4. Ashton

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"Pst hey you alive Mr?" I felt a tap on my cheeks and a small quiet voice talking and I groaned. My body felt like it was numb and I couldn't find the strength to open my eyes much less get this annoying tapping on my cheeks to stop.

"Zane where are you?" I heard another voice, this one a lot deeper and it sent chills down my spine, the same chills I get every time I hear that voice.

This Zane character giggles and moves off of me to go somewhere else as the other voice is getting closer to where I am and I want to open my eyes to see if it is him and if it is, why is he at Keith's and who is this Zane kid?

"Zane come on you have to go, let Ashton sleep. He's sick and needs his rest." It is him.

"But I just wanted to play with the Lu…" Zane stopped talking and I felt groggy and his words were the last I heard as I drifted off to sleep.

The next time I wake up, I'm more aware and can open my eyes this time. I see things haven't changed and I'm in my room. Was that kid and that voice all a dream? I look at the clock on my nightstand and my eyes widen. Shit I'm gonna be late for work! I quickly get out of bed, grab some clothes to go shower quickly but when I open my bedroom door, I almost run into Matthias.

"Oh, you're awake." He said looking at my panicked state.

"And I'm late!" I tried to get past him but he wouldn't let me go.

"Calm down Ashton, you're not late. You have been sick for almost a week."

"What?! A week?! Are you sure?!" I asked, freaking out that I don't remember a freaking week!

"Yes, Keith came home and found you in bed with a high fever so we took you to my personal doctor and he ran tests, gave you meds and had you on IV's to get you better. Do you not remember?"

"No, I remember going to bed one night and waking up now, nothing in between. I must have been really sick to be out for a week and not even remember anything. What was wrong with me?" I asked and walked back to my bed and sat down, not having to go anywhere now I guess.

"You had pneumonia, you were dehydrated and you are underweight. You also had a sinus infection but you're better now. You were out because of the meds, I didn't want you awake and in pain or losing liquids again. Everything came back normal from the final tests the doctor did." He explained and I bit my lip and thought of all he told me.

"So you took me to a doctor and he did stuff to me, ran tests and all that without my consent? What gave you the right to do that? What kind of doctor does that when someone just randomly takes someone to see them? Who told you that you could do that? You also kept me asleep in a place that I didn't know?! What is wrong with you?! I appreciate you getting me better but how you went about it is not right!" I felt violated and like my personal space was invaded.

I appreciate him for helping me but I don't know him well enough for him to take me to his doctor who I never met, and to keep me asleep! I hate doctors for reasons and I didn't even know I was at one, don't know if I was seen naked, what he did to me, nothing.

"I couldn't let you be sick Ashton, not after meeting you and you being my boyfriend's roommate. He was worried sick about you, he called me after he went and got you meds and stuff to help, you threw up, blew up the toilet, threw up again and I was here and I tried to give you some herbs that you ate in the soup I made but you got sick and well I didn't want to see you so sick so I did what I thought was best for you." He said with what sounded like a little hurt and a lot of frustration in his voice.

"Well still, you could have had the doctor come here instead of taking me to a place I have never been with someone I don't know! Were you in the room or Keith at least?

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