Out of The Woods

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"Taylor! Stop no the streamers go on the BACK porch!" Selena said groaning.

"It doesn't really matter Sel, everybody will just be swimming and eating, we don't have to have decorations."
Taylor said, stepping down from her ladder.

Her, Selena and Cara we're currently setting up Taylor's house in Rode Island for a pool party to celebrate July Fourth.

"Yeah it's just a party that your uber hot boyfriends coming to! We have to make this the bomb, we also have Ed visiting, Mar, your friends from HAIM apparently, and all the other Angels."

Taylor thought about those three HAIM sisters. Its been a while since they last saw each other, and Taylor was actually pretty excited to catch up with them. However Taylor sighed when Sel said boyfriend.
"We've only been on like, two dates."
She admitted, walking now to the back porch, hand filled with streamers.

"Well according to your thousands of TALVIN worshippers, and the press, your bound to get married and have ten kids."

Taylor nearly choked. "TEN KIDS?!"
Selena gasped. "OMG YOUR PLANNING ON KIDS?!"

Tayl to face palmed herself.
"No Selena were actually having 15, jeez get with the program." she said sarcastically.

Playfully chasing each other, the two set up banners of streamers and balloons all about Taylor's house.

On her stoned back porch, Selena set out all the food which would provide for the barbecue.
Just for fun, Cara even brought a water slide, which stretched across her grassy field.

"TAYLOR TAYLOR!" Cara came bounding through the front door.
Snapping her head around, Taylor had to side step out of the way as Cara almost body tackled her.

"What Cara?!" Taylor to said holding down Caras bouncing shoulders.


Taylor mentally slapped herself across the face as she completely forgot her suit.
"Cara to ok, I'm pretty sure I have one around here."

At the same time, Cara and Selena gave Taylor a doubtful look, and shoved her back inside the house.

"Girl you have to look at it at least." Cara begged.

Moaning the whole way down the hall, she grabbed the bag from Cara, and went into her room to change.

Opening the plastic seal of the bag, Taylor noticed Cara had picked out a two piece.

The bottom was a dark blue, with a white line and some red stars going across the top.

The top piece, had a dark blue with stars on one side, red and white sparkly studs on the other. It resembled the American flag.

Taylor dropped it and walked to her door.
Creaking it open, she yelled across her hallway.

"CARAAAA! SELLLL! I DONT THINK I CAN WEAR THIS!" She stood in a moment of silence until she heard Selena bounding through the hallway, stampeding like a bull.

"Swift listen to me," she commanded throwing the door open, " so help me god I will physically strip you down
And put you IN THAT SUIT if you don't get in that, Just think of Calvin." she said holding her hands and swooning side to side.

"Ugh oh my god Selena, were not getting married or anything."

"Yet." Selena added. "Also I have Pablo' coming for your hair."

Furry came inside of Taylor.
"Selena nobody is touching my hair." she said stern.

Selena turned around surprised, then formed a grin.
"You've been talking about getting a haircut for months now, tonight's the night, were taking photos and giving the fans what they want."

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