Chapter 1: A Cheerful Beginning

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Erica's POV

It was the kind of morning that made you believe everything was right with the world. The sun was peeking over the horizon, casting a warm glow over our little suburban neighborhood. I could hear birds chirping and the distant hum of lawnmowers as I bounded down the stairs, my cheerleading gear slung over one shoulder. My ponytail bounced with each step, and I felt a thrill of excitement for the day ahead.

"Morning, sweetheart," my mom called from the kitchen, her voice warm and comforting. She was already up and preparing breakfast, as always.

"Morning, Mom," I replied, grabbing a piece of toast from the plate she set out. "Ready for practice?"

"Always," I said with a grin. "Today's routine is going to be epic. Nationals, here we come!"

Mom chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Just be careful, okay? I heard on the news there's been some trouble near the school."

I rolled my eyes but gave her a reassuring smile. "You worry too much. I'll be fine. Besides, I've got the whole team with me."

As I headed out the door, I couldn't help but feel a little flutter of nerves. It was probably just the excitement of the upcoming competition. I pushed the thought aside and focused on the day ahead.

At school, the energy was palpable. Our cheer squad had been working hard for months, and it was finally paying off. I led the team through warm-ups, my voice ringing out over the field.

"Come on, ladies! Let's give it all we've got!"

Katie, my best friend and fellow cheerleader, matched my steps with ease. She shot me a playful grin as we finished a particularly tricky move.

"Looking good, Erica," she said, slightly out of breath. "We're going to nail this routine."

"I know we will," I replied, confidence surging through me. "Nationals, here we come!"

After practice, Katie and I walked to our lockers, chatting animatedly about our weekend plans.

"Did you see the new movie that came out?" Katie asked. "We should totally go see it."

"Absolutely," I said, already planning out our night. "Popcorn, candy, the works."

As we walked down the hallway, I felt a chill run down my spine. It was that eerie feeling, like someone was watching me. I turned, scanning the hallway, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Everything okay?" Katie asked, noticing my distraction.

"Yeah, just a weird feeling," I replied, shaking it off. "Probably just nerves."

That evening, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every creak and groan of the house seemed amplified. I double-checked the locks on the windows and doors before heading to bed. Sleep came fitfully, my dreams filled with shadows and the sensation of eyes on me.

The next morning, I was still on edge. As I made my way to school, I noticed a car parked a little too close to my house. The windows were tinted, and I couldn't make out who was inside. My heart raced as I hurried my steps, glancing over my shoulder.

At practice, Coach Harris picked up on my distraction. "You okay, Erica? You seem off today."

"I'm fine," I lied, forcing a smile. "Just didn't sleep well."

Katie shot me a concerned look, but I waved her off. I didn't want to worry her with what was probably just my imagination.

After practice, Katie pulled me aside. "Erica, are you sure you're okay? You've been acting weird."

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