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(Ok wait heres a small explaination on how the story's settings go. Like i said in the descriptions, me and my bff was the one who made this through text.)

( Whether theres a dot ( · ) It will be the sign that the pov or the author's pov change. And My bestfriend is Aldrin's pov and im Felix's.)


Aldrin - A petite young man, 28 years old. Has a slim figure and a tall one too, only that he is a tad bit shorter than Felix, Has a beautiful short curly hair, Hazel like eyes. But despite his gentle shape, he is a sass, knows how to fight, and take care of any drama. Loves Cats and Books, has an interest in painting but stopped after his inspiration dies, his grandfather died when he was 20 y/o. His grandfather was the one who was taking care of him whether his parents are busy. His grandfather loves to paint, and it was also the reason he started painting but it is also the reason he stopped...

He came from a wealthy family, that owns the most well known company in their country. Has a good relationship with his family. Doesn't have a job but is helping a bit with his family's business.


Felix - A young man (30 y/o) that quite has a big build, Black hair, Tall figure, dark-ish brown colored eyes, and lastly His such a gentlemen. A caffeine addict. Has a simple job. Has a strong physical appearance, does not like any kind of drama -avoids it as well- Is very kind and loves the silence.
Lives with his best friend (i'll intruduce him if he appears). But he is currently on a business trip.
You can say his cold.. but.. yeah i mean he is but despite his cold appearance his actually very kind, he loves helping people, especially those in need. 

Has an wealthy family, but is in a bad terms with them in the moment. He has a lot of money, which was from his grandfather. It was given to him before he passed away. But he does not use the money that much, the money is just in his bank account, rotting.

(Heyy uhhhhhh yeah that our couple, i'll intruduce the other characters when they show up hehhe. And hey if the story is somehow confusing, you can ask me questions hehe Byeeee♡.)

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