22| Suhagraat 🌶️

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Mandakini POV

"Since your 'no' is finally a 'yes', get ready to experience the roughest, wildest and most passionate night of your life."

I shivered a little, listening to the most arousing version of his voice, and discerning our close proximity.

"Why did you wear these heavy bell clad anklets, babygirl? Do you want my death tonight?"

His croaky voice was doing something to my body, especially my core.


He slapped my right boob, and I winced a little

"Answer me, when I ask you something." He commanded, his voice turned dominating

"No! I.....I want to witness your wildest side."

I muttered, with trembling lips, and face turned to side, his breath still fanning over the crook of my neck.

He sucked my neck, and I whimpered, clutching my fist on the bedsheet tightly. A few rose petals got crushed in my grip, and its aroma filled up the ambience.


He straightened himself up, sitting on his knees, in between my slightly parted legs, and wrapped his palm around my right ankle.

He lifted it up, and kept it on his shoulder, maintaining his penetrating gaze on my exposed torso, and cleavage.

His lips touched my ankle, and my head rolled back when he nibbled it gently, making the bells tinkle.


"Your moans drive me crazy, babygirl!"

I felt like fading away. He pronounced 'babygirl' exactly like some foreigner, with no ounce of Indian touch in it, making it sound quite sensual, and now I was getting possessed by him.

"Would you be able be take my wildest side?"

He asked, his voice was dangerous, and I hummed with a nod. Before I could understand the situation, I was on my abdomen. He had flipped me on my stomach!

His elbows were resting beside my boobs, and he progressed one of his hand to hold my wrists together. Pinning them over my head, his lips advanced to suck my nape. He was standing on his knees, placed beside my thighs. I was caged under him!

"This is how a rat gnaws."

He whispered, near my nape, and began sucking it harshly.

"Anhh!" I winced, at the strange sensation of burning, mixed with pleasure.

He nibbled it, and then I felt his tongue, subduing the pain, by licking the mark. His mouth advanced to my lower back, but not before covering my upper back. He literally nibbled, sucked and licked my entire back.

"Anhhhh!" I kept moaning under his mercy.

His free hand, that had been caressing my back till now, held the hem of my lehenga, and he pulled it up, exposing my butt, yet covered with panties.

"Fuck! Already so wet, hn?"

He groaned, making my core wetter. While his one hand had pinned my wrists, the other one grasped my pussy, and he squeezed it.


"Moan my name, babygirl!" He grunted, his warm breath fanning over my back, and he started nibbling the strings of my blouse.


"Anhhh! Rajjjj!" He spanked my pussy, a little harshly, and I complied with his wishes.

After tearing off the strings, he took some skin in between his sharp teeth, and nibbled it lightly, earning sensual moans from me. I felt like my eyes were becoming teary.

Holding my shoulders, he turned me around again, shifting me on my back. My eyes registered his intense darkened gaze, scanning my cleavage.

"I want to see my name" He growled, and crumbled my blouse in his tight fist. I closed my eyes out of timidness, and he threw it somewhere in the room, leaving my boobs naked to be tormented by him.

My lehenga was already disheveled, and I managed to lift up my heavy lashes, to meet his ravenous gaze, that was fixed on my left boob, where his name was inked.

"Why did you do this?" He asked, as his lips forwarded to lick it.

"Umm! I wanted to surprise you."

I muttered, and he sucked on my erected bud.


"That's the best surprise I could get." He groaned, and nibbled my boob.

"Anhh! What are you doing?"

I interrogated, my voice sounded more like begging.

"Giving my name a sexy border, drawn by my teeth."

He grunted, and began his work again. I winced in pleasure, and clutched the sleeves of his kurta, over his biceps.

"Remove it!" I commanded, in a whimpering, yet dominating tone, and he lifted his head up. He smirked.

"My lioness, hn?"

He whispered, and I blushed. He kneeled, and unclothed himself of his kurta, in a swift motion, using his one hand, while other just lifted up a little. Ah! He is so sexy!

His well-toned hard muscles became visible to me, and his biceps puffed, when he rested his elbows beside my boobs.

He began his assault on my boob again, while his hand kneaded the other one. I moaned in ecstasy, and fisted my palms on my biceps, scratching them in between. He groaned, and his free hand clutched my panties again. It was already soaked in my juices, and he pulled it down, grabbing it in his fist.

My anklets tinkled sensually, as he pulled it completely off my legs. Squeezing it in his fist, he lifted up his face, to ogle me.

"So wet for me!" He grunted, and observed my face. My lips were parted, and eyes closed, with thinned eyebrows, and flushed cheeks.

Sipping on his lips, he slurped my neck, and within a moment, his face was between my thighs.

I gasped, as his tongue traced my lips down there. He parted them using his thumb and index finger, and I felt the wind touching my intimate part. I breath moaned, and he took my clit in between his lips.

My hands extemporaneously clutched his shoulders, and one of them proceeded to his hair, messing it up. He nibbled my clit, and I whimpered

"Anhhh! Raj please..."

[The Intimate Part is available on ScrollStack and Inkitt]

Almost twenty minutes passed, and I was tired of bouncing now. He yanked me, and straightened himself up, making me sit on his lap, our chests collided, and I glanced at my left boob. He had literally bordered his name with the love bites.

"I am tired, Raj!" I cooed him, rubbing my nipples with his chest.

"I'm not done yet, and.....my wild side had just started awakening."

He groaned, with darkened eyes, and I bit on my lower lip.


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