Chapter 1: Deliberation

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After the rigorous deliberation, the results have been finalized. We request all 2nd Year BSRT students to see the Program Chair for the results today from 10:00 am - 3:00pm. Your prompt attendance is required to discuss the results and subsequent actions or recommendations. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

I stared at the message that was sent to our group chat once I woke up from my slumber. I was half-asleep while reading then abruptly sit up once I realized what it was meant for.

Today is our deliberation?!!!!

Academic Deliberation is the process of carefully selecting awardees to be recognized during the Moving Up from candidates who have been pre-selected by the members of the faculty based on the approved set of guidelines.

It would tell us whether we passed or failed. If we were to proceed to the next academic year or be screened out. Or if we were going to be a regular or irregular.

If I had known today was our deliberation, I would've prepared myself. Not just physically, but also emotionally and mentally. 

I was not ready for this, to be honest.

I looked at the my phone to check what time is it. 8:56 am??!!!

There's still time to freshen up myself. I stood up when I heard my phone rang, indicating that there's a message.

Morning Euphoria.

It was Elias. He was my block mate when we were 2nd year first semester but we were eventually separated by the time the 2nd semester came. We both became friends unexpectedly -  him doing the first move to talk to me during our banner making last 2nd year, given the fact that we were strangers during our 1st years and now we were closer than ever.

Even some of our block mates thought and believed that we are in relationship due to our closeness, even if I told most of them that we were not. Our relationship is purely platonic, no more, no less.

We both taken the same course and yet different section. He was also Irregular by 2nd semester so we both had different subjects and time to take on too.

Wakey wakey. Let's Go?

I don't get why... It's still so early. We still had the time. 

Don't want to.

I replied to him. To which he reacted with laughing emoji.

Lazy as ever. The earlier we got there, the earlier we would be finished. So come on, let's go.

He makes a good point.

Where are you? Just chat me once you got here.

I'm here at the dorm at the moment. I'll stop by on your dorm first so that we would go together.

Wait? Is he on his way now?

If ever he is, I need to freshen up quickly.

Right after I took a bath, I put on a white silky t-shirt cuffed it under the black flowy lower pants. It may be dull but the university authorized everyone to where white t-shirts and pants whenever we set foot in the university if there's no class.

While combing my hair, I checked on the messages. It was still Elias saying that he is on his way. That was 5 minutes ago.

Where are you?

It took him a few seconds before replying back.

I am here at your dorm.


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