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BILL set up the map of Derry, Elijah then turned on the screen projector and moved out of the way to make room for bill.

Mike closed the garage door shut, Ben then handed bill something.

Bill took it and he placed it into the projector.

Elijah stood behind bill, looking at the screen.

"Look." Bill pointed towards a marking and said "Storm drain, that's where g-georgie disappeared."

"That's the iron works.."

"And the black spot."

Elijah admired bill, Richie glanced over at Elijah.

Richie felt a burning sensation before glancing down at the ground then back at the projector.

"Everywhere it happens it's-It's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at the-"

"the well house." Ben interrupted bill.

Elijah turned his attention to Ben then back at the map.

"You mean the house on neibolt street." Stanley spoke up.

"You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos sleep?"

Eddie took a puff out of his inhaler.

Elijah and Richie glanced at Eddie. Elijah placed a hand over Eddie's shoulder.

Eddie focused his attention on Elijah.

"You okay?" Elijah mouthed .

Eddie nodded slightly.

"I hate that place." Beverly spoke up.

"Always feels like it's watching me." Beverly commented.

"That's where I saw it..that's where I saw the clown.." Eddie spoke up.

"Tha-tha-tha-thats where it lives."

Eddie once again took a huff out of his inhaler.

"I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there.." Stanley said.

"Can we stop talking about this?!" Eddie stood up, his face written with panic.

"I-I-I can barely breathe, it's Summer we're kids, I can barely breathe..having a fucking asthma attack!!"

"And fuck doing this." Eddie tore the map off of the screen projector.

"What the hell?! Put the map back."

Eddie shook his head. "Mm-Mm."

The projector started to show photos of bill and more.

"What happened?" Bill asked.

"What's going on?" Stanley asked and he glanced at Elijah.

"I don't know..look." Mike walked towards the projector. "Guys.." Mike spoke.

A photo appeared with Bill's family, it specifically zoomed in on Georgie.

"Georgie.." bill muttered.

"Bill?" Stanley called out.

It started to move towards his mom. The pace going faster and it made out a different face.. specifically, it.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Richie shouted and he stood up.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Elijah shouted as well and he backed up a bit.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Richie shouted.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Richie repeated while grabbing Eddie's arm harshly.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!" Eddie shouted back.

Elijah backed up into Stanley and he gripped tightly onto his arm.

Stanley also gripped onto Elijah's arm.

"Turn it off!!" Beverly shouted.

"TURN IT OFF!!" She repeated while turning the bill.

"Yes, yes turn it off!!" Stanley shouted while having a death grip onto Elijah's arm.

Mike kicked the projector to the ground.

It showed nothing for a moment, until it showed the photo once again which revealed 'it'

It flickered on and off, Elijah hid behind Stanley.

For that last flicker it showed nobody.

It flickered off.

Then when it flickered back on it showed. 'it' through the screen.

The projector began flickering on and off.

"Run Stanley and Elijah!!" Richie shouted.

They both ran past him.

It began crawling towards Elijah.

"What is that?!" Eddie said.

Elijah backed up, it began reaching its hand out for him.

Elijah slid down to the ground, burying his head into his legs.

The others pulled the garage door up.

When he lifted his head up, there was nothing.

Elijah stood up and he slowly walked towards the group.

He ran straight towards Richie and he pulled him into an embrace.

Richie shared it back.

"It saw us..it saw us and it knows where we are!!" Eddie said in a panicked tone.

"It always knew."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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