Sean and Kesha is so cute

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Kesha meet Sean at the coffee shop outside of school campus, she couldn't wait to see Sean because he was so fine.
Sean: Hey beautiful
Kesha: Hey handsome
Sean: You look nice
Kesha: So do you
Sean: So why did you leave New York?
Kesha: I left to start a new life after what Chris did to me
Sean: What did he do? Wait didn't he cheat on you then you posted everything on Facebook
Kesha: Your correct, I also called Brook today after I left the library and Chris answer the phone
Sean: Where was Donny?
Kesha: I don't know but she said her and Chris go out
Sean: Wow
Kesha: Well lets not talk bout them. How are you?
Sean: I'm doing good how bout you?
Kesha: I'm doing good
Sean: How bout this, we go out next week and everything is on me
Kesha: Ok I'm with that
Kesha kissed Sean cheek and left the coffee shop, she went to her dorm and she got a call
Sean: Hey beautiful
Kesha: What are you doing calling me?
Sean: I know we just had coffee but can we watch a movie at your place?
Kesha: Sure
Sean: Ok open your door
Kesha: How did you get here that fast
Sean: My room is 3 doors down. Now open the door
Kesha hung up the phone and opened the door, Sean kissed Kesha she felt so weak when he gave her that kiss.
Sean: So what movie you wanna watch?
Kesha: Oh...Um.... Right um.. It doesn't matter
Sean: What bout The hustle
Kesha: Ok
Sean: Its a comedy movie it's funny and crazy too
Kesha: Ok
Kesha and Sean watched the it was funny he was right, they cuddled and laughed kissed and played around then Kesha was falling asleep. She was already for bed and so was Sean he slept with no shirt on, Kesha felt so warm with Sean sleeping with her she was also happy.
Next day
Sean: Good morning beautiful
Kesha: Good morning handsome
Sean: So since I spend the night we went to go get coffee
Kesha: Yes
Sean: So we going out
Kesha: Yea that's what you was going to asked me
Sean: So what bout that kiss
Kesha: Yea but after you brush your teeth
Sean tickled Kesha then kissed her neck after they got done playing they posted a pic on Facebook that said: Me and bae Sean sleep over" . After she post the pic she got a call.
Kesha: Hello
Chris: So you go out with Sean?
Kesha: Yea I love him and he love me
Chris: But I'm the one who kissed you first
Kesha: Yea but what bout you and Brook?
Chris: So how did your first date go?
Kesha: Good he spend the night at my dorm since his dorm is just 3 doors down we watched The hustle and we felled asleep
Chris: You didn't have to post a pic
Kesha: I can do what I want to do, how I want to do,and when I want to do. Hold real quick
Kesha handed the phone to Sean
Sean: Dude this is Sean Kesha is over you
Chris: I'm the one who kissed her first
Sean: So just listen dude it's over
Chris: Whatever
Sean hung up the and got ready for school.

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