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I went into the changing room in a daze, shaken up. Was he right? Should I? He would never tell me something so hurtful if it wasn't true, right...?

I bumped into someone, falling over. But before I could hit the ground, a hand caught me. I looked up at the person whose hand was holding me. It belonged to a nice-looking man in a hockey uniform. He had the number twenty-seven on his shirt.

I looked at his face, mesmerized. I had never seen something so beautiful in person before. The way the colors on his face overlapped and made unique patterns made me want to never stop looking at it. The colors were so different, yet they united so beautifully.

"Are you okay?" The voice pulled me out of my trance. I quickly scrambled onto my feet, looking shyly away. What was I thinking? I can't look this long at a person, I'm going to make them feel uncomfortable.

I scrambled my thoughts together and answered the question the fine man asked me. "Oh, yes... Thank you. I'm fine." I sound like an idiot! Father wouldn't be proud of me. "I have to go now... Bye," and I bolted to the changing room that was only a few feet away from me.

I closed, slammed, the door behind me. What was that? I just made a total idiot out of myself. I went towards the locker, still in shock. My heart was beating faster than ever before in my life, and I wondered how the guy didn't hear it. Who was that guy anyway? I tried to search for indicators in my memory, but all I could see was the amazing painting on his skin.

I shake my head and start to change my clothes, ready to go back to my hangout house, wanting to rest and treat my cut fingers. I change quickly, putting my skates and outfit away, taking my bag with me, and locking the locker. I walk out of the changing room, heading to the exit. On the way there, one must walk past the ice rink. As I am going, I try not to look, but it does not help. My eyes trail towards the ring, looking at the hockey team.

The coach is standing with his back to me, all of the players in front of him, facing me. I looked over them, searching for the boy from before. It isn't hard, thus he stands in the middle. As I look at him, he locks my eyes with his. He has a questioning look on his face, probably thinking about the scene from before. I want to cut eye contact and go home, but I can't. Neither my eyes nor my legs want to move, leaving me frozen standing there.

We stare at each other without any words, until the moment is broken by the coach. He asks the guy a question, to which he breaks eye contact. My senses come back to me, and without a second glance, I leave the hall.

I get home in record time, my mind going wild. This boy was so handsome. Yet somehow familiar. But that doesn't matter! I can't find other men handsome so much that I can't break eye contact with them. I have a boyfriend after all.

I tried to shake the feeling away, but it seemed as if the boy just didn't want to leave my mind alone. So I occupied myself. No one was home, thus everyone was at the hockey practice. I went to the kitchen, wanting to grab some ice cream for myself, but decided against it, just grabbing water and going to the living room, wanting to watch some TV.

I sat down on the couch, turning the television on and switching between channels. After only a couple of minutes, I gave up, turning the TV back off, and going into my room. I decided to read something. I looked at my bookshelf of books I still hadn't read yet. Crime and punishment, no longer human, the snows of Kilimanjaro, ...

I picked No Longer Human, wanting to read it forever. I got to my bed and began to read.

I am awakened from my trance by talking and the sound of door slamming coming from downstairs. I put my book away, got up, and stretched a little, thus I sat for hours.

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