We're in love, aren't we?

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A/N: Definitely moving into more drabble territory rather than one shots, but when the content is this sweet without all the extra dragging, who needs more words.
Loosely inspired by "Hearts Don't Break Around Here" by Ed Sheeran
Special thank you to The Council for all of your support, ideas, and encouragement. Wouldn't be doing this without y'all 💞

Word count: 860


"We're in love, aren't we?"

He was clearly very intoxicated. Winter attempted to rest his chin in his palm,  gazing at Autumn in pure drunken adoration as he spoke the words. But in leaning against his elbow, a swift slide of his sleeve across a puddle of condensation on the bar countertop caused him to lose his balance and slip off the edge of his stool.

Autumn could only smile and shake her head, rolling her eyes as she turned away to hide the blush that was somehow strong enough to materialize through her pale vampiress cover.

Before tonight, any interactions they had were in the context of work only, and none of them were very amicable, to put it kindly. So when they'd both shown up to the staff Halloween party in what could easily be perceived as a couples costume, the push from other staff to get them to interact was less than subtle.

Tonight, Autumn was not in search of anything more than showing up to the party and hiding at the bar. With this being her first major office event since assuming the position of deputy manager, and of course being the owner's daughter, she only felt obligated to make herself present. But as she scanned over the velvet-clad vampire before her, watching him quickly sober up and pull himself back up onto the barstool, she couldn't help but sense that there was something else brewing inside of her or, dare she say, between them.

When Winter had first approached her sitting by herself at the bar, Autumn could already tell he'd had a few drinks. His demeanor and tone were much too friendly with her compared to the Winter she'd been forced to interact with as her staff. That Winter was intriguing to her, hooked her on to something, she didn't know what. This Winter was reeling her in, whether it was his intention or not. Neither of these things did she ever plan to admit.

Autumn pulled her phone from her clutch to check the time. It had been over an hour since she sat down by herself, but she'd only been on her own a few minutes before Winter joined her. An entire hour they shared, but it came and went while they conversed and laughed together as if they were just old friends catching up. It was unlike anything she'd had the pleasure of knowing before - like their souls had been longing to find each other, twin flames lost in the darkness.

Through the most beautiful series of inebriated blurs either had endured in their lifetimes, they came out on the other side together, being so rudely awoken by Autumn's work alarm.

Both of them kept completely still, neither one wanting to break the mystical air of connection they'd formed throughout the night. Even after their salacious antics, the two had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, continuing and deepening their conversations from the bar while they held each other close, something neither of them had genuinely experienced... ever, really.

"You gonna get that?" Winter asked, running his fingers along the back of her arm that was resting across his torso.

Autumn sighed, shaking her head against the skin of his chest as she tried to ignore the shrill phone chimes that still sounded throughout the room from her phone on the bedside table.

"That's fine, my love."

Winter reached over to the table to grab Autumn's phone and silence the alarm before realizing what he'd just said.

He dropped the phone back down and closed his eyes tightly, trying desperately to mask his nerves with an air of suave, yes, of course I meant to say that energy.

Autumn's heart was racing from the moment she heard the words.

My love.

On the outside, she didn't want to say anything and risk losing that barrier - the barrier that was separating her from letting loose all of the things she was suddenly feeling about him but didn't dare ever speak aloud in fear of being humiliated by unrequited emotions. That barrier, which was the one thing in her mind that kept them from moving out of one night stand territory and into something greater that she so desperately wanted but had brought herself to believe would never exist for her. But with her ear against his chest, able to hear and feel his suddenly rushing heartbeat matching hers, Autumn had all the confirmation she needed.

With the slowest of motions and a head full of new-found tentative confidence, she brought her hand up to his chest, placing it straight over his heart. She tilted her head back, only enough so that her lips met his cheek to place the smallest but most poignant, heavy-laden kiss on his skin.

Winter's eyes broke open as he shook his head in astonishment. He felt it all. Her kiss just then was much different to any kiss they'd shared throughout the night. He looked down at her, eyes wide, but hers peered right back up into his, saturated with adoration but delicate in expression.

"We're in love, aren't we?"

My Love / Mine All Mine - TNN Wintumn Drabbles & One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now