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A bright, white light blinded the Queen for a moment, forcing her to close her eyes and turn her head away from the invisible source. When the light faded enough that her hazel eyes could open, Amaya inhaled deeply, the scent of Rosas' harbour and the salty sea air filling her nostrils, the hint of the royal rose bushes in the gardens ever-present. She glanced down, taking in the beautiful white, pearly gown she was wearing, feeling the cool marble beneath her feet as she seemed to be without shoes. With that realisation, she took a moment to finally glance at her surroundings.

She was stood in the throne room of their castle, but the room was brighter and far whiter than Amaya had ever seen it and the ceiling that usually covered the room, painted with yellow constellations on a background of the same blue as the lining of her husband's cape, had gone, replaced by light blue skies and a warm sun.

Her eyes settled on the thrones. They were simple golden chairs with red cushions because when they had founded their Kingdom, she and Magnifico had wanted to be part of it, not towering above their people. Upon the throne that was usually her husband's sat a woman who could have been Amaya's twin, dressed in the same white dress she wore. Her long, unbraided hair cascaded down her back and fell in front of her face as she looked down at the small infant in her arms.

"Mama?" Amaya whispered as she approached, moving closer and the woman looked up, her hazel eyes meeting Amaya's, a soft smile brushing over her lips.
"Oh, my darling. I never imagined that it would be such a long time before we met again..."
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. You met a man who wanted you at his side for as long as he could have you. I can't fault him that." Her mother smiled kindly, and Amaya's eyes filled with tears.

"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, princesa." Maria pressed her lips to Amaya's forehead, and almost immediately, the tears rolled down the Queen's cheeks. Brushing them away, Maria cupped Amaya's face in a way she often had when Amaya was a little girl.
"Oh my darling girl. I'm so proud of you. Of everything you've done."
"You are?"
"Of course, princesa. You've grown into such a wonderful, beautiful woman... and seeing you as a Queen, the way you take care of your kingdom... I'm so proud."
"Thank you, Mama. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Amaya smiled at her mother, unable to believe that they were standing so close, that she could feel her so solidly. The baby in Maria's arms squirmed slightly, and Amaya glanced towards her, her breath catching in her chest.
"Is that..?"
"Mmhm. Rosa Maria.." Her mother handed the baby to Amaya and emotion filled her like a waterfall as she felt the weight of the child she had miscarried centuries before in her arms.
"I knew you'd be looking after her. I just felt it.."
"Of course I am. Always." Maria smiled, kissing Amaya's temple.
"You named her after me?"
"I did. I wanted to honour your memory.." Amaya whispered, continuing to stare down at the baby as though she was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Silently, the queen moved to sit down on her throne, cuddling the baby to her chest.

"You seem to be getting settled. Are you planning on staying?"
Amaya looked up.
"I don't have to?"
"No, darling. You were never meant to, you have things to be getting back for... but it's going to be a long time before we get to speak again, and I couldn't resist talking to my baby girl again."

Magnifico's voice echoed around the room, and she looked up, but there was no sign of him. Puzzled, she looked at her mother.
"What was that?"
"It seems you're going to awaken soon. His voice is slipping through. You've got a good man in Magnifico."
"I know. I always hoped that you would like him."
"He's wonderful, and I'll forever be thankful for the way he has taken care of my baby for all of these years. But surely, you knew that I'd approve. I led you to him, I knew he was the one for you."

Amaya smiled softly. She'd always felt that her mother had guided her towards her husband, that she'd been there through it all, even though Amaya couldn't see her. It was a thought that had brought her peace over the years and while she wondered if this was all just her mind, something about it felt so real.

"Amaya, please..."
Her husband's voice was breaking her heart, and she knew that she needed to return to him as soon as possible. After pressing her lips to her daughter's head, Amaya handed her back to her mother and rose to her feet.
"I should go back. He needs me."
"I know. They all do." Maria smiled, standing too, giving Amaya one last, tight hug.
"Mama... I miss you so much."
"Shh, I know princesa, but I'm always with you.. Now go. Your husband needs you. Your babies need you."

Amaya gave a nod and turned towards the door that she had only just noticed. She could hear the sound of heavy rain and rumbling thunder on the other side, a stark contrast to the birdsong and blazing sun that she was currently surrounded by. As she began to walk towards it, the sound of soft barking drew her attention to the edge of the throne room and she gasped in joy, dropping to her knees.

The large black dog ran towards her, immediately licking at her face as she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his fur.
"Perry.. oh, my boy.." she whispered, petting him as she spoke,
"we miss you so much.."
"We're taking care of him, don't you worry.." a soft voice made Amaya look up, and she found herself face to face with a young couple that she didn't recognise. Their features, however, were so familiar to her that she didn't question their identities for a second.

After giving Perrito another hug, Amaya rose to her feet, feeling the large dog immediately circle her as he often had. She let her eyes drift from the tall man to the shorter woman, drinking in their appearance. The man had her husband's cheekbones and lips, the woman had his nose and those unmistakable eyes. She was face to face with her husband's parents, two people that she never thought she'd see other than in faded needlework on a burned tapestry.

"Thank you, for loving our boy.." the woman said kindly, pulling Amaya into a hug that felt so natural that she could have sworn she'd known this woman for years.
"You've brought out the best in him for all these years"
"It's.. my pleasure, Rosa. I love him more than anything."
"I know you do. He's become more than we could ever have imagined"
"Everything he's done, it's been so that no one had to suffer like your family did, but I know that he misses you every day."
"We miss him too," the man said kindly, his voice soft and warm like Magnifico's was.
"But please tell him to stop blaming himself. He was just a boy, there was nothing he could have done, and he has gone on to make us so, so proud."

Amaya straightened up, brushing tears from her cheeks.
"I'll tell him, Nicolás. Though I'm certain that he won't believe any of this," she let out a soft laugh. She wasn't sure she even believed that any of this had happened outside of her own head.

"I should go back to him." She said softly. Perrito jumped up at her, his large paws resting on her shoulders as he gave her face one last lick.
"I miss you too, Perry" she chuckled as he dropped back to all fours, wiping her cheek with her sleeve and giving the pup one last tickle behind the ears.

And then, she stepped through the door, and the bright light filled her vision once again.

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