Chapter 1

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So guys here's the first chapter of When we were younger...

Chapter One

Jason Wells..... The name gives me shivers every time I hear it. Jason and I used to be best friends when we were younger, I also used to have the biggest crush on him, and in fact I still do, but he can never ever find out. When we were 10 Jason's parents got divorced and Jason was forced to move to Toronto to live with his dad, I haven't seen him since. Up until we were 13 we would e-mail each other back and forth daily but then the e-mails and phone calls became fewer, a few years later all contact was lost. I'm 17 now and I still think of him often, wondering how everything is with him and his Dad.


As I walked downstairs I noticed a moving truck outside our neighbor's house, it's been on sale for a while and I was happy there is finally someone there to live in it. "Hey Mom!? Did you notice that someone moved into the Johnsons place?" I asked.

"Yeah the truck has been here since early this morning!" she answered back.

"Kay, well I'm off to school, I'll see you when I get home! Love you!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

"Love you too sweetie!" she yelled back. I shut the door and ran to by car, which by the way was a piece of crap, and drove to school.

When I arrived at school there were no more parking spots left so I had to park away from the front doors and down the street, great! I'm late again, Mr. Leventure is going to kill me, I thought to myself.

"Sophia, how nice of you to join us. Care to enlighten us as to why you were late...... Again?" Mr. Leventure said as I walked into the class room.

"I would, but I would hate to waste your teaching on something so petty." I replied.

As soon as the bell rung, everyone rushed out of the classroom, running away from the retched place. In the hallways people kept talking and whispering about this new kid, by the time the next class started I already knew that this guy just moved from Toronto, and that he was hot.


Sorry it's such a short chapter but it's time for me to get some beddy bye!

Please comment if you would like for me to continue this story, some feedback would be nice as well 😘

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