The Storm

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The boom of thunder shook the windows of their bedroom as Queen Amaya paced back and forth around the room, her hands gently rubbing her lower back. The King's ice-blue eyes watched his wife, trailing over her large baby bump, seeing the way she paused, her toes curling in agony as a contraction rocked her body before she began moving again. A frown washed over his face.
"My love, come back to bed."
"Walking helps the pain..." Amaya's voice was full of agony, and Magnifico felt as though something had gripped hold of his heart or plunged him into ice-cold water, her pain hurting him.

Thunder boomed again, the sound of the torrential rain outside catching Amaya's attention as she moved towards the large window.
"It's really coming down out there." She sighed, leaning against the window frame.
"I hope the midwife can get here okay.. do you think we should send a carriage for her?"
"On foot is probably better. The horses and rain aren't exactly the best mix, but the city streets are paved and the midwife lives close enough to the castle. She won't be long." Magnifico whispered as he approached Amaya, letting his hand take over from her own, rubbing the small of her back.

"I think this is the worst storm we've had in about a century.." Magnifico said softly as lightning lit up the sky with a white flash, followed quickly by the deafening thunder and the sound of the rain growing heavier.
"Trust me to go into labour during that" Amaya sighed, gripping hold of the window frame as another contraction rippled through her petite form. Magnifico continued to rub her back softly but firmly, the same way he had during her previous two labours.
"They're getting more frequent. Perhaps you should get back into bed."
"Not yet. There's still plenty of time." Amaya sighed, a frown washing over her face.

"What is it?"
"That look. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I mean. I don't know. It just feels.. different." Amaya said softly, running a hand over her bump.
"Maybe I should go fetch a healer too."
"Is that necessary?"
"Better safe than sorry. I don't want any delays if something goes wrong. Stay here, I'll send someone to fetch a healer."

The King moved towards the door, but Amaya grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks.
"If something goes wrong.."
"It won't, I'm just being cautious."
"I know, but if it does... If you have to make a choice... I want you to save this baby."
"Please, mi rey.. promise me"
Magnifico frowned, shaking his head "I can't talk about this right now, Amaya."

"How are you feeling?" Magnifico asked as he poured his wife a goblet of water. The Queen still lingered in the window, which was now cracked open, letting in cool air from outside, finding herself soothed by the sound of rainfall.
"I'm fine." Amaya sighed, taking the goblet as he handed it to her, sipping on the cool liquid "I just wish things would hurry along."
"I know, my love. But babies come in their own time. The others certainly did."

Magnifico's arms wrapped around his wife, his hands brushing over her bump.
"It will be over soon."
"I can't believe you've done this to me again" Amaya grumbled, though there was a playful edge to her voice that made Magnifico grin.
"Done this to you? I think it was you who seduced me that night, my darling" the King smirked, planting a kiss on the Queen's neck. "I distinctly remember you begging for my—"
A contraction ran through Amaya's body and she cried out in pain, interrupting Magnifico's sentence. Her nails scratched at the wood of the window as she bent forward in pain.

"Alright, let's get you into bed."

"The rain is getting worse.." Amaya sighed as she lay back against the pillows of their bed. Magnifico chuckled softly, brushing his fingers through his wife's loose braid as the midwife examined her.
"I told you. The worst storm we've had in a century."
"I know, but I thought it would have eased by now. It can't be good for the farms..."
"My darling, you have enough to worry about right now without thinking about the farms," Magnifico said softly, placing a kiss on her temple.
"Can't stop being a Queen for even one evening.." he chuckled, full of adoring love for his wife.

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