A month of hell

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(Not done)

'I finished College today. It was a lot easy than I expected, but I learned some useful things. There was a bratty spoiled child in some of my classes and near my dorm, but he was surprisingly smart. But he was so god damn annoying, I'm so glad I don't have to see that brat again. He always judged my tastes. But the best part of finishing college; My sweet cheeks comes back today! And just in time for when I get back. HYDRA held onto him for tooooo long, I'm so glad I can now have him again. Oh and just in time for February. I have so much planned for him, the whole month will be a Valentines experience for him. I can't wait to have my hand on him again. I'm still mad he bit my dick off, I want to be inside him soooo bad. But attachable dicks all the way now. I'm almost there, oh I can't wait!' -Professor Uneputain.

The diary entry was written in a neat Russian manner, and as the Professor was taking a helicopter back to the base.


The robot was walking to the helicopter with the other soldiers, when he heard a HYDRA member speak, "You cannot believe how much complaining Uneputain has done this last year. Ughhh."

Another spoke in response, "Well atleast the robot is getting up and out of here, so now we don't hear anymore of that."

"I'm so glad." The voice got quieter and quieter as the robotic walked away and into the helicopter where it started to take off.

The helicopter stayed in the air for several hours, traveling over the airs of Germany and making its way over to Null base in Russia.

As the helicopter landed, a loud voice flirted to the robot as soon as the helicopter landed, "OH SWEETCHECEKS! You're back! Oh how I missed your body. You've gotten quite thick, I guess Zola and his crew was keeping you well fed." The Professor spoke as he forcefully placed a kiss in on the robot's lips, before moving his grainy tongue down the robot's neck.

The Professor took no time before dragging the robot, against the robot's will, towards and into his lab. The lab was already set up for the Professor's desire...candles placed in the room, yet to be lit...restraints, with spikes on the inside, seemingly waiting for the robot on the table...and a box of knives and syringes ready at the door...

The Professor moved his arm to hold his robot against him, and grabbed one of the syringes from the box and injected the syringe into the robot's neck. The robot felt it's body slowly heat up...it's vision grew dizzy, starting to blur...his breath leaving its lungs...it's body sank into the Professor's as it's body grew weaker and weaker.

"Oh how I missed this taste~" The Professor flirted moving his tongue up the robot's neck and up the the robot's ear.

"Собиратель~ ausführen заказ sechzig девять (Gatherer, execute order sixty-nine)." The Professor practically spat into the robot's ear, as the robot's eyes turned pink...and the it's body still grew hot...everywhere the Professor held started to tingle, started to sting...everywhere hurt...and its body ignoring anything the robot wanted to do...much less run...it was stuck in the Professor's arms...it was stuck and under the Professor's control.

The Professor dragged the robot's weak body onto the table, tightening the restraints and the spikes of the restraints digging into the robot's skin, causing the robot to start to bleed.

The Professor forcefully cupped the robot's face, "Open up, my pretty little toy." He smiled with a threat, yet still flirting, he pushed the robot's mouth to open, grabbing some nearby candles and placing them in the robot's mouth. The Professor took a match, and lit the candles for the wax to slowly melt down into the robot's mouth.

"Remember~ Don't swallow~" The Professor teased, dripping some wax onto the robot's face, sealing all the robot's methods of breathing. The Professor poked small holes in the wax, where it's nostrils are, just so the robot wouldn't pass out on him.

The wax continued to drip down into the robot's mouth, slowly sealing it shut... The robot was gasping for air, as he felt his path of air close...

The Professor, as the robot started to slowly suffocate, walked over to the box of knives (and other sharp objects) and moved it closer to the table where the robot laid.

The Professor made sure the robot heard he had the box, as he almost threw the box onto the table causing a loud clatter of metal from the box.

"Professor. I have your salad and- medication...." A Null worker make the mistake of walking in...

The Professor though couldn't care, "Just leave it on the table, thank you." He spoke shooing the worker away. Once the worker left, the image of the restrained robot never leaving her mind, he moved over to the tray with his food and his medicine.

"You know, I don't know why they insist I take my bipolar medication, it's not like it keeps me alive." The Professor spoke with an shaky insane-like shrug, grabbing his medication and slowly walking to the restrained robot.

"Oh yay! You still have enough of an opening!" The Professor silently cheered as he pressed the medication down the robot's throat, the robot not having enough air to push it back up...the medicine sliding down the robot's throat.

Once the Professor confirmed the medication was down the robot's throat, he moved back to the pile of knives. "Ughhh...something about this seems so wrong." The Professor spoke with disappointment before stabbing a knife into the robot's arm, barely piercing through and implanting itself on the table. Blood started to trickle down from the knife and onto the table, but the Professor needed something else....

"Oh! I should make a little outfit for you to celebrate the momentous return and this glorious month." The professor grinned as he skipped away, leaving the robot on the table, blood dripping from his limbs, and his mouth closed by wax (none of it goes down his throat), only able to breathe from the small holes over his nostrils that the Professor granted to the robot earlier.

The professor left the robot there for what he figured was hours, but when he did return it wasn't pleasant. He had a very small and short, shorts, and a small little see through shirt. Uneputain quickly dressed the robot up.

"There we go~ Look at how pretty we are now~" He teases moving himself atop the robot. (Not me trying to avoid throwing up rn) The professor straddled himself atop the robot's hip, setting himself down on top of the robot's (forced upon) bulge. (🤮🤮🤮) The professor forcefully dragged his hands from the robot's hips up to its chest. He gripped on tightly for support, practically digging his nails into the robot's chest, before starting to grind himself atop the robot. Going on for hours and hours, forcefully dragging his ass and his own bulge, against the robust, in a rough manner.

When the Professor felt closer to a satisfied point, he moved his own pants and boxers down, and shifted himself around, moving his lower ended towards the robot's face, as he stretched over to reach his mouth to the robot's (again forced upon) bulge, taking his grainy tongue and wrapping around and around, with much force, until he body let out a form of release, near the robot's face.

"There we go~" The professor shivered as he moves himself away from the robot.

"See you tomorrow sweet cheeks~" He taunts to his robot before leaving him alone, still restrained, and still suffering. But right before the Professor leaves, he stabs another knife into the robot's other arm, for it to do the same as the first one, barely going into the table.

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