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I sat alone stuffed in this... box? I wasn't quite sure where I was, how long I had been here, in my own head. It was kind of hard to keep track. After GOD had decided I had "betrayed" him and put me down. With the help of his little archangel Lucifer of course. All they could do was put me into this sleep, after they locked Amara away, they didn't have much strength. I had no connection to anything but my own brain. I wasn't sure where my body was or where I was at all, I only knew I was still in heaven.

I helped GOD create a lot of the small level angels. I was seen as a mother to most of them. The archangels, well, only 2 grew fond of me, Gabriel and Raphael. Lucifer and Micheal aren't fond of me at all... they were always "daddy's boys" and hated when I would take their spotlight from them. I didn't pay too much mind to their behavior, which in a way was how he wanted me to be. He always wanted my attention on him... I only spent time with the other angels when he was off making new worlds. Any other time you always had his eyes on me.

And for a time... I guess he did love me. Something, or someone made him paranoid making him think I was going to leave him and destroy all his work... kill him. He just became cold, slowly... and all that stuff that happened with his sister I guess made him snap. And here I am.


Oh, my name...? It's Irene


I was in my imagination when I saw everything around me start to shake, more like melt and crumble. I felt my heart start racing something I haven't felt in years. Everything around melted until it was just white, and my eyes started to hurt as a bright light hit them. I gasped as my eyes fling open, I was falling. Awake? I wasn't fully sure but falling yes. I looked at my surrounding area and it was a blinding white. I tried looking below me but could see much from the sheer speed of my fall. 

I squeezed my eyes shut as I braced for someth- 

Castiel's POV

I stare up at the sky, my eyes widened as I watch all the Angels fall from the sky. I stood in the middle of this field alone. I could see every single one as they all fell, but one stood out. It didn't look like the others, instead of the other orange glow that surrounded them this one had a blue-Ish white. It was much brighter than the others. My head buzzed as I watched that specific ball of light get closer to the ground.

I get a great feeling pulling me to it. It felt comforting and inviting... something about it I couldn't take my eyes off of. I started in a long stride as it slowly started to fade from my view.

I needed to find whoever this was.


𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄 // 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐘Where stories live. Discover now