The Story of Us

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  • Dedicated to Jen Shedd

My name is Deanne Weatherby, but everyone I know just calls me Dean. I've spent my whole life looking after my little sister Samantha, in the small town of Timnath, Colorado. When Sami was just around three years old, our mother was killed in combat when our house was invaded by demons. Being six, I understood my father's directions to hide. Getting through mom's death was hard, but taking care of Sami alone, that was really hard. That night, my father told me everything. From that day on, I was set to do anything to protect Sami. Just a few years later, it was getting pretty hard to keep the secret from Sami. At age nine is where our training really kicked in. Dad took us on small hunting trips, and I did get my fair share of injuries, but in the end, it's worth the pain. 

Now I'm twenty five, and Sami is twenty two. Our father was killed just over a year ago on a hunt. We were overpowered by five vampires. I've especially hated vampires since then. Luckily, another hunter came, but not soon enough to save one of them from snapping Dad's neck. I killed that one very slowly. Even now, just thinking about Dad hurts, but I don't show it. I don't show any emotional pain. Hardly ever. I keep most all of my pain and frustration bottled up inside, and I usually end up letting it out through anger. I don't try, but I don't show weakness. Emotion is weakness. 

Right, now on to my love life. As if I've ever had a "love life". Yeah, I get my fair share of love, but lets just say I don't think much about lasting relationships. I had one a few years back, but Bo has been forgotten. He thought I was insane when I tried to tell him the truth about how his sister died. I guess it pretty much ended there. Most of my "love" comes from men from the bar. Whoa whoa whoa, I know what you're thinking. No, I'm not a slut, but I would be lying if I said I was a virgin. Most of my failed relationships were caused by whoever didn't understand me. I couldn't tell anyone I dated about the real reason I drank so much, or went to the junkyard just to smash the car windows, or even why the first thing you saw on my kitchen counter was an AK47. Nobody out there is like me. There is no perfect guy just "waiting around the corner".

I do have one soul-mate though. She's fast, she's hot, and she's black. Don't think that way. She's my 1967 Mustang Fastback. I have a particular music style too, I refuse to listen to any of that "New-Age" crap. I'm a classic rock and oldies girl, taught to appreciate good music. 

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