Movie night

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After Kesha and Chris left the city library they went to Chris house, his mom and dad was home they talked to Kesha for 1 whole hour.
Chris: What movie do you wanna see?
Kesha: What bout Get Hard?
Chris: Sure
They watched Get Hard but Kesha felled asleep Chris called Kesha aunt to bring her some clothes over and everything. In the morning Chris and Kesha was cuddling in bed until Kesha woke up. She thought something happened but no thing happened his parents was home.
Chris: Good morning
Kesha: Good morning
Chris: How did you sleep?
Kesha: Good
Chris: Your aunt came over brought you your tooth brush, clothes,shoes,and everything else
Kesha: Thank you
Chris: No problem so can I get a kiss
Kesha: Not with that morning breath
Chris: Ok whatever
Chris got Kesha and started to tickle her then kissed her lips after that she went in his bathroom and took a shower, brush teeth, did hair, did make up then her and Chris left his house in Chris Mustache 2015 car.
Brook: Hey you look good
Kesha:Thanks you look good yourself
Brook: I went over to your aunt house you wasn't there I went to your house you was there either. Where was you?
Kesha: I was at Chris house we have watched a movie
Brook: Eww y'all
Kesha: We didn't I went to sleep he called my aunt she brought my stuff over then he put me in his bed
Brook: What did y'all do this morning
Kesha: We wanted a morning kiss I said no he tickled me then kissed I got ready he took me to school
Brook: Oh cool will I forgot to tell you that I got a boyfriend
Kesha: Who is he?
Brook: Donny Williams
Kesha: I don't know him
Brook: Football quarterback
Kesha: Oh him congrats, but I have to go before Mr.Wells sends me and Chris to dentition
Brook: Ok Donny going to walk me to class too
Kesha: Ok I have to go Brook
Kesha walked off and Chris and Kesha went to class they took there seats and the class had to take there quiz
Chris: Good luck bae
Kesha:Good luck and you got this we studied
Chris finished his quizzed then Kesha finished when the got the paper back both was scared
Kesha: I got an A
Chris I got an B+
They kissed and went to there second period class
Prom was coming up just in 5 weeks Chris didn't ask Kesha and Donny didn't ask Brook. If the boys didn't ask the girls they was going to the prom together. Kesha looked as she saw Chris walking to her then she saw him keep walking to the stage he song "Don't Judge Me" then asked Kesha will she go to the prom with him. Donny took Brook to the football field he kicked the ball and made a field goal gave Brook the football then the field said "Will you go to prom with me" of course she said "yea". So the girls went shopping for there dress.

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