminated From This Race. Baron: Ugh! I Hate This! So Disappointing! Jane: At Least We Had Fun Overall! Baron: Yeah!
In The Last Leg Of The Race:
Rika&Lenny, Bridget&Maxine, Jeldy&Rito, Ras&J.R., Hanna&Paul, Stella&Marybeth, Trisha&Josefina, Ray&Angie, Baron&Jane, I’m Sorry To Tell You That You Have Both Been Eliminated From This Race.
9 Teams Fell Down. And As Teams Faces Texas’ Lifestyle
Stephanie: Damn It Angel! So Frickin’ Close! Angel: I Know!
Luke: Ughhh!!! It Was An Inch Close!
Shaena Was A Clueless Observant.
Shaena: I’m Sorry Karla, I Really Don’t Know! Karla: Just Try, And Try All Over Again! Shaena: This Is Embarrassingly Bad!
KC's The Amazing Race
AdventureInspired By My Favorite TV Show.....The Amazing Race. Hosted By One Of My Favorite Hosts....Phil Keoghan :)) Sorry For The Grammatical Errors :)