Chapter 5

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Y/N sweat dropped, forcing a smile on her face. Her and Tomioka have been sitting there, staring at eachother and not saying a word for 15 minutes or so.

Just then, when a Kakushi accidentally dropped a wooden mug on the ground, Y/n decided to break the awkward tension between her and the newly announced Water Hashira.

"Here, Tomioka!" Y/n reached out, a small box in your hands. "I am offering you this gift as a welcome for becoming the new Water Hashira!" she smiled brightly.

She waited for Giyu to take the gift from her hands but then Giyu spoke, "Who are you?"

Y/n screamed internally, 'I forgot to introduce myself! This is so humiliating!'.

"L/n Y/n! I am the tsugoku of the Love Hashira! I apologize, Tomioka!" she blushed in embarrassment, silently thinking about disappearing and never coming back ever again.

Giyu took the gift from her extended hand as he sighed. "Why?" he whispered, causing the girl's head to shoot up.

"eh?" Y/n tilted her head, failing to hear what Giyu said.

"Why?" Giyu repeated, looking down at the gift in his hand. "Why even bother?"

Now that was more like it. "Eh?" Y/n blinked in surprise. She contemplated for a moment, trying to find the perfect words for her reason. "Well... I want everyone to fell welcomed. M-My gift may not be that special but it's the thought that counts right?" Y/n blushed, scratching the back of her head in a flustered manner.

Tomioka looked away and didn't say anything for several seconds. He continued staring into space until eventually he turned back, sighing once again. "Alright, L/n." He gave the small girl a tiny smile before turning around to look out into the Kakushis tending at his place.

'This was going better than expected', Y/n thought as she looked over at Tomioka. 'Maybe meeting him wasn't such a bad idea after all!'


A week have passed after Y/n's little visit at the Water Estate, she still can't help but feel giddy inside now that she got to know another Hashira. She's getting kind of bored for always seeing Obanai or Rengoku visit her and her mentor from time to time.

Speaking of her mentor, she hasn't come by recently either. But y/n just thought of it as she's busy with killing off demons, y/n do hope she's fine though. She would only get home at midnight and that's the time y/n were usually asleep already.

As a distraction, she began working on some training exercises with her favorite kakushi: Isagi. He has a lot of ideas for what the training should consist of and it's amazing how much he's able to keep her interested in things like this. He knows exactly where to hit weak points and which moves are good enough to use against demons so he thought Y/n all that she had to learn so she could use it during battle. Y/n think he's the most awesome person ever.

Y/N is currently sitting across from him in the garden area, talking about her latest training plan. "So... uhmm.... Isagi," she cleared her throat. "Do you think... I'll survive the final selection...?" she asked hesitantly. It would be nice to know if she needed more practice.

Isagi hummed, looking thoughtful as he replied,  "You can only try your best, Y/n." he finally answered. "No matter how much we fail, we must remember that it is the demon who makes the rules. The one who controls the game. And we're just pieces in the chessboard. If we don't move the piece right, the piece will die." he continued, giving a soft smile.

It seemed Isagi knew everything about Y/n and vice versa as they talked about their training plans. Y/n really admired Isagi and how smart he truly was as a person.

"You know, if you became a demon slayer, I feel like you would be a Hashira right now." Y/n smiled, staring at Isagi.

Isagi stared at Y/n with wide eyes then laughed right after. He sighed a few moments later, slowly calming down from his laughing. "Hah. Right, I'm too old to join now. Come on, I'm already 27! Plus," He paused, staring at the starry sky with a hidden smile etched on his face. "I think it's better to leave everything in your hands," he finished, turning his head to look at Y/n.

Y/n's eyes sparkled, her breath caught up in her chest.

Isagi then placed a hand on Y/n's head, making the girl blink as she continued to stare at the Kakushi's eyes. "You wouldn't fail me now, would you?" he asked in a gentle manner.

Y/n's eyes widened even more, tears suddenly appearing out of her eyes as it softly fell down on her delicate face. Her lips faltered, her eyebrows twitching. She let out a sob, latching onto Isagi as Isagi released a sigh, continuing to pat Y/n's head.

"You wouldn't fail me now, would you?" Hanako asked, staring at Y/n's little eyes.

Y/n beamed, "No father! I swear I will beat you!" she confidently exclaimed while staring at her father.

"Ready yourself then!" Hanako teased the little girl, "because I will beat you! Whoever finish more bowls wins!"

As he said that, both Y/n and Hanako dug onto their food. The people around the ramen shop stared at the two in awe and amusement. "Go Y/n! Go, you can do it!" Y/n's mother enthusiastically said, clapping her hands.

"Hey! I'm your husband, shouldn't you support me too?!" Hanako sweat dropped as he stared at his wife with his mouth full of ramen noodles.

Ignoring her husband, Amelia continued cheering on for her daughter, "Go Y/n! If you can't continue anymore, it's fine, alright?"

"Mama, Papa... I won't fail you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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