Chapter 1

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1. Pete's 10 years Vegas's senior. No relationship with a minor character. Everything will happen (if it will😃) only when all the characters are adults.

2. Vegas's father is the head of mafia. No major/minor families stuff here.

3. The title comes from "Saving grace", Cranberries.


It feels disgusting and miserable at his heart. Pete's hands are still shaking, although he tries not to let others notice. His second week as the bodyguard of the mafia's head. And his first fatal shot at a man.

He wasn't an angel himself. If I hadn't fired, he would have killed me or someone else of our people, Pete justifies his own actions. But so far it does little to calm the trembling in his hands and the acrid nasty feeling in his heart.

Pete casts an anxious glance at the main bodyguard: Nop is strikingly calm and is already discussing upcoming cases with others. How many shots did you fire?.. And you're not much older.

Of course, Pete did not think that at the age of twenty he would find himself in the thick of the criminal world, but there is nothing to be done about it. Unfortunately, there was no other way for him. Pete squints and opens his eyes abruptly. He won't be wondering what would have happened now if only.…

Once in the mansion of Kan Theerapanyakun, Pete, who has received an hour of free time, closes the door of his room and falls face down on the bed. The blood is pounding in his ears. He suddenly feels sick and barely manages to run to the small bathroom. There he is rinsing his insides — perhaps he leaves not only breakfast at the bottom of the toilet, but also yesterday's dinner. When he comes to senses, he stands under a cold shower. Later, he gets dressed for training — the usual daily routine has not been canceled.

It's okay. I'll get used to it. It's only the first time... the first time like this. And then I'll get used to it, he repeats, like a mantra, before an anxious sleep.

But he's not getting used to it. Not a second time. Not a tenth. He has certainly learned to mask his aversion to violence with a carefree smile. And he suspects that not everyone believes in its sincerity.

Yes. There are also advantages: a roof over your head, a full stomach, money. This job pays well. But Pete does not see a clear and precise purpose in life. And although he understands why they sometimes kill people... he doesn't understand it.


"Fuck it!"

Pete stumbles and almost knocks over a bowl of noodles. There has been some kind of unhealthy fuss in the mansion since the morning.

"Nop, what's going on?" Pete asks in a whisper.

"Vegas is returning from boarding school for the vacation."


"The son of Khun Kan."

"Uh... I see."

After living here for three months, Pete has never heard of any son of the owner.

"Khun Kan won't be in a good mood today. Once again, don't get in his way."

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