Just Alike

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Sami and I pulled into the lot at the Lamplight. As soon as I'd slid out of the car and closed the door, I came face-to-face with the most gorgeous car I'd ever seen. Even more gorgeous than my own. Sami had already gone to the trunk to get our duffels, but I just stood for a minute and admired the sheer beauty before me. A '67 Chevy Impala. I ran my hand over the smooth black metal, sighing. "Ain't she a beauty?" A deep, almost dreamy sounding voice came from behind me. I glanced up to see Dean walking towards me, his hands thrown nonchalantly in his pockets.

"Gorgeous. Wait, she's yours?" I asked, my eyes widening almost comically. He wasn't even paying attention to me; he was just looking at his car lovingly with a sexy, satisfied smile. "I'm suddenly so much more attracted to you," I drew out the word so, smirking as I did. 

"Would you quit flirting and help me here?" Sami groaned, holding three duffels, straining to walk towards me.

"Wasn't flirting," I muttered under my breath, taking my own duffel from her, and surprisingly, Dean walked over and took the duffel of sort-of-maybe-not-so-legal items. My arm hurt like hell from the cut, so I switched the bag to my other arm, and matched my steps to Dean's. Well, I mean, I tried. It's hard to match stride when the other person is giant. Nah, I'm just short.

Soon enough I was sitting on the edge Dean's bed, Sam by my side, his first aid kit resting near his thigh. Sam stood and paced the room, surveying it. "What are you doing...?" I questioned, the rest of us just watching him.

"Looking for something for you to bite down on," He responded. Shit, I forgot about this part. The whole 'pain is real' thing. Damn it.

"Here, try these," Dean called out, coming around the corner from my room. I saw him chuck a piece of blue fabric in Sam's direction. Sam caught it and, after recognizing it, gave Dean a look that said, "You are literally the sleaziest person,". And that's when I realized that he's holding my underwear. But not just my regular cotton ones, my panties. My lacy, baby blue, crotch-less panties. Men.

"Why the hell did you take my underwear?! And why were you going through my bag?!" I glared at Dean, but he just ducked quickly back into my room. "Oh, no you don't," I nearly shrieked, and, like a flash, tore off the bed after Dean. He was going through my bag one article of clothing at a time, knowing that it would bother me. So, naturally, I strode over, yanked him up by the collar, and kneed him in the groin. I shoved his hunched shoulders, sending him backwards into the motel's hallway wall. His back against the ugly wallpaper, his hand clenched tight around something. I slammed my door and stepped onto the stained, dirty, yellow-and-green-checkered carpet. He just looked up to me with a small smile on his face, so I reached down and pried the paperclip from his fist. I slid it into my back pocket, gave him a sarcastic smile, and strode back into Sam and Dean's room, plopping back down on the bed next to Sam, who was smiling and looking at me like I'm totally insane. "What? I hate when people snoop," I shrugged.

"You do realize you snoop all the time, being a hunter?" He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows.

"Just fix my arm!" I scowled and looked to Sami, who's just sitting quietly, grinning at the situations at hand. I grudgingly took my underwear from Sam, biting down hard on it. Tears filled my eyes as the needle pushed relentlessly through my skin. Tears flowed freely as Sam's nimble fingers sewed me up, stich by slow, painful stich. Sam snipped the extra thread and tied it down, securing the stitches. He picked up a half-empty bottle of Jack, grimacing and turning to me.

"This is not gonna be pleasant," He warned.

"Like the rest of it was?" I mumbled around my underwear. Dean was just sitting a chair alongside Sami, his chin resting on his entwined fingers, his elbows resting on his knees, surveying me. I bared my teeth and let out something between a growl, hiss, and moan when the bottle tipped, the alcohol searing my arm. It felt like... like fire. Christ.... I only have six months until... Hell. Literally. The tears this time aren't for the alcohol, though I pretended they were. I had to hold strong, pretend for Sami's sake that I wasn't horrified.... petrified at the thought of hellhounds ripping me apart and dragging my shredded soul to perdition. Even more scared of the fact that, no matter what I did, I couldn't stop this from happening, that I'd have to leave Sami alone in this fuck-up world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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