23| Consummation 🌶️

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Balraj POV

"I'm not done yet, and.....my wild side had just started awakening."

I groaned, and she bit on her lower lip. My penetrating gaze was fixed above her left bud, where my name was glowing, encircled by the border of my love bites.

She was messed up, her hair were unkempt, her mesmerizing butyraceous body was covered with our sweat and the fragrance of squashed flowers, giving her too sensual appearance to be ignored.

My mother was right. She is the one for me, not the one I had been lamenting for, since past two years. Entering her, I promised myself that I will belong only to her, and no woman could even enter my thoughts, let alone the physical body.

She accepted me with the dark past I had, and I will surrender myself completely to her, for my entire life.

Before starting our second round, I made her drink a glass of water, and she gulped it in one go. A few drop of it fell on her chin, neck, and a drop touched my name on her boob. She is undoubtedly my babygirl - clumsy, little and sweet!

Putting the glass back, I sucked on the water droplets that had adorned her plumpy pink lips, and she guzzled me in return. Squeezing her smooth waist, I adjusted her on my dick again, and she embraced me, scratching my back with her sharp nails, lovingly.

I loved the pain she was giving me, like she was enjoying the ache I had imparted to her body. Isn't it the equal exchange of love language?

Rubbing her pussy for a few moments with my dick, I aroused her again, and she started moving her hips on me. Her breath moans were the indications that she was ready. I traced her slender neck with my thumb, while the other fingers wrapped around it, and sucking on her earlobe, I thrusted inside her again.


My dick was already covered in a few drops of blood, and her pussy lips also had that blood stains. I hadn't penetrated her completely in the first round, as half of me was too much for her young untouched pussy.

I thrusted more, and she started grinding me. She wanted it now. Holding my shoulders tightly, and scratching my skin deeply, she gained the pace, and I gave in willingly. I wanted her to explore herself, and she was doing it.

Her bouncing boobs, and moans were driving me insane. I was perfectly hard now, and her moans intensified feeling my hardness inside her.

My one arm was swaddled around her, while the other was kneading her right breast. My tongue was busy licking the marks, I had given to her, on her left boob.

Ah! Her jiggling breasts were wholesome to stare. She was phenomenal, and she had no idea how badly she was possessing me right now, for the lifetime.

"Aanhhhhh! Anhhhh! Rajj!"

"Yes, my babygirl." I groaned.

"I.....I am close....ahhh!" She quavered

"Yes! My love. Such a good girl you are. Now come for me." I asserted, still making her bounce on me.

Her tight walls clenched around my dick, and I groaned, being close to my release.

"Arrgghhhh....yes Manu....come now."

She screeched insanely, and came on me, while I released inside her, for the first time.

"Annnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Rajjjjj!"

Both of us were panting, and we fell on the bed. I descended on my back, and she was lying on me. She curled up her legs, and spooned herself on my trunk.

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now