Part 1: The Sighting

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I stand as I stared up at the scorching sun as my dad lightly snores to my left. When I bring my eyes back down I take in what our lives have become. This beat down old car with what ever we can salvage inside its rusty frame, and all around us broken down metal buildings hundreds of feet tall. Worried that at any moment something could go wrong. They could wake up and smell us, or hear us for that matter. But then I hear it, the sound of an engine so loud I almost scream at the sudden disturbance to our little moment of peace. I jerk my head to the right behind me and I see it. The Airplane. The same one that had my Mom and sister inside when all of this happened. The same one that separated my family for 3 long and horrible years. But that's when "it" awakes. It's roar, if possible, louder then the engine of the plane. I see its mechanisms expanding its shape to reach its full potential height and the gears flipping and turning in wonderfully swift movements its mesmerizing to watch. Then it stretches out its claw as if to catch the plane but ends up only taking a chunk of it, causing the flying vehicle to spin out of control and crash miles and miles away. That's when I noticed my dads figure stiffen and his hand jerks and grabs my ankle.

I jerk my head down and my dad is already alert and staring right behind me. Thats when I feel a faint wind gently caressing my neck making me shiver. My eyes fill with tears, I'm not ready to die yet, my mom might be on that plane with little Bean. My hands slowly make their way to my belt holster with my sword. I grip the handle slowly tightening my muscles getting ready to spin and slice the head off that thing. My dad eyes me, he holds out his other hand with a countdown. 3. I take in a big gulp of air as the breath of the Ill makes its way to the right of my neck, sniffing me as if I'm prey. 2. My knuckles are white from my grip on my sword. 1. I scream as I swiftly unsheathe my sword and swing it directly at the head of the Ill with all of my weight shifted forward, my dad shouts with me as he pulls out his dagger and throws it directly at the brain of the former human. It's bloodied eyes with black pupils follow the sword dodging that with its quick reflexes but paying no mind to the dagger as it pierces its skull killing it instantly. My sword drops from my shaking hands. "Dad." I squeak out as my body breaks  into sobs.  He quickly gets up and embraces me into a hug. "Shhhhhh. I know. I know." He whispers into my ear while kissing the top of my head. "That, that was the plane dad. We have to follow it, we have to find mom and Kayla. I can't die without seeing them at least one more time dad. I just can't." I choke into his shirt, leaving a snot filled mess with tears to boot.

Normally I wouldn't be that emotional about killing the Ill but the plane had stirred up buried emotions that were deep inside dying to come out. As soon as I let go of Dad, the blood curdling scream of the pack sprinting towards us makes us both freeze in the moment. I quickly unsheathe my sword and look to my dad, already taking a defensive stance. "Dad, we can't take on all of them. I think the Ill we just took out was their pack leader." I say as I start backing up towards the car. "Alright then." He says as he turns and runs to the car, with me in tow. I start to hear their ragged breaths catching up to us. He runs to the driver side of the car and yanks the door open with me copying his movements by each step on the opposite side of the vehicle. As we slam the doors shut they reach us and start scratching and hitting the windows, there was at least 15 of them outside the car. He finds the keys and revs the engine a couple times before it actually starts. As soon as it does he hits the gas and we lurch forward taking out the 2 at the front. We swerve around the abandoned building heading for the highway across the vast desert sand. When we start to get a little closer to the highway we lose the last of the Ill and they end up staring at us as they walk back to the dead pack leader.

"Dad that was some tricky driving there, nice job." I pat his shoulder briefly as I lean towards the back of the car to put my sword in the backseat. He grabs the back of my shirt and yanks me to front. "Dad what th-" I stop mid-sentence as I look up and see the giant mechanical beast glaring down at us with its mouth gears turning around to form 4 rows of metal teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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