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the next day, you were picked up by a black limousine with Reo and Nagi inside, as usual.

"I have news" you spoke up, looking brighter than usual, with a glimmer of excitement in your eyes.

Nagi and Reo softened their eyes when you said that, "Oh! Did you also get a letter?" Reo waved the JFU letters in front of your face and you hugged him all of a sudden.

"We might be together on the same team!" you beamed with excitement, letting your emotions control you.

Nagi and Reo both hummed in response, their eyes unknowingly staring at you for a second longer than they should've.

You arrived at school, informing the teacher that you would only be there for the first period. You and Nagi wanted to skip the school day, but Reo bribed you both with a shopping spree and made you come to school.

"Ugh.. this is dragging on.. why does first period Monday have to be Languages of all things? I could've made a way better schedule." Truth is, you tried to bribe the school but they declined, especially after you wanted to make Maths last only 10 minutes and extend your breaks to 1 hour (mainly so that you could play football though..)

At last, you were dragged out of your thoughts as the bell rang and there was an announcement.

"Students Mikage Reo, Nagi Seishiro and L/n M/n please make you way towards the front gate where there is a car waiting for you." A female voice said over the speak.


As you walked down the hallway, people whispered and stared at you 3 as you made your way to the entrance, a lavish blace limousine waited for you. Whispers and gasps were heard all around you.

"Ugh.. Nagi your 6'0 right? you're basically a whole foot taller than me.. how are you so light..?" Nagi groaned in response, not bothering to answer that question.

'Whatever..' you thought to yourself. you knew he wasn't going to answer as he had definitely stay up playing games, not bothering to listen to what you told him to do. Reo even had to help him pack this morning.

You sat between the two boys, snuggling yourself between the warmth of their bodies. But you decided that this wasn't comfortable enough so you put your thighs on Reo's lap and your head on Nagi's lap.

The two boys groaned as you laughed. "looks like our legs will hurt for the rest of the ride.." the two said in union.

"Dramatic~" you hummed.


When you got there, everyone stared at the lavish black limousine. You came out of the car, disliking the fact that so many people were looking at you at once. Reo and Nagi noticed your discomfort and covered you as you entered the building, Nagi carrying you on his back, which he rarely does.

as you entered the build, you analysed the players, some of them having the privilege of being recognised by you. a player who truely caught your attention however, was a random blue haired boy, who you say play against Kira.
this is unusual.

a spotlight shone on the stage, a strange man with a bowl cut and glasses came to the stage.

(watch this if you'd like to listen to Ego's speech. id rather not bore you.)

before who finished talking, you stepped away from Nagi and Reo, making your way towards the entrance.

"If you decide not to come, then you must truly be pathetic." you walked inside, the room erupted with footsteps as soon as you disappeared.

you were greeted by a women you saw at one of your football games, presumably the one who scouted you.

"please give me your phone, wallet and other belongings. they'll be placed in a plastic bag and locked away." if they really think you're this stupid then they need to up their security.

you gave your spare phone to her, hiding your main phone in your sweatpants pocket.

"take this uniform and go to the buses. you'll be taken to the main facility." you bowed to her out of respect.


as you entered the bus, you took out your phone, turning to the window so that no one could see your phone.

the ride was calm. you were sat next to the blue haired boy but paid him no attention and he didn't bother you. what really bothered you was one, that you couldn't find Nagi and Reo, and two, the blue haired boy poked your shoulder to get your attention.

"hey, whats your name?" you quickly hid your phone, turning to him with a fake nice smile.

"im m/n l/n, what about you?" you said in a deceitful gentle voice. your eyes were soft, deceiving anyone.

"im isagi yoichi" you noticed isagi was less tense than before, his shoulders relaxed and his voice soft.

"nice to meet you isagi. maybe we'll be on the same team."


after a few hours, you came to a stop in front of what looked like something that would be in Squid Games.

"what the hell is that?" you thought with a frown on your face.

you walked inside like everyone else. outside, by your mannerisms it would seem like you weren't excited or didn't even want to be here. however, inside you were extremely excited, especially after seeing how many people you'd be competing against.

inside, you were greeted by a woman who handed you your uniform.

"your team is Team Z. follow that corridor and you'll find it." she spoke, as if she was in a rush and didn't feel like speaking to anyone.

reading her body language, you left to find your room.

a door had the letter Z above it so you could only assume that it was yours. as you walked inside the changing rooms, there was a guy with bumblebee coloured hair and a girly-looking guy. unfortunately, you saw isagi there too. oh no.


exactly 1k words!

just a heads up-

•there may be changes to what people originally say. this character is supposed to be a football addict. due to this, he tends to block out everything and only focus on scoring. so this results in him blocking out all noises that distract him from scoring and ignoring all non-essential things except for reaching the goal or the VAR.

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