Chapter 1

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"Y/n!" A worried voice of a man called

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"Y/n!" A worried voice of a man called.

"Y/n, go! Go get help!!!"

Pant, pant, pant...

"Haa..." A young girl, barely at the age of 7, panted as she ran barefoot through the cold, deep snow.

The moonlight barely reaches their small figure as the trees covered most of the visible sky above. Her wavy hair swayed side by side while she ran as fast as she could. Her breathing deepens, her breaths ragged and short, her lungs burning.

Why was she even running? A seven-year-old girl, running through the forest in the middle of the cold night is not suspicious at all.

The girl looked back and halted to a stop. She stared at nowhere in thought as sweat kept running down her forehead.

She sighed heavily in worry, continuing to look around for someone, or something.

When she didn't hear or see anything, she cautiously walked away in a different direction. Now, she may be as strong as a grown-up man, but she's still a 7 years old little girl who can get scared whenever her mind imagined something.

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