Chapter 1

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Operation Silver Nightmare, an Operation Runestone Thriller

Chapter 1

0325, East of Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

When the missile hit, they felt the shockwave as a part of the village burst into flames. A few seconds later the woods became their own worst nightmare as their cover turned into shrapnel. The man next to him made a gurgling sound, turning around, Konstantin saw a large piece of wood in the man's throat.

"Jackals, get out of the forest and begin your assault."

"You do not command us Chimera. But orders from our superiors made this plan. So, we will accomplish it." The Jackal commander said

The Jackal PMCs began their assault and were about 300 meters away when another loud explosion rocked the earth. Sending piles of dirt and the smell of burning flesh caked the air.

0330, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

The leader of the CDF-SSO unit codenamed Eagle 1-1 looked at the two contractors. Nodding at them for their professionalism. He hoped his unit could be as effective as them. Raised his suppressed AK 105 at a hostile and shot him three times. Twice in the chest and once in the face. The bloody mess of a man fell to the ground. He fired an extra round at the downed enemy to make sure he wouldn't get back up. You could never be too sure with these guys.

Gunfire engulfed the small village as the insurgents ran towards makeshift defense works. It didn't help them. The SC operators pushed forward like demons. Blowing away the faces of the hostiles. Reaching the center of the village, he saw the burning barracks. Mangled and charred men lay on the ground dead. Shock is evident on their faces. He saw the SC team leader voice a command. It was time to breach the church and find their HVT, dead or alive.

0335, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

The elite blackcell operators put the explosive device on the door and detonated it. Chucks of splintered wood went flying. One of the Spetsnaz Commandos rushed in and was gunned down by a PKM before 9-1 gave the go-ahead.

"9-2 toss a bang in the room."

The man known as 9-2 prepped his flashbang grenade and tossed it in the room. A loud pop was heard a few seconds later, and shouts and cursing were heard. 9-1 shot a guy in the face and neck. While 9-2 came in and shot someone else. The entire element rushed into the church and the gunfire inside ceased. They began to quickly SSE the church while part of the elite commando unit provided security. Looking at one of the bodies, he pulled out a picture and saw the dead HVT. The shock on his face at being killed.

"Oxide, this is Disciple 9-1. We have a positive ID on Yegorov Foma. He's been checked off the board."

His headphones buzzed with the response.

"Oxide copy's all. Good work Disciple. Get any Intel and get out." The person at the tactical operations center said.

0340, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

When the Chimera Contractors entered the village. They were met by a hail of gunfire as 5.56 and 7.62 rounds flew overhead. Konstantin cursed, he knew their former Western partners were attacking the Ultranationalists. But now they couldn't get to their objective. He argued with his superiors that they should have brought a BTR. But they only had ten of them left. He shouted as loud as he could to get his PKM gunner to fire on an enemy position. The man ran into a two-story house and proceeded to quickly clear it with his battle buddy. Radioing that it was clear. Getting into position, he rained a hail of gunfire toward the enemy. He could see puffs of blood and smoke. He ordered his men to move up.

0345, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

The Ultranationalists were pinned between the CDF and their American Dogs and the Russian Traitors. Didn't they realize that they were trying to make Russia strong again? That what they were doing was in their best interest. No matter, anyone who was a threat to the ultranationalist movement needed to be dealt with immediately. All around him, Valentine was firing his AK, he saw the men next to him fall dead. One was almost cut in half. As the hostile forces closed in, he grabbed a grenade. Pulling the pin he was going to throw it but was hit by a round in the arm. The small explosive dropped and blew up his position.

0350, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

Using the battle between the Russian PMCs and Ultranationalists as a distraction. The members of D Troop and the CDF-SSO team made it into the courtyard. They got laptops and files from the headquarters building. Hopefully, the Intel geeks will be able to get useful information. Disciple 9-1 looked at the chaos that surrounded them. Bloody bodies on the ground and the smell of burnt flesh permeated the air. As the operators got further from the courtyard of the church into the main area of the village, they noticed that gunfire stopped. 9-1 looked around and clicked his radio on.

"Stay on your toes and shoot on site."

Everyone responded with a quiet but audible affirmative. One of the CDF guys raised his rifle to his shoulder and all hell broke loose.

0355, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

Spotting the Shadows and CDF personnel, the Chimera contractors began to fire at them. They hit one of the CDF-SSO personnel, who took multiple rounds. The enemies scattered and took positions. Seeing a CDF guy pull his buddy to cover, Konstantin fired his HK G36K. Sending a NATO 5.56 round to the man's face. The guy crumpled down to the ground bleeding out. He felt the shockwave of a fragmentation grenade. Three of his men were thrown around by the force of the blast. His other men were being killed, as he saw the contractors move towards his position. He shot another CDF guy and began to reload his weapon. As he got up to fire more rounds, he felt a thwack. He felt blood and realized what had happened. Beginning to lose consciousness, he dropped to the ground dead.

0400, Inside Uzda, Republic of Chernarus, January 6th, 2024

After dealing with all the Russians in the area. They regrouped in the center of the town. Four CDF-SSO guys died and a few had minor injuries. But the mission was complete and that's all that mattered to the members of Shadow Company's Disciple Troop. Disciple 9-1 looked back at the destroyed village, and for a moment hoped that this raid meant something. That the losses and intelligence gained would mean something. But it was too early to tell. He remembered fighting in Afghanistan as a member of CAG. That country is now under Taliban rule and everything he did there was for nothing. But in the end, all that matters now is a paycheck. Now he just needed to inform TOC on the situation.

"Oxide, this is Disciple 9-1. We're leaving the X. Four CDF members are KIA."

"This is Oxide, we copy all. Get to the rally point. Oxide out."

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