It Takes One to No Place

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[The episode begins with a flashback to Green Hill.]
Sonic: [In the flashback, gasps. The Flickys who were flying around his head begin to fly away] Oh, no! Eggman! [Sonic points to something in the distance. Shadow, who was fighting Sonic just moments ago, looks to where Sonic is pointing. While he is distracted, Sonic spin-dashes him and he lands into a large rock, with multiple other rocks dropping down from above, burying him in the debris. Sonic begins to run off performing a Super Peel Out in the process.]
Sonic: Hate to hit and run, but I gotta split, Shadow. [Sonic points and winks at Shadow as he runs off. Soon, he begins to go and help his friends, collecting rings along the way. Shadow breaks free from the rocks, frustrated at what Sonic did. He begins to head in the same direction that Sonic was headed in, running into Big the Cat, who was simply whistling with his fishing rod with his best friend, Froggy, by his side, along the way. As soon as Shadow runs past Big, he spins around until tumbling back to the ground. Soon, Shadow manages to make it to where Sonic and his team are located; the Temple Mountain. He looks across at Sonic, who is determined to stop Eggman in time before he steals the Paradox Prism. Sonic begins to spin-dash towards Sonic, however...]
Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge: [In the flashback, they are all displayed across four different screens. They yell for Sonic to stop] Sonic, no!
Shadow: [Jumping midair while holding out a Chaos Emerald he is in his hand] Chaos Control!
[...the Paradox Prism gets shattered by Sonic. A rainbow multitude of colors can be seen scattering across the screen, caused by the Prism's shatter. The camera slowly moves to Sonic's friends, who are flying midair from the Paradox Prism's shattering, and it soon moves to Shadow, who is still floating midair while holding the Chaos Emerald. Suddenly, he disappears, and everything turns to pitch darkness. Soon, the camera cuts to the Shatterverse, with Sonic And Mane 7 entering it, whom is unconscious, and floating off into a certain direction. Shadow appears again, who is looking around at what Sonic has done. He gets angry, and the flashback ends.]

Shadow: Sonic And Who Are Thoese Poines And Baby.
[The opening theme plays]
[Scene: New Yoke City]

[Back in New Yoke City, the Chaos Council's Yoke HQ is flying in the sky. The camera slowly moves down to Sonic And Mane 7, who is standing with Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks.]
Sonic: Yes, we did it! Rebel, Knucks, you good?
[The camera cuts to Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks, who are both standing side-by-side together.]
Renegade Knucks: We're good. Not sure what happened to your all friend, though.
Rebel Rouge: I don't like this. The Shard could be anywhere.
Sonic: We better find him before he portals out of here again. Back in a flash!
[Sonic And Mane 7 runs off. They begins looking around for Nine.]
Sonic And Mane 7: Nine? Nine...? Nine? [Continues to run forward, until looking up into the sky] What in the... [The camera cuts to his POV] Where did that thing come from? I better check it out. [Begins running again, this time performing a Super Peel Out. Suddenly, Prism Energy begins reverberating around Their body.] Huh? What's going on? I Didn't Know?!
[Shadow appears in midair, who looks like a hologram to Sonic And Mane 7, sending a message to him from the Void.]
Shadow: Keep going! Do not stop!
Sonic: Shadow?
Mane 7: Who Is Shadow?
[The hologram of Shadow disappears. Sonic And Mane 7 becomes determined from Shadow's words and begins to run even faster, to the point where he And Mane 7 warps out of the world.]
[Scene: No Place]

[A portal opens in the sky in a world Sonic And Mane 7 has never entered before. He And Mane 7 comes falling out of it, screaming.]
Sonic: Whoa! Not again! Wait, is that water? Please, don't be water... Please, don't be water... Please, don't be water... That's water. Just when things couldn't get any worse!
Misty:What You Didn't Iike Water?
[Spots a bit of land below] Wait, is that land?! [Begins swimming midair] Almost... there...!
[Sonic And Mane 7 splashes into the water, close to the island.]
Sonic: [Muffled] So close.
Pipp:(Muffled) My Mane Is Wet!
[He And Mane 7 gets up, coughing and gasping for air. He And Mane 7 brushes And Shake off his fur And Their Mane, which is wet from Their fall into the water.]
Zipp: Where Are We?
Sonic: Okay. Stay calm. One minute, We're was looking for Nine, then We saw that gnarly ship and then, somehow... [Turns around, looking into the distance. He And Mane 7 realizes They in an entirely different place.] Wait, where am We? How did We get... [He And Mane 7 sits down, with the camera looking at his POV. He can be seen looking at his shoes And Hero Style Is Pirates, which have been transformed again thanks to the Regulators.] Ah! Wonder what these guys do. [Looks at his glove. Suddenly, a group of people can be heard behind Them, who are revealed to be pirates.]
Batten: Ahoy there, strangers! What brings ye to the No Place?
Sonic: [Gets up, looking up at the pirates] Seriously? Pirates? [The pirates jump down from above, landing in front of Them] That's--that's super! Just great! Of course, you're pirates!
Izzy: I Like Pirates!
Zipp: Don't You Like Pirates Izzy?
Sails: [Whispering to Black Rose] I bet They one of the old crew.
Black Rose: [Whispering back to Sails] What should we do?
Batten: I say, we pirate! [Holds out her sword]
Black Rose: But the captain's not here. I don't think he'd approve of us, you know, "pirating".
Sonic: What kind of pirates don't pirate?
Sunset: In My Pirates Book And Pirates Keep Attacks Peopels And Everyone!
Batten: Well, you know how the saying goes, Rose. "Dead men And Ponies tell no tales."
[The trio each hold their swords out to Sonic And Mane 7. They slowly begins backing away, with them inching further towards Them.]
Sonic: Argh, argh! We don't mean to harm ye. I'm just a wayward hedgehog looking for a way home. [Gets close to the water again, quickly lifting his leg up] Water!
Sunny: Oh No!
[The camera turns to the trio of pirates again. They raise their swords, getting ready to attack Sonic And Mane 7. He And Mane 7 runs away.]
Batten: Hiya!
Sonic: No, no, no, no, no! [Batten flies towards Sonic And Mane 7. They runs into water again, instantly stopping.] Yikes!
[Batten tries to attack Sonic And Mane 7, but They quickly dodges, missing him. She goes after him again as They continues to run.]
Batten: Hiya! Hiya!
[Soon, Sails and Black Rose try to attack Sonic And Mane 7. They jumps over their swords, quickly climbing up a nearby palm tree. Black Rose puts her swords in their mouth and climbs up towards Sonic And Mane 7. He And Mane 7 jumps up to high ground, until running into two dead-ends. The water begins to rise.]
Sonic: Whoa!
Misty: Water.
Black Rose: Boy, it sure feels good to pirate, don't it? [Corners Sonic And Mane 7]
Sails: [Corners Sonic And Mane 7] Oi!
Batten: Leave Them to the brisket!
Sunny: Jump To The Water!
[Sonic And Mane 7 gasps. They tries desperately to find a way to escape, trying to even run away once more, but Black Rose puts her foot out, tripping Them over. They falls over the edge and becomes frightened They going to fall into the water, but Sails manages to save Them in the nick of time.]
Sails: Gotcha All Ya!
[Sails flies back up to the other two pirates, carrying Sonic And Mane 7 using his metallic arm.]
Sonic: Well, wouldn't you know it? We're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
[Batten and Black Rose look at each other suspiciously, until looking back at Sonic And Mane 7.]
Sails: You know, he's too fast to be part of the old crew And Poines Are Not In Old Crew.
Sonic: Listen, We am not a part of any crew you're looking for. In fact, We lost Our crew. It's a bit of a sore spot, actually.
Hitch: Yes We Are Tell The Truth!
Batten: [Pushes her sword close to Sonic And Mane 7] I'll give all you a sore spot, alright?
Black Rose: Alright, alright. Enough's enough! Gather the coconuts. [Points to some coconuts attached to a palm tree] The Cap'n would want us to get back to the ship without taking too long. [Begin to walk away] Leave this scalawag And Poines for the buzzards.
Batten: [Sighs, fiddling with her sword] Well, it was fun while it lasted.
[Sails lets go of Sonic And Mane 7, throwing Him back to the ground. He And Mane 7 lands face-first, but gets up.]
Sonic: Wait, you're leaving?
[Batten uses her sword to grab a coconut from the tree. Everybody prepares to leave.]
Sonic: Uh, you can't leave Us here. [Runs after the trio] There's literally water everywhere! Uh, where're you going? Somewhere with a lot of land, hopefully...?
Batten: [Points to the wooden boat they will be using to get back to the ship] Back to our ship, and we don't take scalawags And Poines.
Sails: Y'know... With all that speed, this land lover could be useful. [Flies up to Sonic] Swabbing the deck, raising the mizzen mast, rowing the boat.
Misty: We Can Help You.
Batten: [Sighs] I hate rowing the boat.
Sonic: [Raises his hand] I'll row! I'm a great rower. [Rushes to Sails' side, leaning his arm over his shoulder] I'll bet you 20 coconuts I'm the best rower you've ever seen! [Jumps down, eagerly tapping his foot while listening to Black Rose's instructions about rowing the boat]
Black Rose: Fine! I, too, hate the rowing. But, there is one condition when we get back to the ship. It's Cap'n's orders... or else! [Begins to walk back to the boat]
Sonic: Or else... the Plank? [Sonic And Mane 7 lays his arm onto the side of the boat. It begins to drift away, but He And Mane 7 pulls it back just in time.] I can assure you that this hedgehog has no interest in planks. Captain's orders, got it! [Winks at Black Rose] I love captains. [Makes a heart symbol with his hands. He blinks a few times, then notices a larger ship in the distance. He becomes fascinated by the sight of it.]
Sonic: Whoa! Is that your ship?
Htich: It Big!
[The camera zooms in on the ship, which is the Angel's Voyage.]
Batten: 'Tis indeed. [Gives the rower to Sonic. He looks grumpily at Batten, who begins flying midair.] Now, move along! You need to hurry to get a good seat. [She touches Sonic's And Mane 7 ear, much to his annoyance. He decides to get the rowing over and done with.]
Sonic: Everybody got seat belts on?
Sails: Seat belts?
[Suddenly, Sonic And Mane 7 on the back of boat, he And Mane 7 starts going really fast. The pirates yell. As soon as they reach the ship, all of the pirates can be seen shaken up from the boat ride. Batten sits frozen, while Black Rose gasps for air in the back, and Sails' lips can be seen shaking.]
Batten: Well, that was quick.
[The boat begins to be raised by two carriers located at the side of the ship. After the boat reaches the top, everybody hops out of the boat. The camera zooms in on Sonic And Mane 7, who shows a confused look on his face. Afterwards, it cuts to his POV, and he can be seen looking at a sleeping Catfish who falls off a hammock. A coconut with a drinking straw inside it rolls over to Sonic's foot.]
Sonic: Urgh. Looks like someone had a few too many coconuts last night. [Walks down some stairs] You guys should really consider cleaning that poop deck. Where's this captain you speak of?
[A voice can be heard from above. Sonic And Mane 7 looks up at the person, who is shown as a silhouette.]
Unknown Voice: Argh! Who'd be the scalawag you brought on board?
Black Rose: Sonic And Mane 7, meet Dread.
Batten: The Dread.
[The person who was located at the top of the ship slides down a rope, eventually hitting the bottom. The person who was at the top is revealed to be the captain, who is named Knuckles the Dread.]
Sonic And Mane 7: The Dread is... Knuckles?
[A ring spins up to the screen. A 16-bit animation can be shown of Sonic collecting some rings and running ahead, until something comes up out of the ground. He gets knocked down, rubbing his head. He looks up to Knuckles, who is standing on the Master Emerald.]
Knuckles: I'm Knuckles, the guardian of this island. Consider this your first and final warning.
[Knuckles jumps down towards getting ready to attack Sonic backflips onto a large rock behind him.]
Sonic: Does that count as a warning? [Knuckles begins to punch the large rocks apart, causing Sonic to spin-dash onto every single last one left] Allow me to offer my delicate and restrain response. [Sonic jumps through a tunnel and comes out of it, spin-dashing towards Knuckles] Spin Dash! [Knuckles blocks the attack and throws Sonic back, causing him to almost stumble, but he manages to retain his balance] You blocked that? [Knuckles laughs, then he backflips and throws multiple objects at Sonic. He misses every single time by doing a spin dash] Okay. Time out! Let's start over. Hi, I'm Sonic, and--
Knuckles: Don't waste your breath, thief. Eggman warned me about you. I know all I need to know.
[The animation ends. Time cuts back to the present as the same ring is used as transition.]
Sonic: Yeah, does make sense. But you're pirate Knuckles... I'm not taking any chances! [Sonic And Mane 7 zips past Sails, taking his sword in the process. Suddenly, a scent spreads out within the air. Sonic And Mane 7 sniffs to figure out what it is.] Fire? [The camera zooms in on a fireplace, which has burning fire inside] Fire! [Froggy pops out from behind] Wait... Dinner?
[Catfish can be seen holding a coconut, until putting it onto a box. He raises his sword and smashes open the coconut. Coming out of it is copra. Sonic And Mane 7 becomes excited.]
Sonic: Dinner!
Izzy: I Am Hungry!
Knuckles the Dread: I will take that sword of yours for this nice, shiny apple. [Holds out an apple to Sonic And Mane 7]
Sonic: So you can stuff it in my mouth? No, thanks. You do know hedgehog quills are a choking hazard, don't you And You Going To Eat Us? [Knuckles the Dread slightly smiles at what Sonic And Mane 7 said, and soon bursts out laughing, along with the other pirates, much to Sonic's And Mane 7 confusion]
Knuckles the Dread: [Walks past Sonic And Mane 7] Don't ye worry. The fire isn't to cook you... it's to welcome all you!
[Catfish can be seen behind a cannon, firing it straight at Sonic And. Mane 7. He And Mane 7 gasps, and covers Their face, hoping that he And Mane 7 isn't about to be attacked. However, coming out of it is confetti. All of the pirates begin to cheer, and Sonic And Mane 7 opens Their eyes, looking around in confusion to what's happening. The camera cuts to Catfish and Froggy playing instruments together; Froggy is playing a drum, while Catfish is playing a bass guitar. He begins playing to Froggy's beat. The camera swoops past crates, balloons being hung up, and party lights.]
Sonic: Definitely not the Knuckles I know... [Their ear slightly perks up, hearing Knuckles the Dread's voice. He looks directly at him And Mane 7.]
Knuckles the Dread: Besides, have you seen yer legs? I've seen more meat on a starfish! [Sonic And Mane 7 looks down at his legs]
Sonic: Wait... This really is a party? [He becomes delighted by the fact that a party is about to start]
Knuckles the Dread: Sure is! But we don't cross new adventurers that often. [He winks at Sonic]
Sonic: [Points to him] You're officially my favorite Knuckles ever. [He smiles. Suddenly, he gasps at the sight of something. He runs over to it. He then starts to loom over a table, his pupils big with excitement.] Is this a Chili Dog?
Knuckles the Dread: [Rests his arm behind Sonic's back. Sonic picks up the food.] More like a Sea Dog.
Sonic: A Sea Dog? What's it made of?
Knuckles the Dread: [Bursts out laughing, before abruptly getting serious.] Don't ask.
Sonic: Hm. [Eats the Sea Dog. He becomes delighted by the taste of it, and sighs with satisfaction. Tears begin to form in his eyes.] Oh, you have no idea how much I needed that! [Sonic wipes away a tear]
Mane 7;(Eat A Sea Dogs) Yummy!
Batten: Well, ye've come to the right place. [Leans over a barrel] We're all about "no ideas" here.
[Sonic And Mane 7 licks the plate that he ate the Sea Dog from. Unexpectedly, Catfish places even more sea dogs onto the table. As Sonic And Mane 7 notices this, both him And Mane 7 and Their ears perk up, shocked by the sight of the Sea Dogs. He And Mane 7 stretches Their knuckles.]
Sonic: So, "Dread the Dread", [Takes one of the Sea Dogs and eats it] first I wasn't sure, but it turns out you're not the scourgiest in the slightest.
Knuckles the Dread: [Laughs] Well, that depends on who you ask. Black Rose, am I the toughest pirate on the seas?
Black Rose: [Salutes] Aye, Cap'n!
Sonic: [Drinks from a coconut using the drinking straw] If you're such a friendly pirate, how'd you get a name like "The Dread"?
Batten: Oh, he wasn't always so friendly! [Raises her hands, slightly clutching them together] He used to be the--
[Knuckles the Dread slams the table, interrupting Batten.]
Knuckles the Dread: That's a story for another time, Batten. [Turns to Sonic And Mane 7, who can be seen eating another sea dog and eventually grabbing another one from the pile] A better question would be, "How did you end up alone on that island with no boat?".
Sonic: Well, hang on to your hat because I have got a doozy. [Winks and points at Knuckles the Dread]
[A montage of flashbacks begin playing; Sonic running towards Eggman in Green Hill, him And Mane 7 later entering New Yoke City shortly after he shattered the Paradox Prism, skidding under a bus in New Yoke City, taking tests from the Chaos Council, being attacked by Dr. Deep, being hit by Thorn Rose's hammer, hitting a wooden border in Boscage Maze, and entering No Place, with it concluding with Him And Mane 7 splashing in the water. The flashbacks end. The camera cuts back to Sonic, who is exhausted from all the storytelling. It is already evening.]
Sonic: [Exhausted] And then I ended up here.
Knuckles the Dread: [Grabs onto Sonic And Mane 7, excited] Sounds like you need a vacation!
[The camera cuts to Batten and Black Rose. They look at each other.]
Sonic: Sounds really tempting, but I really gotta get-- [Puts down the coconut he was drinking from, preparing to leave the ship. However, Knuckles the Dread slams the table, knocking down a plate.]
Knuckles the Dread: No buts! Especially not during a limbo contest! [Claps his hands. Catfish and Froggy begin to play music. Knuckles the Dread runs down a set of stairs, ready to do limbo. Sonic follows after him, but remains at the top of the stairs, watching what is happening. He looks around.]
Sonic: But, seeing as we're not going anywhere... Hold on to your eye patches, mateys! [Winks and points at himself] 'Cause I'm about to show you how low this hedgehog And Mane 7 can go!
[Sonic slides down the stairs rail. He begins joining in on the limbo. The camera cuts to a few hours later, and it is already midnight. Sonic and Knuckles the Dread can be seen at the edge of the ship having some more fun until the party ends. Time then skips to early morning. The sun is still rising and everybody is sleeping, but Sonic And Mane 7 is the first to wake up. They yawns and gets up, beginning to walk down to the edge of the ship.]
Sonic: [Yawning] That was a late night.
Misty: A Good Night Sleep!
[Soinc And Mane 7 Begins to walk down to the edge of the ship. Suddenly, he And Mane 7 stops and properly wakes up because he And Mane 7 spots water right under Their feet. He almost falls off the ship, but manages to keep balance.] Whoa! We're awake! [Sonic And Mane 7 looks into the water, and becomes devastated to see another loop from Green Hill, much like how he has seen in the other two worlds he has visited.] Ah... There it is, Green Hill. Just like all the other places.
[Sonic And Mane 7 sees that Knuckles the Dread has waken up and is standing a few metres away from him. He And Mane 7 runs over to him, much to the Dread's attention turning to Sonic And Mane 7. Sonic And Mane 7 looks out into the scenery, but becomes disappointed by the fact that there's water once more.] Water. [The camera cuts to a back view of Sonic And Mane 7 and Knuckles the Dread standing together.] That stuff's the worst, am I right? So, what's the plan, Captain D? Where are we headed? [Rests his arm behind Knuckles the Dread's back]
Knuckles the Dread: We aren't.
Sonic: [Confused] Say again?
Izzy: We Not Going No Where?
Knuckles the Dread: [Rests his hand behind Sonic's back and begins walking with him a little bit] Look around you. [The camera cuts to Sonic's POV. He And Mane 7 can be seen looking around and sees that the other pirates have woken up. Black Rose is up near the wheel, while Batten is carrying one of the coconuts from the party, and Sails is carrying a barrel filled with water.] We need to take it easy and enjoy the day.
Sails: Just like we do every day. [Drops the water from the barrel he is carrying into the water]
Misty: You Are So Tired?
Knuckles the Dread: [Excited] This calls for a song! [He presses a cannon and confetti comes flying out of it. Sonic And Mane 7 looks at Dread with an unamused look on Their face.]
[Time skips to the middle of the day.]
Knuckles the Dread: [Singing] Oh, this be a tale of salt and sea!
[The camera zooms out. Sonic And Mane 7 comes running up.]
Sonic: Another party? Didn't we kind of do that last night?
Zipp: Yes I'm Party Out.
Knuckles the Dread: Relax! Have a sea dog. [Sails, who is cleaning up most of the decorations from the party last night, hands Sonic And Mane 7 a sea dog. He And Mane 7 takes it into Their hands and Hooves.] Let your cares sail off into the sunset.
Sonic: [Looks at Knuckles the Dread] It's first thing in the morning.
Knuckles the Dread: Close enough. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. [Singing] Oh, this be a tale of salt and sea-- [Gets interrupted by Sonic]
Sonic: [Puts Mane 7 Their And His hand And Hooves up, waving it in the air at Knuckles the Dread for him And Mane 7 to stop singing. He is holding the sea dog that Sails gave to him in his other hand.] No! No, sorry. I love kicking back as much as the next hedgehog And Poines, but We have places to be and people to see. [Eats the sea dog] We need to get outta here, and to do that, We need to find a Shard. [Clenches his fist]
Sails: [Walks over] What be a "Shard"?
Sonic: It's like a rock that glows and might be magic?
[As the other pirates hear what Sonic And Mane 7 said, they become fascinated by it. They immediately turn their attention to him And Mane 7.]
Sails: Whoa!
[The camera cuts to Knuckles the Dread, who has a concerned look on his face.]
Batten: That sounds like the stone from the Incident! [Sails looks at Batten, nodding his head at her, proving he agrees with what she said]
Black Rose: Aye! "The Devil's Lighthouse". [Knuckles the Dread growls at her] That we don't speak of... ever!
Sonic: [To Knuckles the Dread] Wait! You know about the Shard? You need to tell me where it is!
Knuckles the Dread: Forget it! That treasure brings nothing but pain.
Sonic: I can't forget it. My friends need Us, and We need it to get back to them.
Knuckles the Dread: [Drinks from a coconut until looking at Sonic] Leave... it... be...! [Walks away]
[Suddenly, a large splash comes out of the water. The boat wobbles.]
Sonic: Huh?
Mane 7: What Happened?!
[Batten flies to the top of the ship, looking through a telescope. She sees another ship, which is firing at the Angel's Voyage.]
Batten: Cap'n! We're under attack! It would be yer old crew... again.
Knuckles the Dread: [Furiously] Argh! Take yer positions!
[The other pirates begin to get into their positions. Sonic And Mane 7 remains in Their normal spot, though.]
Sonic: [Determined] They want to fight? We'll give them one! Right, Dread? [Notices that Knuckles the Dread and the other pirates are gone] Uh, Dread? Dread...? [Turns around, seeing him hiding behind two barrels. The camera cuts to Sonic's POV.] Is he... hiding?
[Knuckles the Dread spots Sonic Mane 7 looking at him. He ducks down behind the barrels. The ship that is attacking the Angel's Voyage begins to get further and further towards the ship, until finally stopping at its side. Six pirates, including the captain, can be seen preparing to board the Angel's Voyage.]
Sonic: [Points at himself] Sorry, but this hedgehog And Mane 7 is not about to roll over for a few lousy pirates.
Batten: [Looks down to Sonic And Mane 7] But we be pirates!
Sonic: [Looks up to Batten, yelling] we meant those pirates, not you pirates! [Runs off]
Sunny: Let Battle!
[A wooden bridge is placed down from the ship preparing to attack the Angel's Voyage to the Angel's Voyage itself. The pirates begin to board the Angel's Voyage, each wielding weapons.]
Jack: Take them for everything they've got!
Bunny Bones: Boy, I do love messing with this bunch!
Jack: Nothing beats sticking it to our old Cap'n! [One of the pirates a part of Jack's crew can be seen carrying a plate full of sea dogs. Jack takes a sea dog for himself.] And these tasty sea dogs.
Stormbeard: I'd like to watch old Dread quake in his boots, and then take them for every last sea dog in that galley.
[The pirates begin to laugh. Batten and Sails look down at the commotion.]
Jack: Almost makes me feel sad for them, almost.
[Suddenly, Sonic's And Mane 7 voice can be heard. The other pirates get frightened, looking at the hedgehog And Mane 7 who jumps down from above and onto a cannon.]
Sonic: Put the sea dog down!
Pipp: And They Are Yummy!
(Sunny Cutie Mark Glowing And Turned Her Alicorn Form)
[Jack and Bunny Bones look at Sonic And Mane 7 with confused looks on their faces] Soinc:Back to your boat or else!
[The Angel's Voyage crew look at Sonic And Mane 7.]
Batten: Is he And Poines really gonna fight them?
Jack: [Puts his hands in the air] Bold talk for a lad with no sword And Ponies.
Sonic: [Steps down from the cannon, pretending he And Mane 7 is scared of the pirates] Gosh, gosh! You're right! OH, whatever will I do...? [Fires the cannon towards them]
Pipp: We Are Scared!
[Knuckles the Dread looks at Sonic And Mane 7.]
Bunny Bones: We'll find out! Boys, let's get 'em!
[Jack's crew begin charging at Sonic And Mane 7. Suddenly, Sonic And Mane 7 into the cannon and spin-dashes the other pirates, much to the Angel's Voyage crew's shock. Sonic And Mane 7 takes down more of the crew by jumping on their heads and then spin-dashing the last standing one.]
Sonic: Don't say I didn't warn ya. [Flicks his nose]
Jack's crew: [Getting up, charging towards Sonic And Mane 7] Argh! Argh-argh-argh! [Sonic And Mane 7 stands on two of the pirates' swords, smiling proudly as he And Mane 7 does so. He And Mane 7 jumps off.]
Sonic: Our turn. [Spin-dashes and knocks down most of the pirates into the water. After he And Mane 7 has done so, he And Mane 7 begins walking backwards, proud of what he And Mane 7 has done. Suddenly, he And Mane 7 bumps into a few barrels behind him. He rolls on one of them, desperately trying to run off as it is rolling nearer to the water.] Oh! No, no, no, no, no! Can't swim, can't swim! [The barrel rolls into the water. Sonic And Mane 7 thinks he's And Mane 7 going to land into the water, but suddenly, he And Mane 7 begins "running" on the water. He And Mane 7 gets launched up into the air as his shoes And Hooves begin to activate hovering boards to let him stay afloat. He And Mane 7 looks down at his shoes And Hooves.] Whoa! Okay. That's cool! My kicks are like hovercrafts And Our Powers Is Cool! [Begins running back towards the Angel's Voyage. After he And Mane 7 gets back up, the hovering boards on his shoes And hooves deactivate. He And Mane 7 lifts up his And Their leg And Hooves, looking at his shoe And Hooves in fascinati on.] Oh, so cool! Huh?
[Sonic And Mane 7 looks ahead and sees that the rest of the Angel's Voyage crew, except for Knuckles the Dread who is still hiding, have joined in on the fight. Sails knocks down Bunny Bones using two swords, while Catfish grabs one of the other pirates. Jack begins charging at Sails, but Batten takes him down just in the nick of time. A sword hits one of the barrels that Knuckles the Dread is hiding behind. He closes his eyes and then opens one of them up, continuing to look on at the fight. The camera cuts to Black Rose and Stormbeard fighting each other using swords, until Black Rose gets knocked down, dropping her sword.]
Stormbeard: [Aims his sword at Black Rose] You're done for! [Suddenly, something gets knocked over Stormbeard's and the other pirates' heads. Catfish can be seen holding his bass guitar in the air, looking at the other pirates as they fall down one-by-one.]
Bunny Bones: [Raises her hands] Enough! We surrender! We surrender!
Batten: [Flies down in front of the fallen pirates] Argh! Givin' up already? Takes the fun right out of it, don't it?
Black Rose: Oh! [Aims her sword towards Bunny Bones] I've waited a long time to deal out some pirate justice!
[Sonic And Mane 7 moves in front of Black Rose.]
Sonic: And by "pirate justice," [Uses his hand to put down Black Rose's sword] we mean a stern warning to get back on your ship and leave us alone. Right? [The fallen pirates nod, agreeing with Sonic and Mane 7]
Black Rose: [Annoyed] Ugh. Fine. [Puts away her sword]
[Jack's crew begin to run back to their ship.]
Jack's crew: Retreat! Run! Run away! Run!
Jack: Pleasure doing business with ya'. Thanks for the sea dogs! [Jack's crew begin to sail away. The Angel's Voyage crew begin cheering for themselves, proud of the work they have done. Black Rose hugs Sonic And Mane 7, to which he And Mane 7 smiles at her.]
Batten: Sonic Mane 7!
Black Rose: Show them, scalawags! Woo-hoo!
[Knuckles the Dread picks back up his pirate hat.]
Sonic: Okay, Dread, where's the Shard?
Pipp: Please?
Black Rose: [Jumps in front of Sonic And Mane 7, holding her arm out in front of him And Mane 7] Enough stalling! Tell Cap'n Sonic And Mane 7 what They wants to know.
Sonic: "Captain"? [Puts his hands up] We're not the captain.
Misty:We all not a captain!
Black Rose: Aye, you All are now, Cap'n.
Batten: [Flies over] You all have given us a taste for the pirate life, and we want more, Cap'n.
[The other pirates begin dancing around. Knuckles the Dread just stares with a neutral look on his face.]
Sonic: Forget it. And stop calling us Captain.
Black Rose: [Off-screen] Aye, Cap'n!
Sonic: [Sighs] And just tell us about "The Incident".
Knuckles the Dread: [Growls] I begged you all to leave it alone, but you're just too stubborn, aren't ye?
Sonic: we've been called worse.
Knuckles the Dread: Fine. [Sits down on a crate] Black Rose, tell the tale.
Black Rose: Yes! [Sonic and Sails both look at Black Rose] Oh. Sorry.
Knuckles the Dread: Just remember, you're the one who asked for this.
Black Rose: [Clears her throat] It was years ago. [A flashback shows to Knuckles the Dread sailing his ship on a dark and stormy night.] Knuckles the Dread was the most feared pirate that sailed the seas. [The former members of Knuckles the Dread's old crew, Jack's crew, can be seen raising the sails to keep the ship going forward.] Fame, treasure, power; he had it all. But there was one prize that eluded his grasp... [The camera moves to Knuckles the Dread, who can be seen stirring the wheel with a determined look on his face. However, the flashback ends for a split moment, and the camera cuts to Sails.]
Sails: The Devil's Lighthouse!
Black Rose: [Pushes Sails away] Let me tell the story, Sails!
Sails: Sorry.
Black Rose: Now, where was I? Oh, right. [The flashback begins again.] The Devil's Lighthouse. Cap'n'd spent years looking, and he'd finally gotten his mits on the map that would lead him to it. [The map shows on the screen. Time cuts back to the present once again.]
Sonic: What's a pirate need with a lighthouse?
Knuckles the Dread: The Devil's Lighthouse isn't a lighthouse at all. [Gets up] It's a gem, priceless beyond imagining, who's heart glows with a light enough to pierce the densest of fogs!
Sonic: The Shard! [Quickly runs up to Knuckles the Dread] Where is it? Do you have it? [Knuckles the Dread kneels up closely to Sonic And Mane 7, growling at him] Right, listen to the story. Sorry.
Knuckles the Dread: With the map, I knew the location. All I needed to do was get to it.
[The flashback starts again. Knuckles the Dread, who is in the flashback, can be seen looking through a telescope at his desired treasure.]
Knuckles the Dread: [In the flashback] Keep that sail full o' wind! Steady as she goes! [The camera zooms out from Knuckles the Dread's ship as it continues to sail across the sea towards the treasure. Suddenly, it cuts to Jack.]
Jack: [In the flashback] Cap'n, change course!
[The camera cuts to Knuckles the Dread looking at his crew whilst stirring the wheel.]
Bunny Bones: [In the flashback] We'll wreck on those rocks for sure!
Stormbeard: [In the flashback] Turn around, Cap'n! We're beggin' ya!
Knuckles the Dread: [In the flashback, grabbing onto Stormbeard] Get offa me, ya yellow-bellied dog! [Throws Stormbeard. Knuckles the Dread continues to steer to the treasure.]
Knuckles the Dread: [Telling the story] The crew thought I'd lost me marbles.
Bunny Bones: [In the flashback] Cap'n, ye lost yer marbles!
Knuckles the Dread: [Telling the story] And they were right. My only thought was getting my hands on that stone, no matter what. [The camera cuts to Knuckles the Dread's ship, as it continues to steer back-and-forth with the former members of his crew sliding all over the place on the ship in the flashback.]
Stormbeard: [In the flashback] I'm too far, Cap'n. [Falls over]
[The ship continues to move quickly, with Knuckles the Dread smiling at the fact that he's getting closer to claiming the treasure as his. Suddenly...]
Knuckles the Dread: [In the flashback] No!
[...the ship hits a cliff. It begins to sink into the water, along with both Knuckles the Dread and the former members of his crew. Soon, the camera cuts to underwater, and Knuckles the Dread can be seen swimming back up the surface. After he gets back up, he grabs onto one of the lifeboats and sees that the former members of his crew have a wooden boat of their own, though it is only small. Bunny Bones helps one of the other pirates onto the ship.]
Knuckles the Dread: [In the flashback] Over here! Pick me up! [Yelling] That's an order!!!
Stormbeard: [In the flashback] Leave him be. There's not enough room!
[The camera cuts to Jack.]
Jack: [In the flashback] You showed us that you don't care, Cap'n.
Stormbeard: [In the flashback] You're the captain now, Jack.
Knuckles the Dread: [In the flashback] Nooo!!!
[The flashback ends.]
Knuckles the Dread: The Devil's Lighthouse took me reputation and me courage. I swear I'd never go near that cursed stone again.
Sonic: [Runs over] But you're Knuckles the Dread! You survived a shipwreck, you've got a gold tooth! [The camera cuts to Sonic And Mane 7] You are a pirate, Dread, a pirate! Help Us find that map, and We help you get your pirate on.
Zipp: Wow.
[The camera cuts to a far shot of the Angel's Voyage ship.]
Knuckles the Dread: That map's at the bottom of the sea, sunk with me old ship. I've lost my way, boyo. [The camera cuts to Knuckles the Dread] You want the map? Find it all yourself.
[The camera moves to Sonic And Mane 7.]
Sonic: Gone? But that means... We trapped here.
Zipp: Now What We Going To Doing?
[The camera zooms out to Sails, who can be seen speaking to Sonic And Mane 7.]
Sails: If it's not too much of a bother, Sonic And Mane 7, would you mind me taking a gander at them fancy boots And Shoes of yours?
Pipp: Thank!
Sonic: [Looks down to his shoes] Yeah, sure. They're pretty awesome. [Steps closer to Sails, until...] Of course! [...he looks down at his shoes again, even with putting his hands out at them.] We don't need the map. [The camera cuts to Sonic's shoes] We can find the Shard with my kicks With Mane 7 Cutie Mark!
Sails: They're boots And Cute Mark.
[Sonic And Mane 7 runs past Knuckles the Dread, spinning him around. Sonic And Mane 7 jumps up onto a cannon, lifting his foot And Mane 7 Lifting Their Cute Mark up and looking out into the distance.]
Sonic: Huh, no glow this way.
Misty: Try The Other Way!
[He And Mane 7 runs to the other side.]
Sonic And Mane 7: Nothing here... Wait! [The camera zooms in on Sonic's And Mane 7 shoe And Cute Mark, which can be seen pulsating from Prism Energy, meaning the the Shard is somewhere close by] This way! We think.
[The camera cuts to Black Rose and Batten.]
Black Rose: Aye-aye, Cap'n!
[Batten flies to the top of the ship, with Black Rose taking the wheel. The ship begins to set sail again. Sonic And Mane 7 runs back, sliding down a rail of a set of stairs along the way, and landing in front of Knuckles the Dread.]
Knuckles the Dread: So yer all stealing me crew, me ship, and me job?
[Knuckles the Dread stands closely to Sonic And Mane 7, causing Them to close his And Their eyes. Sonic And Mane 7 opens up his And Their left eye and looks at Knuckles the Dread, until stepping back, allowing Them to open his And Their eyes fully.]
Sonic: What? Us? Steal? No!
Sunny: We didn't Steal Peoples Job!
Knuckles the Dread: Fine.
Sonic: Lemme explain-- did you just say "fine"?
Knuckles the Dread: Did ye not just listen to me tale of terror and despair?
Sonic: We're sorry, but we need that Shard.
Knuckles the Dread: Then their fates are in yer hands.
[Knuckles the Dread takes off his pirate hat and places it onto Sonic's And Mane 7 head. Sonic And Mane 7 looks up at the hat on his And Their head.]
Batten: [Off-screen] Cap'n! There's something in the water off the port side! [The camera cuts to a far shot of Batten] Could be a whale.
Sonic: it's not an orca, is it? [Zips off]
Knuckles the Dread: Port's the other side.
Sonic: [Stops for a split second...] I knew that. [...and then zips off again.]
[Sonic And Mane 7 and the other pirate step up to the edge of the ship, with Sonic And Mane 7 putting his arms out And Fight Pose so he And Mane 7 can protect the others. Another ship can be seen underwater, with Sonic And Mane 7 looking on in confusion. The ship passes under the Angel's Voyage.]
Knuckles the Dread: That's no whale.
Izzy: Is That...
[The ship swims up to the surface. It is a metallic, tube-like ship that is larger than the Angel's Voyage ship. The ceiling to it opens up, and Eggforcers begin activating. Suddenly, a certain someone steps out of the ship. She climbs up to the edge of the ship, looking straight at Sonic And Mane 7.]
Sonic And Mane 7: Rusty Rose? How are you here?
[The camera cuts to Rusty Rose.]
Rusty Rose: You underestimate the council. Time for you to go down with your ship. Fire!
[Rusty Rose points at the Angel's Voyage, with the Eggforcers beginning to fire lasers at the ship. The pirates begin to panic. The camera zooms in on Sonic And Mane 7.]
Sonic And Mane 7: Oh, Coconuts.
[The episode ends and the credits appear.]

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