Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
Abandon hope! All ye who enter here.

[ Yuya POV ]

It was just another normal ordinary day for the ordinary teenager like me who strive to live the best of his life despite how mundane my life currently is. 

Walking back home after finish the school is just another daily routine someone like me and the rest of my classmates must experience through our boring daily life of high school students. 

How boring is not it? To live in a harsh and cruel reality where dream and fantasy is just an empty talk that is impossible to be achieve and will make you a laugh stock for having a delusion of how childish your dream are.

That what I view myself as I always dream to be able to go to fantasy world, venture to the unknown and maybe find myself a lover. And no, I will not go to Harem route as that route sound impossible to me.

Student: Watch out!

Yuya: Hm?

I look at my side and lo behold, it is the infamous serial killer and Agent of Isekai that send many Anime protagonist to another world. It Truck-Kun!

Yuya: ... Bloody Hell


The moment I know it, I see nothing but darkness and scream of girl while feeling every single fibers of me are hurt as hell. Ah, look like I may have solve what it feels when you died and it hurt like you is hit by truck which I did.

Yuya: 'I hate myself.'

That is my last thought before I lost my consciousness and probably died considered what just happened to me moment ago. 

[ Time skip by Aigis and Artoria ]

[ Time skip by Aigis and Artoria ]

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[... Yabai. This two and the art are too beautiful!]

[ 3rd Person POV ]

He opened his eyes and blink few times only to find himself still alive, sat on a train. He was sure he just died a moment ago, but to find himself in a train while feeling alive and so is surreal for himself. Amidst of confusion and question lingering in his mind, he suddenly been greeted by not one, but THREE screen!

[ Welcome to Game System, Gamer ]

[ Synchronize the Game System with the Gamer ]

[ Synchronize... ]

[ Synchronization completed ]

[ Let's end this Game with No Continue! ]

= = = = =

> The Wheel of Fortune is Turning <

> Downloading the Gacha System <

> Downloading. . . . <

> Download completed <

> Seize it! The greatest Gacha Roll! <

= = = = =

| Welcome to the Dimensional Group Chat |

| You have been chosen as one of the Group Chat Members |

| From now and forward, you will embark in a journey no others ever seen before |

| Are you ready? |

Staring at the three different screen in front of him, the boy can only stared at it with blank face while deep inside, he is screaming not out of joy but in grieve as he aware just how bad this gonna be as one System is already bad, now having three is basically triple it!

Yuya: 'What I just did to deserve this?'

He muttered while questioning reality and possibly whoever up there that put him in this madness which he may think "He" or "She" must enjoy see him suffered. 

Yuya: *sigh* Whatever, what world did I end up right now? 


Yuya: 'Yongen-Jaya? Where have I heard that before?'

Yuya: 'Furthermore, why I have this memories that not belong to me?'

The train stop as many of the people in it poured out of the train along with him as while deep in thought, he suddenly find himself collided with someone that lead the said someone to fall and let's a yelp. He look at who he just collided and see a girl who scramble on the ground searching for her glasses as he picked it up and hand it toward her.

Yuya: Here.

???: T- Thank you.

The girl take the glasses and put it on as she stand up as Yuya have a good look on the girl which he admit he find cute and feel he have seen her before, but can't remember where.

Yuya: I am sorry for not looking where I walk though. 

???: No, it is okay. I also would like to apologize for not looking too.

Yuya: *chuckle* Well, this kinda ironic that both of us not looking around while walking.

???: *giggle* I can't disagree with you.

Yuya: So, my name is Yuya Kuga and I still new here.

???: Then it is nice to meet you Kuga-kun. My name is Rin Amamiya and like you, I am still new too.

Upon hear her name, something click with Yuya's mind as he remember where he has seen someone look like her and everything about this place

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Upon hear her name, something click with Yuya's mind as he remember where he has seen someone look like her and everything about this place. 

Yuya: 'Bloody hell, I am on Persona 5 of Amala Universe.'

Rin: *smile* Let's get along Kuga-kun

Yuya: *wry smile* Yeah, let's get along.

Yuya: 'I am dead.'



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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