{🔮 Accepted Entries | Kid Friendly | 🔮}

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These are going to be the very second batch of people I'm going to be reading! This will be called Batch 2!


Accepted Entries:

~ 1 ~ { exLyrical } | Book Entered: Arcanae |

~ 2 ~ { li_lovey } | Book Entered: HIRING YAMI |

~ 3 ~ { pink_cupcake02 } | Book Entered: Mr Grumpy and His Sunshine |

~ 4 ~ { Username } | Book Entered: ...|

~ 5 ~ { Username } | Book Entered: ...|

~ 6 ~ { Username } | Book Entered: ...|

~ 7 ~ { Username } | Book Entered: ...|

~ 8 ~ { Username } | Book Entered: ...|

~ 9 ~ { Username } | Book Entered: ...|

~ 10 ~ { FantasyCreature123 } | Book Entered: Stardust: A Short Story Collection |


Once Batch 1 is complete I will then start reading Batch 2! But meanwhile you may still be accepted and your name and book will go into this section in the meantime! So just because you saw Batch 1 filled doesn't mean you can't enter! You very much can still fill out a Form, it's just you'll be placed here under Batch 2!

If you have any questions or something doesn't make sense please ask! I am more than happy to explain further as I know this can be a bit confusing!

After Batch 2 is complete I will begin to make Batch 3!

Thank you for your understanding!


➻ Please see the Accepted Entries | Not Kid Friendly| section on the next chapter...

➻ Please see the Accepted Entries | Not Kid Friendly| section on the next chapter

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