Chapter 2: Homecoming

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September 16th, 2013

As spirit leader, homecoming committee president, and cheer captain I have to make sure that everything is in order, not to mention that I am running for queen. I have to get my dress, I have to get my nails done, I need to make a hair appointment. I have so much to do, I run around like a chicken with its head cut off, I swear I need a secretary.


September 20th, 2013 Homecoming Day

"Hey Lila do you need some help?" Maddie asks beaming

"That would be great thank you so much my arms are killing me!" I say back giggling a little bit.

"Where is all this stuff going? All the decorations for homecoming are already up Lila" Maddie says gently trying to keep me from freaking out.

I take a deep breath closing my eyes trying to relax. "Really?" I ask gritting my teeth, fighting back tears because I'm so stressed out.

"Lila are you okay?" Maddie questions putting the box on the ground.

As soon as she asks me if I'm okay the tears stream down my face.

"Hey, hey stop it you are okay! This is all gonna work out and you are gonna be Queen and Luke will be King and y'all will be just fine" Maddie reassures me.

I shake it off and take my mirror out of my purse to check my make up. I wipe away the trailing mascara from under my eye and close my mirror and put it back in my purse. "Thank you Maddie, I needed that" I say smiling.

"No problem girl, it's part of my job as your best friend!" She says enthusiastically!

"I have to go I have a hair appointment I need to get to and a boyfriend to go take food to, see you tonight?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world! It is our last homecoming as Lions!" Maddie says gracefully, as usual.

"Great! I'll see you then!" I reply flipping my hair, over my shoulder.


September 20th, 2013 Homecoming Night

I get to the stadium early of course, I was not the first one here though. Maddie and the rest of the squad was already practicing drills for the show case later on tonight. I wave at them smiling, I walk up to the stage to make sure everything is set up properly and that all the microphones are working. I don't want to be at fault for any malfunctions. So I have checked, double checked and triple checked everything and now I have a dress to put on and make up to fix and then it will be time.


The band is starting to play and every seat in the stands is filled up. Everyone from town comes to homecoming. The cheer squad is yelling at the top of their lungs, none of them will have voices in the morning, trying to raise the crowd's enthusiasm. I make my way to the seats on the field where the princes and princesses sit. I set my stuff down and look around for Luke but can't seem to find him any where. I start asking his friends if they have seen him and no one has. I try to call him but it rings three times and goes to voicemail. I brush it off and figure he'll be late so as they call his name to crown him king he can show up late as his last senior prank. I sit down and analyze everyone around me, now confident that I will win queen. The principal taps the microphone asking everyone to be seated. He speaks wandering from subject to subject. He finishes speaking and presents the band for the national anthem and our school song. Everyone stands and sings, there is not a soul in the stadium that doesn't, it is like a sin in our town if you don't.

It comes the time when the principal would announce the queen and king, first the queen. The candidates are run through and then the principal asks for a drum roll from the band before saying my name "Lila James". I stand up gleaming, over whelmed with joy I walk gracefully up the stage stairs and stand in front of the crowner. I take my crown and wave to the crowd smiling. I step back so that the principal can announce the king. I turn partially to look at him as the vice principal is whispering in his ear. His face is pale and concerned, his hands shaking. He walks up to the microphone slowly and swallows before saying something no one, especially not me, wants to hear. He takes a deep breath and lets it out.

"I feel extreme sorrow in my stomach to tell everyone that our king Luke Helkemp has been in an accident on his way over here" his voice trailing off.

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