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Vamika was in Ziva and Gracy's room, it was the day after the match and Ziva said she wanted to have a serious discussion with her.

By now, Vamu was comfortable with her so there was no way she felt scared.

As she entered the room, Ziva was sitting on the couch reading a book. Besides her was Gracy who was using her phone.

"Hi Ziva di! Hi Gracy di!" Vami skipped inside with a bounce as Gracy grinned at her however Ziva had a serious face on.

"Vamu. There is something we need to address" Ziva said getting up as Gracy rolled her eyes.

"Yes Ziva di?"

"What you did Yesterday? You played a brilliant knock. You were amazing! You have that raw talent in you Vamu and your hardwork is just a nail on the coffin!" Ziva said as Vamika smiled shyly.

"Thank you Ziva di"

"But! Your anger and agression on the field is a problem" Ziva said as Vamika looked down sheepishly.

"But she was the one who started it.. " she defended weakly, "You Don't stoop as low as them Vamika. There were many shining stars that were hated just cause of there aggression, people thought that they are arrogant. They were misjudge and mistreated cause of it. I don't want that for you!" Ziva said as her eyes were too deep to notice.

"Really?" Vamika asked innocently.

"Yes.. " Ziva said as Vamika nodded, "Okay Ziva di! I'll try not to curse and get angry!"

Ziva smiled at her and said-"Thank you Vami... "

"And if you don't then it's not a big deal! (Ziva's eyes widen) I mean I loved it yesterday!" Gracy said as Ziva gaped at her while Vamika laughed.

"You're impossible!!" Ziva said as Gracy blew her a flying kiss.

"Um Di? I want to ask you something" Vami said as Ziva looked back at her, "Under 19 match aarha hai Afghanistan ke sth, Akku ka pehla match hai. Can I please go?"

Ziva couldn't refuse her, especially when she made that innocent puppy face.

"Gracy and Aru are going for Rio's match. You can join them" she said as Gracy nodded happily, "Di aren't you coming?"

"I'm sorry Vami. I would have loved to come but I have a team meeting that day" Ziva said sadly as Vami nodded.

"Now if you two will excuse me? I have someone to set straight" Ziva said as Vami nodded-"Whack her from my side too!!"

"Ofcourse I will" Ziva said as she walked towards Sammy and Gracy's room.

She knocked on the door as Sam opened it after sometime, her eyes slightly swollen and a big pout on her face.

Sam rubbed her eyes seeing her as Ziva frowned sadly, "Sam?"

"Hm Di?" She Mumbled getting inside the room as Ziva came in as well.

"Sam what's up with you?" Ziva asked softly as she sat beside her and Sam instantly put her head on her lap.

"Don't hate me Ziva di..  I'm sorry" she said with small sobs as Ziva's eyes widened.

"Sam? I don't hate you! And what's with sorry?" Ziva said caressing her hair as Sam mumbled something incoherent.

"Sam? I don't speak alien Language. For that you have to go to Nidhu" Ziva said as Sam grumbled-"Not funny"

"During our R-Ranchi trip. I behaved so badly with you Ziva di.. I'm so sorry" Sam started to cry again as Ziva hugged her tightly and said-"Baby.. mujhe to yaad bhi nhi tha. It's alright bachha!"

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