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I was left standing in the middle of the hallway, letting me think about what just happened. I got back with Tank, yet I am looking at other men without shame. One of these men just invited me to coffee and called me a snowflake.

My face grew red at the last part, wondering how he meant it. I was still standing in the hallway when I spotted Tank going in my direction. He came to me with a questioning look on his face. "Why are you standing there so weirdly?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about yesterday." He only hummed, kissing me and telling me he was off to practice. We told ourselves goodbyes and he left, me still standing in the same spot.

I finally made my legs move, forcing them to take me to the hall. When I got there, most of the guys were already there, talking among themselves on the ice. I sat down on the bleachers, rubbing my hands together, wishing I'd taken a jacket with me. I could still make a run for it-

"Oh! Here you are. Here's your coffee. I wasn't sure which one you liked, so I picked something I thought you might like. Oh, and here is my jacket, because I figured you wouldn't take your own!"

I only took the items, not being able to thank him properly. This man was perfect. Even when I tell Tank that I'm cold, he only shrugs and keeps the jacket he isn't using for himself. Yet this man...

I snapped out of my thoughts, shyly thanking him for the jacket and coffee. He only smiled and walked off to the ice rink. The practice started. I slipped from my coffee, watching the hockey players. I stop mid-sip, looking at the coffee in my hand and then at the man on the ice who bought the coffee for me. There is no way. He got it perfectly. This was my usual coffee, yet somehow better.

I drank the whole drink in one go, too good to let it sit around and get cold. I wrapped myself into his jacket, being able to smell his cologne. While Tank's is more earthy and heavy, Max's is more woody with a hint of fire. It was calming and comfortable to smell.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by coach Barry's whistle, reminding me I had a job to do. I took out my notebook and a pen, writing down everything I saw in these two hours of practice. And it was a lot.

By the time the practice ended, I had written three pages of notes. I put my stuff away, tearing the papers out of my notebook, and going towards the exit. There I waited for Max, who came quite quickly.

"Here. Your jacket and all of the notes I took on your skating. It's good, but something is missing. Everything else is in there. Thank you for the coffee too, it was actually my usual." I blurted out the minute I saw him, giving him all of his stuff back.

He smiled proudly, grabbing the notes and taking a quick look over them. "No, thank you. You took your jobs quite seriously. But I really appreciate it." We stood there, me looking at him, he looking at my notes, studying them. I never wanted to leave, but I had to. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. See you in class tomorrow?" "Yes, goodbye snowflake."

Again with the nickname. I turned back to him to ask him about it, but he already left, letting me wonder what that was. But I went home, wanting to read more before going to sleep.

When I got home, there was no sign of Tank. I looked at the keys that were still lying on the kitchen counter – Tank's keys. I took them to my room and put them in my drawer, hoping you wouldn't find them there. Then I proceeded to take a shower, getting ready for bed. I read for a little more, resting my mind.

The next morning was similar to the one from yesterday, except for Tank not being home. At first, I was confused but then I remembered I had taken his keys away. I got ready and went to class, sitting at the exact same place as yesterday. I wasn't sure which curses I had with Max, but I could still hope.

Snowflake - MaxleyWhere stories live. Discover now