7 A.M.

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"My love, what on earth are you doing?"


Autumn had been upstairs resting in bed, hoping for a lazy Saturday morning lie-in. She'd woken up to Winter attempting to quietly slide out of bed, trying not to wake her.

This wasn't the first time he had tried this. Before he moved in, nearly every time she'd had him stay overnight, Winter would wake up before her. She wondered if he was uncomfortable or wanted to try to leave and evade confronting her about doing so. The first few times, she was afraid he'd be doing just that - trying to sneak out without her noticing. She would lie there ever so still, panicking silently while he rummaged around in the bathroom, only for him to return right back to the bed a few moments later. Every time, without fail, he would snake his arm under her head and pull her closer into him, leaving a delicate kiss in her hair before falling back to sleep.

Now, just a few weeks after moving in, Winter was regularly the one to sleep in. Only a couple times did he have to wake up before Autumn due to taking the early shift in the nursery, and on those days, he still tried to sneak out of bed without waking her. He failed every time. It was almost impossible to not wake her from her sleep that way. But she'd never tell him.

It was a Saturday, though, so she wasn't entirely sure why, not only had he gotten up before her, he had gone downstairs after stopping at the bathroom rather than coming back to bed with her.

Autumn stretched and yawned, internally mourning the loss of the morning cuddles she'd hoped for as she rolled into the warmth left in the bed by Winter. She reached forward to grab his phone from his nightstand. In one swift motion, she pulled it off the charger and into her field of view, and the brightness of the screen flashed in her eyes causing her to recoil underneath the dark refuge of the covers.

6:52 A.M.

Her brow, already drawn in as she squinted her eyes in the light of the phone screen, knitted even further in confusion. It was much too early for him to want to be awake on a Saturday. But his phone was still here. He wasn't going anywhere. Upon realizing this, she chose to ignore the odd situation, dropping the phone beside herself before wrapping up tightly in the covers on Winter's side of the bed. They smelled like him. A familiar comfort washed over her as she allowed herself to drift off back to sleep.

Only seconds later, a chorus of astringent clangs sounded from downstairs, causing Autumn to jump up from the bed. Before she could even think twice, she was rushing down the stairs.

"Winter?" She called halfway down.

Winter winced and held his breath at the sound of her voice. He had wanted so desperately not to wake her. Clearly, that was not in his cards for the morning.

"My love, what on earth are you doing?"

Autumn had made her way down the stairs and peeked her head around the corner into the kitchen, from where she was still hearing small rattles from shifting metal pans and baking sheets.

"Good morning, my darling," Winter beamed, feigning a bright, intentional morning cheeriness.

He was methodically replacing several baking sheets into the cabinet from where they had all clattered down, now surrounding him as he sat cross-legged on the kitchen floor.

Now having found the source of the noise and realizing that Winter was just fine, Autumn rolled her eyes and smirked as she watched him clean up his mess.

"My question still stands," she pressed, leaning her shoulder against the kitchen wall.

Winter answered by simply gesturing to the waffle iron he'd pulled out of the cabinet and placed on the ground beside him. "Just looking for this. I was only trying to surprise you."

"Indeed you have," Autumn nodded, raising her eyebrows. "I certainly wasn't expecting to be woken up by the royal drum line at 7 A.M. on a Saturday. And yet, here we are."

Winter pursed his lips into a thin smile. He grabbed the waffle iron with two hands and leaned forward to place it up onto the counter before closing the floor cabinet and shuffling to his feet. After he'd steadied himself, he walked over to Autumn and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her into him.

"I'm so sorry, my darling," he said softly, kissing her forehead with the same gentleness as was in his voice. It was a stark contrast to the obnoxious noises he'd just been making putting away all the fallen pans. "Now, I don't anticipate I'll be making that much noise again. So please, take yourself back upstairs and get back into bed so I can redeem myself with your ACTUAL surprise."

Autumn squinted her eyes and stared at him. She knew what he was doing now that she'd seen the waffle iron, but she was still suspicious that he may not be able to stay as quiet as she'd hoped for her Saturday morning.

"What?" Winter spat defensively, laughing at her unamused expression. "I've gotten all the pans out that I need in one motion," he proudly proclaimed.

"Fine," Autumn muttered before turning away to head back upstairs.

Winter watched her walk away, briefly considering dropping everything and following her up the stairs.

"Oh, and... Winter?"

"Yes, my sweet?"

"I want mine with rasp-"

"Raspberries and icing sugar with a bit of lemon."

"Hm." Autumn smirked as she ascended to their bedroom and awaited her perfectly thoughtful breakfast in bed.

My Love / Mine All Mine - TNN Wintumn Drabbles & One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now