Chapter 2: Starved

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"80, 85, 90, 95, 98..." I muttered as I counted my remaining allowance for this week.

98 pesos... a budget worth for 8 days before I go home. How the hell am I suppose to budget this for a week?

I had no problem with water and toiletries. I still have a full gallon of water and stock for my personal care.

My only problem now is my food.

A kilogram of rice is worth 50-100 pesos. That would be worth for a week at least if I would've bought one now.

The problem is, my gas tank is empty. A refill would cost me at least 250 pesos at the petron, which it would last for at least 3-5 months if I don't always cook. And I don't have enough money for that refill.

So we have to cross out rice and dishes to cook for.

That's it. I'm going to water fasting this week.

I still haven't got my allowance for this week. Ok, that's a lie. I did get my allowance last 3 days before our deliberation worth 1000 pesos.

How did it go from 1000 to 98 pesos you might ask?

I know it's entirely my fault. I spent it on a shopping spree of frying pan, rice cauldron, and 4 shoe boxes worth 400. But it's my necessity.

The frying pan became all rusty so there's no way I cooked on that. And I accidentally broke my rice cauldron when I was washing my dishes. As for the shoe boxes, the landlady of the dormitory asked me nicely  to at least put my shoes in order.

That leaves as to 600, am I correct?

Right after I got my allowance, my friends and I went to a Samyupsal restaurant. We kind of spent at least another 400 pesos. But at least the pork and the side dishes were unlimited.

And I had to buy some detergent powder for my laundry worth 1 week. Yes, I didn't have the time to do my laundry since I was busy for the last couple of days.

And that leaves us to the present.

I sighed heavily. Is this my price or reward for becoming a regular student? How am I suppose to budget this for the entire week?

Although this was not the first time I had to deal with such situation. Living alone in a dormitory has its perks, but when it comes to dealing with problems such as this, you have no one to rely on except yourself.

Maybe I should just go home tomorrow? There's no way, I could survive with this kind of money for a week in this reality.

I grabbed my phone and start calling my mother. When she picked up the call, I said, "Mother, may I borrow at least 500 pesos from you? You may send it to me by a non-bank financial services network."

"Whatever have you done with the 500 dear? Didn't I already sent you worth 1000?" Her angry tone made wince in guilt.

I sighed and hesitantly said, "I may or may not have spent it on somethings. But before you get mad, let me explain first. I bought it because I needed it. You see my frying pan was rusted and I accidentally broke my rice cauldron when I washed it, so I bought a new one worth 400 pesos. As for the... the rest of the money. My friends kind of invited me to join them to a restaurant to celebrate our accomplishment."

She heavily sighed, "That means, you ran out of your allowance, is it not?"

I fiddled my fingers and said, "Yes, mother. I am so sorry I got out of my hand that I spent on it so much."

She was silent for a moment. I was beginning to worry that she was mad at me when she said, "And, whatever will you do for 500?"

"I wish to go home tomorrow, Mother." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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