
14 1 3

The world outside flashed past the window. Destiny's kiss played on the speakers of the car, and Amir tapped along with the song.

Amir had been planning this trip for weeks now; what he'd wear, where he'd sit, exactly how much money he'd need for merchandise, etcetera, etcetera.

Due to his family's wealth, he was able to get a VIP ticket for the small venue. Not that his parents would actually care which ticket he got.

Amir shook his head. Tonight was to forget about his troubles, not think even more about them. He sighed a little and looked up at the driver.

"When will we get there?"

"Five minutes, Mr. Amir."

As he said this, Amir saw the parking garage where he would be dropped off. Excitement brewed in his chest, and he waited excitedly as the car parked in the VIP section.

Amir hopped out, waving to his driver before making his way to the venue. He wasn't sure what to expect with this concert, but he knew that it was nearby; just a block away was all.

Once out the the parking garage, he began to skip a little, humming an idol song. He was in his own little world, not being able to think about anything else.

He didn't notice how empty the city was; not a soul was about, as most shops on this road were closed or not even open to begin with. If not for his enthusiasm, Amir might have been nervous to walk alone.

As he was passing in a darker part of the street, he saw the venue a ways off. People lined up to get inside, but he had the VIP ticket, so he could pass the line.

"Here we are!" He said to himself as he pulled out his ticket, golden to indicate its price. He was about to step forward when he was suddenly grabbed by the cuff of his shirt, being pulled back into an alleyway. Before he could yell, his mouth was covered by a large hand, it having long claws that just barely hovered above his skin. The other arm wrapped around his torso and arms, tight and strong compared to the normal Amir.

Eyes wide, he wiggled around, his screamed muffled by the large hand. He could feel himself beginning to hyperventilate, knowing damn well that he would not be able to escape.

"Shut it and stop moving, or else." An Esper held a gun to his stomach. Amir did as he was told, feeling his body begin to shake in place of his panicked wiggling.

"Is this the guy, 100%?" A third Esper asked, examining Amir.

"Yeah," the armed one said, "he's got the ticket and the car was the same, too."

The third nodded and pulled out a rope, tying Amir's limbs together as he chuckled.

"Imagine the money we'll make," he said, "once your dear ol' parents get our special little message! Hey, put your hands behind your back!"

Amir closed his eyes at the horrible stench the Esper's mouth had, shakily doing as he was told.

Once the last, tight and itchy knot was tied, Amir was hoisted up by the clawed Esper and quickly taken to an empty building, that was apart of the same alleyway he was taken in.

He was thrown into a chair and was again tied, more tight and secure than before.

"I'll take that," the gunner said as she took his ticket.

"Those things go for crazy amounts, even after they're unusable."

"Huh, another jackpot."

"Come on, the others'll be here soon."

"Mhm, getting out as fast as possible is number one~"

Two of the three Espers left to another room, the clawed one staying behind to watch Amir. His beady eyes stared down Amir's neck, causing the young boy to hyperventilate worse than before.

"Make a sound, and you'll be losing more than money." The clawed Esper growled. Amir bit his tongue to prevent a sound from escaping him.

He wanted to wiggle around to try and loose himself, even if just a little bit, but the huge Esper watching him like a hawk scared him more than anything else.

He began to shiver. The room was cold, even his fear couldn't deny that. But the shivering and his panic combined was starting to nip at him.

Alas, he sat as still as he could. He didn't know what the water would do if he moved too much.

Suddenly, a horrible thought struck his mind.

What if his parents didn't come save him?

What if instead of paying up, like he assumed his captors would demand, would they ignore him?

Like they always did?

He stared blankly at the wall in front of him. Even if they payed up, who knows if he'd be let go immediately, if at all.

Desperation began to take hold of him. He wiggled in his binds, pulling with all his might against the rope to no luck. Tears dotted his eyes; he didn't want to spend the rest of his life as a money-milker, nor did he want to become missing or worse, killed.

He wanted to see his parents one more time. Just one more time. They never had time for him, they never listened to him or cared what he did with their money, or where he was, or what he was, or who he was-

-but he loved them still.

Just one more time.


Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from another room. Amir looked around, as did the clawed Esper.

In a flash of golden light, a woman grabbed the clawed Esper and flung him against a wall. Growling, he got up and lunged at her. With her weapon, the woman slashed the clawed Esper away, then in one final swoosh, had him clocked out. Kicking him to make sure he was really down, she smirked a little.

"All bark and no bite," she murmured. She turned around to see Amir, who stared at her with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"Are you alright?" She asked, helping him out of his binds. Amir could only nod, shakily getting up.

"I have you," she said quietly as she helped him stay upright.

Amir stared at her still, his eyes reflecting the amazing golden glow that she radiated, just like the sun while it sets.


Fatimah quickly and quietly left as soon as she saw the police and the boy's parents arrive. She'd already ratted out the Rebel Espers, and while the victim was in a safe place, she still felt she needed to make sure he was ok before leaving.

She heard the loud, relieved reunion of what she assumed was the boy and his parents. It almost warmed her heart, but she still had work to do.

Walking away into the night, she glowed like the rising run, a hero that never thought twice about her actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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