Winter- term 3

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Name: Amber Heights
Personality: Bubbly, 'random' fiery, loud

I was standing in front of the mirror. Why am I so ugly? I stared for a bit and grabbed the fat that surrounding my stomic.
Because you're fat
I pinched my arm, it stops the voice. It's a voice i always hear... It's not really another voice, it's just another side to me that I can't control, i don't know where it comes from, it just comes and goes as it pleases.
As I was standing in front of the mirror naked wondering how many people do this... Probably no one. No one is as weird as me. No one can hate their body as much me, no one normal that is. I forced smiled at my reflection. It tricks other people so maybe it will trick me...
My dark rugged hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed for days covered my breast. My mum won't let me cut it.
She's says I will look like a lesbian.
Lesbian. A word that's spread like a swear at my catholic school. Sadly I'm not. I find it hard to understand any of that. I just can't seem to believe believe there's a god who's in the sky who created everything. But, who am I to speak... Just a stupid fuck.
I quickly whipped on my school dress. I was in year 7, in highschool.
I ran out the door and put on my headphones. I blasted my the top 40 and continued to walk to school.
I noticed I was slouching, so I picked up my head and continued to walk. I don't understand why I slouch all the time. It's just u can't find any energy to pick my self up. What's the point? if I'm just going to slouch when I'm not paying any attention.
When I reached the school gate I quickly put on my school hat.
It was the most uncomfortable thing ever. It was like hard, neatly shaped straw sticking to my head. Which at the best of times decided to fly straight of my head on to the road where I would have to fleetingly run across the road to grab it quickly before I nearly killed myself.
I gave a quick smile to the teacher as she smiled back.
Too bad she was a bitch.
Most of them where to me.

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